The News and blogs weekly newsletter introduces the latest news and blogs published by PreventionWeb on disaster risk reduction


In the 08/02/2022 edition:

Major consensus reached on Australian climate risk reporting

By Australian Banking Association on Aug 01, 2022 05:04 pm
Twenty of Australia’s most influential business and finance peak bodies have come to an unprecedented consensus on the need for sustainability reporting including action on climate risk through a new reporting regime that aims to set a global baseline.   

Climate change is intensifying the water cycle, bringing more powerful storms and flooding

By Conversation Media Group, the on Aug 01, 2022 04:49 pm
The impact of climate change on extreme water-related events like the July 2022 floods in the U.S. is becoming increasingly evident. The storms in the U.S. followed extreme flooding this summer in India and Australia and last year in Western Europe.   

Analysis: How decentralisation in Nepal is undermining climate action

By The Third Pole on Aug 01, 2022 12:35 pm
Lack of coordination between central and local government is thwarting Nepal’s efforts to mitigate climate change and cope with its impacts.   

After floods will come droughts (again). Better indicators will help us respond

By Conversation Media Group, the on Aug 01, 2022 11:33 am
Even when the year’s total rainfall is okay, if most of the rainfall arrives at the wrong time of year (such as outside the crop season) it can have the same impact as a drought.   

University project in Africa will improve resilience to emergencies in the face of climate change

By Bournemouth University on Aug 01, 2022 11:06 am
Professor Lee Miles has contributed significantly to the development of new procedures for the local authorities in Sierra Leone to handle emergencies and disasters at large dumpsites and waste collection sites in the capital city of Freetown.   

Why gender-specific data is critical to manage disaster risk

By Asia & the Pacific Policy Society Policy Forum on Aug 01, 2022 11:00 am
Due to existing structural gender inequalities that assign women a lower social status than men and can restrict their mobility outside the home, women have less access to effective support structures in many instances.   

£3m tree-planting package for London announced to combat climate change

By Engineering and Technology on Aug 01, 2022 10:13 am
The Mayor of London, Sadiq Khan, has launched a £3.1m tree planting package to protect and future-proof London, in response to the impacts of climate change.   

Without human-caused climate change temperatures of 40°C in the UK would have been extremely unlikely

By World Weather Attribution on Jul 29, 2022 04:20 pm
Scientists from multiple countries collaborated to assess to what extent human-induced climate change altered the likelihood and intensity of the exceptional heatwave affected large parts of the UK.   

Reconstructing volcanic eruptions to help scientists predict climate risks: USask research

By University of Saskatchewan on Jul 29, 2022 04:19 pm
University of Saskatchewan researchers were part of the research team that developed an updated, more accurate reconstruction of volcanic eruptions that can help scientists understand future climate risks.   

Transforming Nepal’s hydro and agrometeorological services to build resilience

By World Bank, the on Jul 29, 2022 04:19 pm
Many Nepali, especially those affected by last year's unprecedented monsoon floods, are worried and living in fear. Robust hydro and agrometeorological services are crucial to saving lives, assets as well as building resilience to climate-related hazards.   

Flood and wildfire risks: Translating risk ratings into future costs can help homebuyers and renters grasp the odds – and act on them

By Conversation Media Group, the on Jul 29, 2022 04:18 pm
In theory, summarizing risk information like this should help homebuyers and renters make more informed housing choices. But surveys show it isn’t working yet. Housing developments and home sales are still expanding in flood- and wildfire-prone areas.   

Women entrepreneurs in Africa face more climate risks than their male peers

By Conversation Media Group, the on Jul 29, 2022 04:16 pm
The world’s climate is changing. All of us will ultimately be affected by climatic shifts, but women entrepreneurs are often more exposed to climate risk, and face additional adaptation barriers, making them highly susceptible.   

Complex modeling by researchers predicts wildfires may decline, eventually

By University of Nevada, Reno on Jul 29, 2022 04:16 pm
Researchers integrate multiple factors in search of ways to help calculate and mitigate wildfire hazard.   

NOAA tool now brings disaster risk, vulnerability down to community level

By National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration on Jul 29, 2022 04:16 pm
A comprehensive update to NOAA’s Billion Dollar Disasters mapping tool now includes U.S. census tract data – providing many users with local community-level awareness of hazard risk, exposure and vulnerability.   

How a simulation exercise can prepare remote communities for flood emergencies

By Flood Resilience Portal on Jul 29, 2022 08:16 am
When floods occur, places that are hard to reach with conventional emergency services are especially vulnerable. In collaboration with local NGOs, Mercy Corps is helping Nepalese communities to be better prepared for dangerous and costly flooding.   

Using historical weather data to optimize power grid

By Texas A&M University System on Jul 28, 2022 05:19 pm
Information about past outlier conditions could provide valuable context to help operators better manage the grid during extreme weather.   

Tour de France: future heatwaves may make it untenable to hold the race in July

By Conversation Media Group, the on Jul 28, 2022 05:19 pm
As the men’s Tour de France wraps up and the women’s race begins, the European heat wave rages on. If you look closely, the heat can be seen in photos of the event: cooling towels, water splashed over red faces, ice packs under race jerseys.   

Call for Papers: Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management (ISCRAM) Asia Pacific 2022

By International Community on Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management on Jul 28, 2022 05:17 pm
The second Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management (ISCRAM) Asia Pacific regional conference will take place on 7-9 November 2022 at RMIT University in Melbourne. Paper submissions are invited.   

University researchers use science of light to reduce pesticides used to protect crops from pests and diseases

By Aston University on Jul 28, 2022 12:44 pm
​​​​Experts at two Midlands universities are starting a new project to develop a photonic ‘nose’ to monitor crops for pest infestations and plant disease.      

Model developed to predict landslides along wildfire burn scars

By Northwestern University on Jul 28, 2022 12:33 pm
Simulations could become an early warning system for people living in high-risk areas.   

Reducing ecosystem-based disaster risk in eastern Ethiopia

By Wetlands International on Jul 28, 2022 12:31 pm
Degradation of ecosystems is widely understood as a major driver of disaster risk and a key component of vulnerability, with the potential to threaten communities and livelihoods. Recognising these interlinkages is critical to ensure community resilience.   

How Reserve Bank of India can play a role in building resilience against climate risks

By Institute for Energy Economics and Financial Analysis on Jul 28, 2022 12:29 pm
Climate-related risks can plague the financial system and even amplify existing risks if central banks are unprepared. The RBI can utilize scenario analysis and stress tests of the banking system.   

Understanding and modeling complex risks in coupled human-environment systems

By American Geophysical Union on Jul 28, 2022 12:26 pm
This session aims to be forum for studies on climate change related systemic risks, multi-hazards and multi-vulnerabilities, modeling the natural and human Earth system, modeling of socio-economic impacts, approaches to resilience and adaptation.   

Compound, consecutive, and cascading events: Challenges for risk assessment and management

By American Geophysical Union on Jul 28, 2022 12:26 pm
This session focuses on concurrent, compounding, consecutive and cascading events and their impacts.   

How likely would Britain’s 40°C heatwave have been without climate change?

By Conversation Media Group, the on Jul 28, 2022 12:24 pm
Every heatwave occurring is made more likely and intense by human-caused climate change. Early estimates by the UK Met Office may be significant underestimates, as models have underrated increases in the occurrence of extreme heat events before.   

Global warming of 2C could ‘double’ flooding costs in China compared to 1.5C

By Carbon Brief on Jul 28, 2022 12:23 pm
The study, published in the journal Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, estimates future flood risk across China under 1.5C and 2C of warming and its impact on people and wider society.   

NUS researchers develop new urban planning GIS tool to improve urban climate resilience

By National University of Singapore on Jul 27, 2022 02:06 pm
In their findings, the researchers investigated the transient street air warming procedure and developed a practical GIS-based model to estimate how much and how fast the air temperature will be increased by anthropogenic heat.   

Heatwaves: why ethnic minorities in the UK are more vulnerable, and what to do about it

By Conversation Media Group, the on Jul 27, 2022 01:02 pm
There are stark racial inequalities in the distribution of heat vulnerability in the UK. Researchers at the University of Manchester recently identified Birmingham, Nottingham, Leicester, an several London boroughs as the most heat vulnerable communities.   

Biden Administration launches with tools for communities facing extreme heat

By National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration on Jul 27, 2022 11:38 am will provide a one-stop hub on heat and health for the nation and is a priority of President Biden’s National Climate Task Force and its Interagency Working Group on Extreme Heat.   

Anticipating cold waves in the Terai Region, Nepal

By Start Network on Jul 27, 2022 11:21 am
In Terai, a lowland area, cold waves have been occurring annually since first being recorded in 1990, between mid-December and mid-January. Cold waves are lasting longer now and the impact is becoming more severe.   

‘Zoe’ becomes the world’s first named heat wave

By Scientific American, a Division of Nature America, Inc. on Jul 27, 2022 11:11 am
Blistering temperatures ranked as a Category 3—the most severe tier—in Seville, Spain’s new heat wave system.   

Tagged turtles are helping scientists predict cyclones

By Smithsonian magazine on Jul 27, 2022 11:02 am
In the southeast Indian Ocean, turtle-borne sensors are filling in the gaps researchers need to forecast storms   

‘Building too close to the water. It’s ridiculous!’ Talk of buyouts after floods shows need to get serious about climate adaptation

By Conversation Media Group, the on Jul 26, 2022 04:24 pm
Australians are reeling from climate change impacts including more frequent and severe disasters – floods, droughts, searing heat and fires. These complex disasters are fuelling calls for managed retreats and debates about buying out at-risk properties.   

New study by researchers from Pusan National University explores the prevalence of heatwaves in East Asia

By Pusan National University (PNU) on Jul 26, 2022 04:23 pm
This study examines the prevalence of heatwaves in East Asia as well as potential effects of climate change on their occurrence. By classifying the heatwaves based on humidity conditions, the study identifies vulnerable regions based on simulations.   

WIN DRR Leadership Awards 2022: Excellence award - Finalists

By Anonymous on Jul 26, 2022 04:00 pm
These women are the 15 finalists for the 2022 Women’s International Network for Disaster Risk Reduction Excellence Leadership Award, proudly sponsored by SM Prime.   

Community scientists help to beat the heat

By Eos - AGU on Jul 26, 2022 02:46 pm
As cities face health threats from heat and air pollution—both expected to worsen from climate change—researchers pilot a community scientist effort to map air quality and improve urban health.   

« On a oublié la pluie » : à Yaoundé, capitale du Cameroun, un projet de gestion de l’eau pare aux inondations

By African Development Bank on Jul 26, 2022 02:44 pm
Le Projet complémentaire d’assainissement pluvial durable de la ville de Yaoundé et son prédécesseur partagent un même objectif : améliorer la gestion des eaux pluviales et l’hygiène, et assurer l’intégration harmonieuse des infrastructures.   

WHO calls on global community to “do one thing” to save lives on World Drowning Prevention Day

By World Health Organization on Jul 26, 2022 02:14 pm
Today, the World Health Organization (WHO) issued a call for people around the world to “do one thing” to prevent drowning.   

The MoU between the NDRI and UNOCHA-ROMENA

By Natural Disasters Research Institute on Jul 26, 2022 12:27 pm
This memorandum of understanding was signed in coordination with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Islamic Republic of Iran during the Earthquake Preparedness Exercise on Monday, June 20, 2022.   

The establishment of the Secretariat of the National Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction in the NDRI

By Natural Disasters Research Institute on Jul 26, 2022 12:22 pm
The UN member states have requested the establishment of the National Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction in Resolution 1999/63 of the Social and Economic Council and Resolution 58/21 of the Un General Assembly.   

How heatwaves impact railways - and what might help

By Conversation Media Group, the on Jul 26, 2022 11:09 am
The UK’s rail service has been hit with widespread train delays and high levels of cancellations during the heatwave. The whole of the east coast line between Edinburgh and London was closed for hours on July 20 because of the heat.   

Extreme heat exposure worsens child malnutrition

By Cornell University on Jul 26, 2022 11:08 am
Exposure to extreme heat increases both chronic and acute malnutrition among infants and young children in low-income countries – threatening to reverse decades of progress, Cornell research finds.

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tags: UNESCO Chair on Coastal Geo-Hazard Analysis ries UNESCO