The News and blogs weekly newsletter introduces the latest news and blogs published by PreventionWeb on disaster risk reduction. Visit us on PreventionWeb to see our other newsletters and subscribe. In the 09/06/2022 edition:

The News and blogs weekly newsletter introduces the latest news and blogs published by PreventionWeb on disaster risk reduction. Visit us on PreventionWeb to see our other newsletters and subscribe.
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In the 09/06/2022 edition:

Egypt: How 'smart crops' are used to mitigate effects of climate change

By Middle East Eye on Sep 05, 2022 02:50 pm
Local research centres have developed new varieties of crops that could withstand rising temperatures and water scarcity.

Climate change likely to reduce the amount of sleep that people get per year

By One Earth (Cell Press) (Elsevier) on Sep 05, 2022 02:47 pm
In a study published May 20th in the journal One Earth, investigators report that increasing ambient temperatures negatively impact human sleep around the globe.

Pakistan floods: what role did climate change play?

By Conversation Media Group, the on Sep 05, 2022 02:34 pm
Despite the profound impact of heavy flooding in Pakistan, the IPCC's most recent report states it has only “low confidence” in how much climate change is to blame for increased heavy rains in south Asia.

Brooklyn College Professor Brett Branco helps launch new data dashboard to report street-level flooding

By City University of New York on Sep 05, 2022 02:05 pm
The application is linked to the expanding “FloodNet” system of flood sensors that provide user-friendly, free data via an interactive map that alert users to rising waters in flood-prone areas.

IWMI launches the South Asia Drought Monitoring System (SADMS)

By International Water Management Institute on Sep 05, 2022 12:50 pm
A next generation of South Asia Drought Monitoring System (SADMS) is aimed at addressing the existing and potential challenges to drought management and at providing a framework for proactive drought mitigation measures across nations in South Asia.

Researchers just made it easier—and cheaper—to confuse crop pests

By American Association for the Advancement of Science on Sep 05, 2022 12:28 pm
Plant that helps produce behavior-changing pheromones could boost environmentally friendly pest control.

Study confirms value of preparing for a disaster

By Australian Red Cross on Sep 05, 2022 11:54 am
As Australians steel themselves for another disaster season, fresh evidence has emerged of the value of preparing for a natural disaster.

Climate activists decry unwelcome moves in climate finance

By The Kathmandu Post on Sep 02, 2022 04:13 pm
There are concerns that the concessional loans could be categorised under climate finance.

How ‘prediction markets’ could improve climate risk policies and investment decisions

By Lancaster University on Sep 02, 2022 03:20 pm
A market-led approach could be key to guiding policy, research and business decisions about future climate risks, a new study outlines.

Simple climate models present a complex challenge

By Constrain on Sep 02, 2022 03:17 pm
Climate change projections have traditionally been made using complex climate models.

Sustainable water management: Groundbreaking digital tool gets a global boost

By Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations - Headquarters on Sep 02, 2022 03:12 pm
An innovative water management tool will expand to become available around the world thanks to a contribution from the Foreign Affairs Ministry of the Netherlands to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO).

Iran, Iraq, and Syria to start action plan on dealing with sand and dust storms

By Tehran Times, the on Sep 02, 2022 03:06 pm
The Iranian Department of Environment (DOE) will kick off negotiations with Iraq and Syria to launch an action plan for fighting sand and dust storms in the region.

New classification of the world’s coastlines to improve climate action

By Deltares on Sep 02, 2022 10:29 am
A new classification of the world’s coastlines has been released, to improve coastal climate change adaptation at local, regional and national level and strengthen coordinated climate action worldwide.

Desalination may be key to averting global water shortage, but it will take time

By Conversation Media Group, the on Sep 02, 2022 10:22 am
Clean freshwater is critical for sustaining human life. However, 1.1 billion people lack access to it worldwide. Desalination represents an increasingly popular way of addressing this.

Months of gravity changes preceded the Tōhoku earthquake

By Eos - AGU on Sep 02, 2022 10:06 am
Using GRACE satellite data, researchers discovered anomalous gravimetric signals that occurred before a seismic event that started deep within Earth.

How to create dam safety solutions with outdoor sirens

By HÖRMANN Warnsysteme on Sep 02, 2022 09:55 am
Sirens are ideal warning systems for dams - easy to integrate into the warning infrastructure, reliable, very low-maintenance and operational for many years.

New landslide reporting tool uses social media and AI

By Eos - AGU on Sep 02, 2022 08:58 am
The tool extracts landslide information in real time, which could advance landslide research as well as disaster response.

Three things we learned about poverty and flood risk from urban household data

By World Bank, the on Sep 01, 2022 04:23 pm
How do floods affect people, especially the poorer population, living in flood-prone areas? What attracts them to settle in these areas and how do they cope with the impacts of floods?

A step toward understanding earthquakes in California

By United States Geological Survey on Sep 01, 2022 01:43 pm
A new paper reviews past earthquakes to better understand potential future risks.

The surprising powerful global tsunamis driven by underwater volcanic eruptions

By University of Southern California on Sep 01, 2022 01:28 pm
USC researchers and colleagues track and document the tsunami impact of a recent event near Tonga.

Nepal's early-warning system reduces flood fatalities

By Deutsche Welle on Sep 01, 2022 12:51 pm
Nepal's flood-prone River Kosi burst its banks at the beginning of August. An early warning system had sprung into action and alerted residents to the danger ahead of time — resulting in zero reported casualties.

Let’s get mappin’: building GIS capacities for anticipatory action

By Anticipation Hub on Sep 01, 2022 12:43 pm
A geographic information system (GIS) can support many of the different phases of anticipatory action – from the development and implementation to evaluation of an EAP – through the organization, analysis and presentation of data.

Will Pakistan floods spur better climate disaster planning?

By Thomson Reuters Foundation, on Sep 01, 2022 11:47 am
As losses from climate-fuelled disasters rise, investment in cutting risks makes financial sense - and can solve multiple problems at once.

Pakistan's history of disasters and the lessons we fail to learn

By Dawn Media Group on Sep 01, 2022 11:04 am
All hazards are natural and all disasters a result of unjust anthropogenic interactions with nature.

Your local park has a hidden talent: helping fight climate change

By NPR on Sep 01, 2022 09:16 am
City parks in the United States helps protect millions of Americans from the effects of global warming.

A climate scientist on the planet’s simultaneous disasters, from Pakistan’s horror floods to Europe’s record drought

By Conversation Media Group, the on Aug 31, 2022 06:36 pm
The world must prepare for further possible record-shattering high temperatures in the months, years and decades to come.

How Nature-based Solutions can protect businesses from water risks

By World Resources Institute on Aug 31, 2022 02:56 pm
Nature-based solutions are the protection, management and restoration of natural systems (such as trees and forests, wetlands and grasslands) to address societal challenges.

Rivers worldwide are running dry – here’s why and what we can do about it

By Conversation Media Group, the on Aug 31, 2022 02:46 pm
Rivers around the world have been drying up recently. The Loire in France broke records in mid-August for its low water levels, while photos circulating online show the mighty Danube, Rhine, Yangtze and Colorado rivers all but reduced to trickles.

Global warming makes more heatwaves inevitable for East Asia

By China Dialogue on Aug 31, 2022 02:46 pm
The heatwaves China has suffered this summer will become more frequent and deadly, finds research from Pusan National University, but mitigation avenues remain open

A tool for assessing the flood-resilience of development projects

By Université de Montréal on Aug 31, 2022 02:44 pm
In 2017 and again in 2019, Quebec was hit by major floods. The material and human cost of those disasters prompted the Quebec government to conduct an in-depth analysis of weather-event management.

Survey sheds light on how Caribbean, African firms are coping with natural hazards

By World Bank, the on Aug 31, 2022 02:41 pm
When private companies are affected by disasters, the impacts are felt by the whole society. It affects access to goods and services for people and other businesses, as well as jobs and recovery for afflicted communities.

From recovery to resilience in the Zimbabwean highlands

By United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization - Headquarters on Aug 31, 2022 01:53 pm
Zimbabwe is periodically buffeted by cyclones, droughts, floods and related landslides, which in turn spawn health epidemics. To compound matters, climate change is increasing both the frequency and intensity of tropical storms and cyclones in the region.

Pakistan floods deal fresh blow to struggling small businesses

By Thomson Reuters Foundation, on Aug 31, 2022 12:08 pm
Hit by floods and soaring prices, self-employed Pakistanis want government aid and action to fight climate change impacts

Floods after drought devastate Sindh’s agriculture

By The Third Pole on Aug 31, 2022 12:06 pm
Massive monsoon flooding has followed a severe drought in Pakistan’s Sindh province, with experts saying that climate change is making farming ‘more challenging every passing day’.

Planning for drought in MENA

By International Water Management Institute on Aug 31, 2022 11:13 am
As part of its MENAdrought project, the International Water Management Institute is working with Jordan, Lebanon and Morocco to develop drought action plans as part of its support efforts to prepare, mitigate, and respond to the worst impacts of drought.

Wildfire, floods don’t need to turn into disasters: UN risk report

By United Nations - Headquarters on Aug 31, 2022 10:46 am
Hazards such as earthquakes, floods, heatwaves, and wildfires, can be prevented from becoming life-threatening disasters, according to the authors of a UN report launched on Wednesday.

Chances of thriving after a disaster depend on your level of security before

By University of Houston on Aug 31, 2022 10:17 am
The chances your household will completely recover from a disaster could depend almost entirely on how financially and socially vulnerable you were before the crisis hit, according to a survey.

Flood and drought management programmes mark milestones

By World Meteorological Organization on Aug 31, 2022 08:55 am
Key WMO programmes to improve integrated flood and drought management are marking milestone anniversaries – at a time when devastating droughts and floods in different parts of the world have underlined the need for coordinated action.

How ADB is spearheading climate change adaptation in the Pacific

By Asian Development Bank on Aug 30, 2022 03:51 pm
ADB’s support to the Pacific pairs climate change mitigation with adaptation, which aims to build resilience to the climate we face today and may have to face in the future.

Heat waves + air pollution can be a deadly combination: The health risk together is worse than either alone

By Conversation Media Group, the on Aug 30, 2022 03:27 pm
High heat and air pollution are each problematic for human health, particularly for vulnerable populations such as older adults. But what happens when they hit at the same time?

New research reveals USD 5.6 trillion water risk by 2050

By GHD on Aug 30, 2022 02:41 pm
Research exploring the economic consequences of water risk fueled by climate change through to 2050 predicts that droughts, floods and storms could wipe USD5.6 trillion USD from the GDP of key economies, with some more affected than others.

Ancient landslide destroyed area size of Cincinnati

By University of Cincinnati on Aug 30, 2022 01:17 pm
By understanding dynamics of landslides, researchers hope to prevent future ones.

Social media supplements science during disasters

By Eos - AGU on Aug 30, 2022 12:38 pm
Information shared on social media platforms could help scientists gather real-time data and assist agencies in relief efforts.

Durban: using technology with relationship building for resilience

By United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change on Aug 30, 2022 11:40 am
In April there was massive flooding in Durban. Durban was somewhat ahead of the curve when it comes to climate action, largely due to some forward thinking members of the city’s climate adaptation team.

Mathematical model predicts human mobility in response to storms and pandemics

By Northeastern University on Aug 30, 2022 11:11 am
New research by a Northeastern engineering professor used recent storms and the COVID-19 pandemic to predict human movement during disasters in anticipation of more effective emergency response.

Climate change poses the biggest risk to food security in India

By Observer Research Foundation on Aug 30, 2022 10:27 am
There is an urgent need for a comprehensive examination of the impact of climate change on food security.

Researchers warn of potential threat to heart health from extreme weather

By European Society of Cardiologists on Aug 30, 2022 09:22 am
An analysis in nearly 2.3 million Europeans has found detrimental associations between cold weather and deaths from heart disease, particularly in poor neighbourhoods.

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tags: UNESCO Chair on Coastal Geo-Hazard Analysis ries