The Community bulletin weekly newsletter introduces the latest community updates published by PreventionWeb on disaster risk reduction, including vacancies, community announcements, events and trainings. In the 05/11/2023 edition:

The Community bulletin weekly newsletter introduces the latest community updates published by PreventionWeb on disaster risk reduction, including vacancies, community announcements, events and trainings. Visit us on PreventionWeb to see our other newsletters and subscribe.
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In the 05/11/2023 edition:

Block course on Disaster Risk Management for Sustainable Development - from vulnerability to resilience

By University of Free State published on Jan 19, 2038 03:14 am
The 14th annual UFS-DiMTEC / UNU‑EHS block course on Disaster Risk Management for Sustainable Development - from vulnerability to resilience - will take place on 14-23 August 2023, in Durban, KwaZulu Natal, South Africa.   

Summer School Disaster Risk Reduction

By The German Committee for Disaster Reduction published on Jan 19, 2038 03:14 am
Are you keen on learning more about Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR)? Are you interested in working in the field of disaster risk management and/or prevention?   

Resilient Agriculture Specialist

By Asian Disaster Preparedness Center published on May 10, 2023 01:21 pm
Resilient Agriculture Specialist will be responsible for overall supervision of agriculture sector activities and ensuring timely piloting and demonstration, and preparation of guidelines/roadmap/CSAIP under the CARE for South Asia Project.   

Resilient Transport Specialist (National)

By Asian Disaster Preparedness Center published on May 10, 2023 01:16 pm
The Consultant will provide technical support in reviewing existing climate-related hazard and risk-assessment approaches to develop inclusive risk assessment and climate change methodologies for strategic and rural roads in Bangladesh.   

What are the options for funding loss and damage?

By Overseas Development Institute published on May 09, 2023 02:26 pm
The announcement of a new loss and damage fund at COP27 in Sharm El-Sheikh was widely hailed as a triumph for climate justice.   

Climate Adaptation Finance and Proposal Development

By RedR - United Kingdom published on May 08, 2023 03:44 pm
Learn about funding mechanisms of adaptation finance, and use your learning to develop a climate change adaptation proposal.   

Forecast-based Financing in CCADRR

By RedR - United Kingdom published on May 08, 2023 03:40 pm
Learn about the landscape of forecast-based financing in CC and DRR context, and how to shift from post-response funding to early action.   

Structural Detailing and Damage Assessments

By RedR - United Kingdom published on May 08, 2023 03:10 pm
Develop your structural engineering skills to assess the damage and make informed decisions on whether to repair or dismantle a damaged building.   

Nature-based green infrastructure: African experience and potential

By Overseas Development Institute published on May 08, 2023 01:59 pm
In this open event, ODI researchers will present their findings on the opportunities for planning, implementing and financing nature-based green infrastructure in Africa.






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tags: UNESCO Chair on Coastal Geo-Hazard Analysis research institute for earth sciences geological survey of iran