The News and blogs weekly newsletter introduces the latest news and blogs published by PreventionWeb on disaster risk reduction

The News and blogs weekly newsletter introduces the latest news and blogs published by PreventionWeb on disaster risk reduction.
In the 07/26/2022 edition:

UK heatwave: how the fire service will need to prepare as extreme weather events get worse

By Conversation Media Group, the on Jul 25, 2022 02:56 pm
The UK’s record-breaking heatwave made it clear how unprepared much of the country is for extreme weather caused by climate change. There were hundreds of fires reported around the country, making it UK firefighters’ busiest day since the second world war

Navigating climate finance as a small island state: Lessons from Antigua and Barbuda

By Commonwealth Secretariat on Jul 25, 2022 02:55 pm
This blog addresses how Antigua and Barbuda has been able to access climate finance as a small island developing state. While no longer eligible for ODA, climate finance remains essential to help it address inherent vulnerabilities and challenges.

Trade unions call for maximum working temperature cap after EU heat wave deaths

By Le Monde on Jul 25, 2022 01:15 pm
Trade unions called Monday for the European Commission to impose maximum temperature limits for outdoor workers, after three people died while on shift in Madrid during last week's withering heat wave.

New method can improve explosion detection

By University of Alaska Fairbanks on Jul 25, 2022 01:07 pm
Computers can be trained to better detect distant nuclear detonations, chemical blasts and volcano eruptions by learning from artificial explosion signals, according to a new method devised by a University of Alaska Fairbanks scientist.

Making Yemen’s urban centers climate resilient

By World Bank, the on Jul 25, 2022 01:05 pm
Discussing climate action in Yemen may seem untimely given the conflict, but the country is highly vulnerable to extreme weather and climate events. Water scarcity, flash floods, and sea-level rise are expected to increase as climate change accelerates.

Community science project helps track geohazard risks in Uganda

By Eos - AGU on Jul 25, 2022 01:04 pm
A community project in the Kigezi Highlands is helping to identify landslide and flooding hot spots and how the hazards are evolving.

World ‘unprepared’ for magnitude of cascading climate risks

By Verisk Maplecroft on Jul 25, 2022 01:00 pm
As the extreme weather events the world is already experiencing become more frequent, they will trigger a cascade of these second-order climate risks across a huge swathe of countries.

Science diplomat Glenn Banaguas wins UN Sasakawa Award for Disaster Risk Reduction

By, The Star Group of Publications on Jul 25, 2022 12:57 pm
Filipino scientist Glenn Banaguas won the United Nations' (UN) Sasakawa Award for Disaster Risk Reduction Award this year, besting more than 200 nominations worldwide.

Preparing a resilient community – disaster risk reduction in Kashmir

By Caritas - India on Jul 25, 2022 10:03 am
Caritas India initiated SHIRKAT, an Ecosystem-based Disaster Risk Reduction programme, to reduce the risk of disaster and increase the community’s capacity through engaging and training them on different aspects of the disaster.

WMO issues report State of Climate in Latin America and Caribbean

By World Meteorological Organization on Jul 22, 2022 04:19 pm
The World Meteorological Organization (WMO) State of the Climate in Latin America and the Caribbean 2021 highlight the far-reaching repercussions of extreme weather and climate change for ecosystems, food and water security, human health and poverty.

Call for papers: Hydrological Research special issue on learning from the floods of 2021: Combining data, models and communication to improve preparedness for extreme events in a changing climate

By Hydrology Research (IWA) on Jul 22, 2022 04:08 pm
Hydrological Research is pleased to invite manuscript submissions for peer review and possible publication in a Special Issue entitled ‘Learning from the Floods of 2021’.

Heatwave bonus for Asia's food delivery drivers does little to keep them safe

By Thomson Reuters Foundation, on Jul 22, 2022 02:57 pm
Food delivery and motorcycle taxi firms are levying heatwave and rain surcharges as extreme weather events rise, but gig workers need more protection, say experts.

As France battles wildfires, experts call for a rethink of forest management

By France 24 on Jul 22, 2022 02:50 pm
While France’s battle to contain the Gironde wildfires is ongoing, already facing immense ecological and economic damage, conservationists see the fires as an opportunity to adapt Europe’s largest artificial forest to the challenges of global warming.

St. Lawrence shoreline erosion: We must work with, not against, nature

By Conversation Media Group, the on Jul 22, 2022 02:13 pm
The St. Lawrence riverbanks are eroding. This has an impact on infrastructure, economy and inhabitants’ well-being. It exposes communities to flooding and can destroy local ecosystems.

New research in Arnhem Land reveals why institutional fire management is inferior to cultural burning

By Conversation Media Group, the on Jul 22, 2022 02:12 pm
Using the stone country of the Arnhem Land Plateau as a case study, new research reveals why institutional fire management is inferior to cultural burning, and how environmental outcomes from both practices compare to each other.

Climate change and land-use changes increase likelihood of flood events

By Karlsruhe Institute of Technology on Jul 22, 2022 02:10 pm
Two studies by the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology investigated effects of precipitation, evaporation, water flow, and runoff on flooding. To improve preparedness, risk assessments shall emphasize landscape, river courses, and sediment transport.

Do these heat waves mean climate change is happening faster than expected?

By MIT News, Massachusetts Institute of Technology on Jul 22, 2022 02:09 pm
General warming predictions are still on track, but recent heat waves are a stress test for the modeling of extreme events. Are they more extreme than studies had predicted they would be, given the levels of greenhouse gases now in the atmosphere?

Adapting to climate change: the example of France fighting fires and heatwaves

By REGILIENCE - Regional Pathways to Climate Resilience on Jul 22, 2022 02:08 pm
This blogpost gathers insights from these articles (available mostly in French), sharing best practices from across Europe, which is also REGILIENCE reason-to-be.

Extreme heat at Texas prisons an ‘ongoing, but preventable disaster,’ report says

By Texas A&M University Press on Jul 22, 2022 02:07 pm
New research from Texas A&M's Hazard Reduction and Recovery Center underscores how incarcerated individuals are disproportionately affected by record-high heat.

North Atlantic temperature helps forecast extreme events in Northeast Brazil up to 3 months in advance

By Agência FAPESP on Jul 22, 2022 02:06 pm
The sea surface temperature in the North Atlantic Ocean can be a predictor up to three months in advance of extreme climate events involving reduced rainfall and intense drought in the Northeast region of Brazil.

WIN DRR Leadership Awards 2022: Rising Star award - Finalists

By Anonymous on Jul 22, 2022 01:16 pm
Twelve inspiring women are the finalists for the 2022 Rising Star Women’s International Network for Disaster Risk Reduction Leadership Award.

Heatwave relief: What can hot countries teach us about keeping cool?

By Thomson Reuters Foundation, on Jul 21, 2022 01:13 pm
From sunshades to white roofs, and cooling payments to checks on the vulnerable, here's how hot countries deal with heat risks.

Analysis: How the UK’s ‘insane’ 40C heat was forecast ‘weeks in advance’

By Carbon Brief on Jul 21, 2022 12:13 pm
The UK has provisionally breached 40C for the first time ever, reaching 40.2C at London Heathrow airport. Before this heatwave, temperatures of 40C had never even been forecast for the UK – let alone recorded.

Sirenes evitaram tragédia maior em Petrópolis, diz Defesa Civil do Rio de Janeiro

By Câmara dos Deputados on Jul 21, 2022 12:00 pm
Enchentes neste ano provocaram a morte de quase de 240 pessoas no município da Região Serrana.

Wildfires are becoming more common in the UK – but the threat can be managed

By Conversation Media Group, the on Jul 21, 2022 11:01 am
With months of below average rainfall, a heatwave sparked wildfires on July 19 – Britain’s hottest day ever – in places as far afield as Cornwall, Kent and Pembrokshire. Wildfires also gave the London Fire Brigade its busiest day since World War II.

Research team performs analysis of ecosystem-based disaster risk reductions and resilience enhancements in Haiti, Indonesia, India and Uganda

By University of Massachusetts Amherst on Jul 21, 2022 10:52 am
A series of new reports helps assess the economic efficiency and equity of nature-based solutions that focus on ecosystem restoration, conservation and sustainable management to reduce disaster risk and strengthen community resilience.

Flooding in India’s Northeast reveals weakness of the Act East Policy

By The Diplomat on Jul 21, 2022 10:49 am
The historic floods show that India’s Act East Policy urgently needs to deal with disaster mitigation and resilience.

Heatwave Britain hits 40.3°C – here’s how scientists know when a temperature record has been broken

By Conversation Media Group, the on Jul 21, 2022 10:29 am
The UK has experienced its hottest day on record, as provisional data showed the temperature soared to 40.3°C at Coningsby in Lincolnshire. This surpassed the previous record of 38.7°C set in Cambridge just three years previously.

How record-setting heat waves in cities across UK, US and mainland Europe could punish economies already reeling from inflation

By Conversation Media Group, the on Jul 21, 2022 10:27 am
Hundreds of millions of people struggled to keep cool amid a sweltering summer heat wave as cities across the U.S. and mainland Europe experienced record-high temperatures. It also has significant impacts on the broader economy.

Who suffers most from heatwaves in the UK?

By Friends of the Earth Europe on Jul 21, 2022 10:26 am
New research identifies the communities most vulnerable to the health impacts of heatwaves.

Desert climate overtaking more of Central Asia

By University of Nebraska-Lincoln on Jul 21, 2022 10:16 am
Rising annual temperatures and dwindling yearly precipitation across the mid-latitudes of Central Asia have extended its desert climate 60 miles northward since the 1980s, says a recent study led by the University of Nebraska–Lincoln.

Better emergency preparedness can protect older adults from climate change

By Conversation Media Group, the on Jul 21, 2022 08:57 am
Last summer brought scorching hot temperatures and record-breaking heatwaves to British Columbia. Unfortunately, the heat was not the only record that skyrocketed — what followed was a chain of extreme weather events.

Britain isn’t built to withstand 40°C – here is where infrastructure is most likely to fail

By Conversation Media Group, the on Jul 21, 2022 08:55 am
Despite its capacity and resources to adapt to warmer temperatures, very little has been done in the UK over the past ten years to address overheating in buildings and the rising risk to critical infrastructure.

Pakistan to launch first ever National Climate Change Gender Action Plan

By Associated Press of Pakistan Corporation on Jul 21, 2022 08:54 am
Pakistan is going to launch its first ever National Climate Change Gender Action Plan (ccGAP) aiming to build capacities of the Ministry of Climate Change in institutional mechanism and mainstreaming gender in GCF (Green Climate Fund) funded projects.

Key takeaways from the latest humanitarian funding data

By The New Humanitarian on Jul 21, 2022 08:53 am
Emergency needs are at historical highs, but available funding has largely flatlined at pre-pandemic levels, according to a new analysis of humanitarian financing.

Climate change gender action plans: A method for moving from commitment to action

By International Union for the Conservation of Nature on Jul 21, 2022 08:49 am
Countries are increasingly using Climate Change Gender Action Plans to identify gender-specific opportunities in nationally-determined climate-related priority sectors through a participatory, multi-stakeholder process and establish blueprints for action.

Accelerated Western European heatwave trends linked to more-persistent double jets over Eurasia

By German Council on Foreign Relations (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Auswärtige Politik) on Jul 20, 2022 04:03 pm
Researchers find that double jet occurrences are particularly important for western European heatwaves, explaining up to 35% of temperature variability.

Infographic: how to make disaster risk reduction programs more accessible to children

By Rappler Inc. on Jul 20, 2022 03:52 pm
Good Neighbors International Philippines believes that children are more than capable of making contributions in society. So how can we keep children informed and involved with DRRM programs? The Super Preppers: Disaster Fight Squad teach us how.

Mapping a volcanic eruption in the backyard of Iceland’s capital

By Eos - AGU on Jul 20, 2022 03:41 pm
Researchers used satellites and aerial data to create regularly updated maps of the Fagradalsfjall eruption for both the public and disaster response agencies.

Hurricane preparedness is expensive. Emergency managers and community leaders are looking for a solution.

By NPR on Jul 20, 2022 03:39 pm
For low-income people and people in marginalized communities, getting emergency supplies is sometimes an unreachable goal.

As Europe swelters, how are we affected psychologically?

By Psychology Today on Jul 20, 2022 03:38 pm
Human-caused climate change is pushing weather temperatures never before recorded. Mental health impacts are concerning, but straightforward links are unclear. Humidity needs to be considered in tandem with heat.

As 1.5C warming limit nears, interest in sun-dimming tech heats up

By Thomson Reuters Foundation, on Jul 20, 2022 03:35 pm
Climate-cooling technology could help rein in global heating and its impacts, say backers, but critics warn it carries serious and unknown risks, with some calling for research to stop.

Study finds environmental injustice is key to decoding climate change debate

By University of Miami on Jul 20, 2022 01:07 pm
Findings can help local governments as they begin to respond to climate pressures and make journalism, policy advice, and climate communication more just and effective.

Global supply chains remain resilient in the wake of disasters

By University of California, San Diego on Jul 20, 2022 01:07 pm
UC San Diego findings suggest that international trade links bind countries together in ways that are difficult to untangle following a crisis.

The UK just hit 40℃ for the first time. It’s a stark reminder of the deadly heat awaiting Australia

By Conversation Media Group, the on Jul 20, 2022 12:27 pm
Summer heat may be far from people’s minds in Australia. But Europe’s ordeal is yet another sign that changes in Earth’s climate have already reached dangerous levels. If the UK can reach 40℃, Australia must brace for even deadlier temperatures.

Germany & Indonesia working on tsunami early warning solutions

By Germany - government on Jul 20, 2022 08:37 am
Less than five percent of all tsunamis are caused by such landslides. As they are also difficult to measure, they have not previously been a focus when developing early warning systems. The cooperation project “TsunamiRisk” wants to change this.

Building a road to prosperity: How communities in India are helping embed climate and disaster resilience into transport design

By World Bank, the on Jul 20, 2022 08:37 am
India's transport sector is particularly exposed and vulnerable to the impacts of disasters. The fallout falls most heavily on vulnerable populations, hampering their access to economic opportunities, to education, healthcare and community interaction.

How well we manage water will determine how climate resilient we are

By Development Asia on Jul 19, 2022 04:22 pm
Innovations in water management and adaptive planning can create opportunities for climate adaptation and mitigation.

Opinion: Why is it so hot? Climate change is here

By Thomson Reuters Foundation, on Jul 19, 2022 02:56 pm
Heat is the clearest signal of climate change – and deadly heat will get even worse over the next 30 years as we struggle to act.

Climate change costing Germany billions of euros a year

By Deutsche Welle on Jul 19, 2022 02:32 pm
A new study shows weather catastrophes triggered by climate change have cost Germany at least €145 billion over the last two decades. Leaders at the Petersberg Climate Dialogue are looking at ways to tackle the impact.

When disaster strikes, these Americans may not be ready

By Ohio State University on Jul 19, 2022 12:47 pm
A new national study shows which Americans are least likely to be prepared to take necessary actions when faced with disasters such as hurricanes, floods and wildfires.

The first Red Extreme heat warning issued in UK, Western Europe suffocating

By World Meteorological Organization on Jul 19, 2022 12:40 pm
For the first time temperatures of 40°C have been forecast in the UK and the Met Office has issued the first ever Red warning for exceptional heat. In Portugal and Spain temperatures have reached highs up to around 46 degrees Celsius.

Water resources to become less predictable with climate change

By University Corporation for Atmospheric Research on Jul 19, 2022 12:39 pm
Declining snowpack will cause more variability in runoff, streamflow.

Houston residents’ chemical exposure increased post-Hurricane Harvey, OSU study finds

By Oregon State University on Jul 19, 2022 12:36 pm
Researchers discovered that, on average, 75% of the chemicals detected in two measurements were found in higher concentrations immediately after the hurricane. People’s baseline exposure, however, was already high.

Lakes in hot water, climate change creating a cauldron of issues

By York University on Jul 19, 2022 12:34 pm
The world's northern-most lakes are considered the bellwethers of environmental change, but research shows consequences of climate change can affect any of the more than 100 million lakes in the world.

Call for papers for special issue on adaptive pathways for resilient infrastructure in sustainable and resilient infrastructure - Taylor & Francis

By Coalition for Disaster Resilient Infrastructure on Jul 19, 2022 12:27 pm
This call for papers will seek to address gaps and highlight solutions related to uptake and implementation of adaptive pathways, fostering resilience of infrastructure systems to disasters and climate change, towards long-term sustainability.

Call for abstracts - DRI technical conference 2022: Adaptive pathways for resilient infrastructure

By Coalition for Disaster Resilient Infrastructure on Jul 19, 2022 12:27 pm
The Coalition for Disaster Resilient Infrastructure (CDRI) is organizing the DRI Technical Conference 2022. The initiative aims to promote multidisciplinary approaches for disaster and climate resilient infrastructure.

NDRI officially became a member of GADRI

By Natural Disasters Research Institute on Jul 19, 2022 10:55 am
The Natural Disaster Research Institute (NDRI) officially became a member of the Global Alliance of Disaster Research Institutes (GADRI).

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tags: UNESCO Chair on Coastal Geo-Hazard Analysis ries