The News and blogs weekly newsletter introduces the latest news and blogs published by PreventionWeb on disaster risk reduction. In the 12/13/2022 edition:

The News and blogs weekly newsletter introduces the latest news and blogs published by PreventionWeb on disaster risk reduction. Visit us on PreventionWeb to see our other newsletters and subscribe.
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In the 12/13/2022 edition:

The climate crisis disrupts the education of 40 million children every year

By Education Cannot Wait on Dec 12, 2022 02:54 pm
A new position paper addresses the climate, environment, and biodiversity crises in and through gilrs' education. The position paper calls for ensuring continuity of education for all in the face of increasing extreme weather events and emergencies.

New toolkit helps protect patients and prepare frontline health clinics for climate risks

By Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health on Dec 12, 2022 02:02 pm
Frontline clinics care for millions of patients in the US, yet they are often overwhelmed by climate shocks that threaten their ability to provide care. A new toolkit offers resources on managing extreme heat, wildfires, hurricanes, and floods.

UCalgary researchers bring us one step closer to developing early-warning system for catastrophic earthquakes

By University of Calgary on Dec 12, 2022 12:33 pm
A team of researchers, including four from the University of Calgary, believe they are one step closer to helping predict when The Big One might next happen.

Nigeria’s food system challenged by conflicts, climate change and economic headwinds

By The Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition on Dec 12, 2022 12:11 pm
Nigeria is a food deficit country with high levels of undernourishment and food vulnerability . The World Bank has estimated that a decline in the number of hungry before the global financial crisis in 2008, has been followed by an increase

Microbes can help prevent building collapse during earthquakes

By American Geophysical Union on Dec 12, 2022 11:43 am
Bacteria can use nitrogen in soil to steady shaking ground, offering an eco-friendly alternative to some current soil stabilization techniques.

Invest today in climate resilience to avoid blackouts and rising costs

By Eurelectric on Dec 12, 2022 11:15 am
A new report documents the amplitude and acceleration of extreme weather impacts on the power sector. Investment is needed in the entire system – both in grids and generation assets.

Wildfires: Burning through state budgets

By The Pew Charitable Trusts on Dec 12, 2022 09:48 am
Wildfires in the United States have become more catastrophic and expensive in recent years, with the U.S. Department of the Interior and the U.S. Forest Service nearly doubling their combined spending on wildfire management in the last decade.

Profiles of adaptation: Uruguay

By World Resources Institute on Dec 09, 2022 06:47 pm
This profile of Uganda showcases its efforts in domestic and international adaptation.

Estimating forest desiccation to better predict fire danger

By National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and Environment on Dec 09, 2022 05:31 pm
This study describes a model to predict canopy water content during drought and heat waves, which could enable the development of fire danger forecasting models that include the role of vegetation in their calculations.

Hazard planners aren’t planning for heat hazards

By Natural Resources Defense Council on Dec 09, 2022 04:55 pm
Extreme heat doesn’t get the attention it deserves from state programs charged with reducing risks from natural hazards, according to a new NRDC analysis.

Working in extreme heat puts strain on foetus

By London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine on Dec 09, 2022 04:30 pm
Evidence of heat impacts on unborn babies suggests we need new interventions to help pregnant farmers adapt.

Lessons from Cianjur: earthquake-prone Indonesia does not have seismic mitigation plan

By Conversation Media Group, the on Dec 09, 2022 10:37 am
In Indonesia, disaster management is often reduced to distribution of emergency relief and patchy recovery. What is missing is a seismic mitigation master plan that barely exists in quake-prone Indonesia.

Coupled computer modeling can help more accurately predict coastal flooding, study demonstrates

By Louisiana State University on Dec 09, 2022 09:00 am
This study examines how a unique coupled computer modeling approach can accurately recreate the coastal flooding that occurred during Hurricane Florence, demonstrating that it is more accurate than traditional modeling approaches.

MapAction’s partnership with Asian disaster reduction & response network ADRRN is part of ‘global localisation’ strategy

By MapAction on Dec 08, 2022 04:35 pm
MapAction’s, in partnership with ADRRN, will lead a session to support how people use geospatial data in emergencies as part of Regional Humanitarian Partnership Week in Bangkok on 14 December.

Precipitation anomalies induced by climate change widen inequality by harming the poorest

By VOX EU on Dec 08, 2022 04:32 pm
This study discusses how precipitation anomalies brought about by climate change particularly hurt the poorest, especially in countries that heavily rely on the agricultural sector.

NORCAP boosts female climate experts in Africa to better meet communities’ needs

By Norwegian Refugee Council on Dec 08, 2022 04:28 pm
NORCAP is rolling out an initiative to increase the number of female climate services experts in Africa and better meet the needs of communities hurt by climate change.

Americans are flocking to wildfire: U.S. migration study

By University of Vermont on Dec 08, 2022 04:18 pm
People are trading hurricane zones for wildfire areas, says national study of migration, natural disasters, and climate change

Zurich launches dedicated Climate Change Resilience Services to help businesses tackle climate change risks

By Zurich Insurance Group Limited on Dec 08, 2022 04:06 pm
Zurich Insurance Group (Zurich) today announced the launch of its Climate Change Resilience Services to help businesses better prepare for current and future risks associated with climate change.

For 400 years, Indigenous tribes buffered climate's impact on wildfires in the American Southwest

By Southern Methodist University on Dec 08, 2022 04:04 pm
A new study led by SMU suggests bringing “good fire” back to the U.S. and other wildfire fire-prone areas, as Native Americans once did, could potentially blunt the role of climate in triggering today’s wildfires.

How is Vietnam’s Mekong Delta adapting to a changing climate?

By World Bank, the on Dec 07, 2022 04:42 pm
A World Bank-financed project has significantly strengthened farmers’ ability to cope with climate-related uncertainty. Embankments help a large farming area withstand the floods while capturing the rich floodwater to nourish the crop.

Linking African winds to Atlantic storms

By Eos - AGU on Dec 07, 2022 04:04 pm
Simulations suggest that waves in the atmosphere above northern Africa influence the intensity, timing, and location of formation of Atlantic tropical cyclones.

Communities, contingency plans, and nature-based approaches: The Gambia’s path to resilience

By Fatoumatta L Sisay on Dec 07, 2022 03:37 pm
The Gambia is building resilience, to reduce the impacts of hazards, so that they needn’t result in disaster. The country's National Disaster Management Agency recently joined MCR2030 as a way to make The Gambia more resilient to hazards.

IIT Mandi develops method to assess earthquake-prone structures in Himalaya

By Times of India, the on Dec 06, 2022 05:03 pm
Researchers at the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Mandi have developed a method to assess the ability of buildings in the Himalyan region to withstand earthquakes.

Powerful Miami Affordability Project tool now updated with data, visuals showing the impacts of extreme heat

By EurekAlert on Dec 06, 2022 05:01 pm
Among the tools included as part of CAMP is the newest iteration of CCE’s Miami Affordability Project (MAP), which offers users a powerful, data-driven mapping tool to identify areas of need for affordable housing and environmental justice investment.

Vast majority of Kochi city’s population lives in demarcated flood risk zones, finds study

By Hindu Business Line, the - The Hindu Group of Publications on Dec 06, 2022 04:50 pm
Around 73% of Kochi city’s population lives in demarcated flood risk zones and 55% of the overall population lives outside a five-minute-response time from fire stations.

In Indonesia, a deadly inland earthquake exposes urgent preparedness gaps

By The New Humanitarian on Dec 06, 2022 04:49 pm
As emergency teams respond to the 21 November earthquake that struck Indonesia’s main island of Java, killing more than 320 people and injuring thousands, survivors are asking why there was so little preparedness and awareness-raising beforehand.

Enhancing earthquake detection from orbit

By Eos - AGU on Dec 06, 2022 04:38 pm
A new application of machine learning boosts scientists’ ability to use data from satellite navigation systems to detect and warn of earthquakes.

The Southern Hemisphere is stormier than the Northern, and we finally know why

By University of Chicago on Dec 06, 2022 04:08 pm
UChicago research offers first concrete explanation for difference, and show it is getting even stormier over time

Study shows the majority of California’s coastal airports are vulnerable to increased flooding caused by climate change

By Society for Risk Analysis on Dec 06, 2022 04:07 pm
Projected flooding from storm surges, erosion, and sea-level rise may disrupt vital operations of the state’s largest airports in the coming decades

Jabal: the new wheat scientists say can withstand extreme heat and drought

By Guardian, the (UK) on Dec 06, 2022 04:00 pm
A new wheat variety has been bred by crossing commercial and wild wheats in a bid to develop crops that are more resilient to the climate crisis.

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tags: UNESCO Chair on Coastal Geo-Hazard Analysis ries