The News and blogs weekly newsletter introduces the latest news and blogs published by PreventionWeb on disaster risk reduction. Visit us on PreventionWeb to see our other newsletters and subscribe. In the 11/29/2022 edition:

The News and blogs weekly newsletter introduces the latest news and blogs published by PreventionWeb on disaster risk reduction. Visit us on PreventionWeb to see our other newsletters and subscribe.
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In the 11/29/2022 edition:

Is September really “earthquake month” in Mexico?

By Temblor on Nov 28, 2022 12:50 pm
Mexico is a seismically active country. Since 2017, six earthquakes larger than magnitude 7.0 have struck the country — four during the month of September. The first, the magnitude-8.2 Tehuantepec earthquake, struck on Sept. 7, 2017.

Conservation efforts may have worsened catastrophic bushfires in south-east Australia, study finds

By ABC News on Nov 28, 2022 12:01 pm
A study by the University of Melbourne found that attempts to limit human involvement in nature and increase conservation led to widespread bushfires.

China-Australia project contributes to studies on climate adaptation and disaster risk reduction

By Chinese Academy of Sciences on Nov 28, 2022 10:05 am
A China-Australia project is developing integrated tools for climate adaptation and DRR, with focus to help developing countries with affordable tools and access to high-quality data and modeling systems related to disasters caused by climate change.

Dream homes and disasters: Is the government ready to confront climate risk?

By Politico on Nov 28, 2022 09:55 am
Billions of new taxpayer dollars are aimed at helping victims of extreme weather leave their vulnerable homes. But without a lot of teeth, the federal programs may just perpetuate the problem.

An engineering marvel just saved Venice from a flood. What about when seas rise?

By Washington Post, the on Nov 28, 2022 09:43 am
Venice was spared from disaster. That’s because of a $6 billion engineering project designed to protect Venice from mass flooding and the exhausting cycle of cleanup and recovery.

Building resilience to extreme weather in South Asia

By CASCADES on Nov 25, 2022 02:30 pm
Extreme weather – including heatwaves and flooding – appears to be the new normal for South Asia with Pakistan enduring both in 2022. The impacts are numerous and inter-connected, cascading across economic sectors and political geographies.

Scientists warn data gaps must not block loss and damage

By Climate Home News on Nov 25, 2022 02:01 pm
Scientists warn that a lack of weather data in much of Africa means that loss and damage funds can not be dependent on a disaster being proven to be caused by climate change.

Rising sea levels besieging Africa’s booming coastal cities

By Africa Center for Strategic Studies on Nov 25, 2022 01:57 pm
Rising ocean levels threaten dozens of Africa’s rapidly expanding coastal metropolises, resulting in shrinking land area, coastal flooding, more powerful storm surges, and the need for better mitigation.

Government of Canada launches a new initiative to address climate change impacts on rail lines

By CisionWire on Nov 25, 2022 11:10 am
Recent events have shown the impacts climate change and extreme weather events can have on communities and transportation networks. This is why the Government of Canada is taking important steps towards addressing climate change on railway infrastructure.

Making sure storm, flood and cyclone preparation message isn't lost in translation

By ABC News on Nov 25, 2022 11:01 am
In times of disaster, the key is preparation, and people are urged to develop their evacuation plans before the crisis hits. When English isn't your first language, it can be even more challenging knowing how to prepare.

Low-cost sensor records the level of rivers

By University of Bonn on Nov 24, 2022 02:13 pm
Measurement method developed at the University of Bonn could be suitable for flood warning systems.

In cold, dry Mongolia floods are now common – with devastating urban impacts

By The Third Pole on Nov 24, 2022 02:06 pm
Millions of people have moved to Mongolia’s cities in the past 30 years, where a lack of infrastructure combines with more intense rainfall to cause misery in slum districts

Let’s unite against gender-based violence and climate change crises in the Pacific

By United Nation Population Fund Agency (UNFPA) - Asia-Pacific Regional Office on Nov 24, 2022 01:56 pm
Malia Tuitupou, a volunteer at the “Women Friendly Spaces” established and supported by United Nation Population Fund (UNFPA) Pacific in Tonga, still vividly remembers the aftermath of the natural hazards, the Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha’apai volcanic eruption

Supporting flood-prone communities in Bangladesh with local Resilience Agents

By Flood Resilience Portal on Nov 24, 2022 01:53 pm
Due to the frequency of natural hazards, communities in Bangladesh are all too often fighting for survival in the face of floods, tornadoes, cyclones, sea surges, and droughts. Resilience Agents have made significant contributions in resilience-building

A major step forward for anticipatory action in Uganda

By Anticipation Hub on Nov 24, 2022 01:37 pm
Uganda recently reached a significant milestone in its efforts to implement anticipatory action across the country, holding its first ever National Dialogue on Anticipatory Action.

Dreaming of beachfront real estate? Much of Florida’s coast is at risk of storm erosion that can cause homes to collapse, as Daytona just saw

By Conversation Media Group, the on Nov 24, 2022 11:55 am
Back-to-back hurricanes left an unnerving scene on the Florida coast in November 2022: Several houses, and even swimming pools, were left dangling over the ocean as waves eroded the property beneath them. Dozens of homes were deemed unsafe.

Climate-fuelled disasters: Warning people is good, but stopping the disaster is best. Here are 4 possible ways to do it

By Conversation Media Group, the on Nov 24, 2022 11:44 am
Climate change is driving a worldwide increase in extreme events, and the risks of disasters are rising in Australia. This article offers four examples of potential solutions to stop bushfires, storms and floods in their tracks.

Homolata Borah: "We need to understand the importance of solution-based approaches"

By Anonymous on Nov 23, 2022 02:28 pm
Dr. Homolata Borah has been working towards reducing disaster risk for some of the most vulnerable communities living in the world’s largest inhabited river island of Majuli in the state of Assam in India.

State of the climate: what Australians need to know about major new report

By Conversation Media Group, the on Nov 23, 2022 11:55 am
A new report paints a concerning picture of ongoing and worsening climate change. In Australia, associated impacts such as extreme heat, bushfires, drought, heavy rainfall, and coastal inundation threaten our people and our environment.

Why are shallow earthquakes more destructive? The disaster in Java is a devastating example

By Conversation Media Group, the on Nov 23, 2022 11:23 am
At magnitude 5.6, the earthquake at Cianjur, West Java, was relatively small, but its shallow depth of 10km made it particularly destructive. This event should serve as a wake-up call to improve building practices.

Exploring the deep: drones offer new ways to monitor sea floor

By University of Tokyo on Nov 23, 2022 11:10 am
Researchers have developed a novel method for monitoring the position of the seafloor with a drone-based observation device that could revolutionize oceanographic observation for earthquake risk.

New award highlights computing's potential to help in climate change crisis: ACM Gordon Bell Prize for climate modelling now accepting nominations

By EurekAlert on Nov 23, 2022 11:01 am
To highlight and encourage more research focused on modelling the devastating impact of climate change, ACM, the Association for Computing Machinery, has established the ACM Gordon Bell Prize for Climate Modelling.

IOM hosts workshop to improve Dominica’s capacity to respond to volcanic eruptions and earthquakes

By Dominica News Online, Andrews Media Corporation on Nov 23, 2022 10:51 am
The objective of the training was to improve the understanding of emergency operators on volcano and seismic hazards in the Dominica context, in order to be more prepared.

Large parts of Europe are warming twice as fast as the planet on average

By Stockholm University on Nov 23, 2022 10:16 am
The warming during the summer months in Europe has been much faster than the global average, shows a new study by researchers at Stockholm University published in the Journal of Geophysical Research Atmospheres.

Using satellites for faster flood information

By University of Queensland on Nov 23, 2022 10:03 am
Satellites with radar imaging sensors to see through clouds and map flooding could be used to provide faster, more detailed information to keep communities safe from flooding.

Fighting climate change with resilience in Timor-Leste

By United Nations Office for Project Services on Nov 23, 2022 09:59 am
In partnership with the UN Environment Programme (UNEP), UNOPS is working to enhance early warning systems and build greater resilience to hydro-meteorological hazards in Timor-Leste.

COP27 outcomes emphasize early warnings, observations

By World Meteorological Organization on Nov 23, 2022 09:50 am
The United Nations Climate Change Conference COP27 emphasized the need to strengthen systematic observations and to achieve universal coverage of early warning systems – two of the World Meteorological Organization’s top priorities.

Muliagatele Filomena Nelson: “There are seats at the climate table for Pacific women”

By Anonymous on Nov 23, 2022 03:46 am
Muliagatele Filomena Nelson is the Climate Change Adaptation Advisor at the Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme. She helps Pacific women become active participants in the process of international climate negotiations. 

NASA’s drifting climate satellites could find new life as wildfire and storm watchers

By American Association for the Advancement of Science on Nov 22, 2022 02:32 pm
Crossing the Arctic Ocean earlier and later in the day, the satellites will reveal exchanges heat with the atmosphere at previously unobserved times. And Aqua will be primed to explore the severe storms and wildfires that tend to peak in late afternoon.

New wildfire camera in Eugene bolsters fire-spotting network

By University of Oregon on Nov 22, 2022 02:00 pm
High up in a telecommunications tower on a South Eugene ridge, a climber is barely visible. His bright blue jacket blends in with the sky as he attaches a white microwave dish to the tower’s metal limbs.

Are we entering the golden age of climate modeling?

By Eos - AGU on Nov 22, 2022 01:46 pm
Thanks to the advent of exascale computing, local climate forecasts may soon be a reality. And they’re not just for scientists anymore.

WHO to identify pathogens that could cause future outbreaks and pandemics

By World Health Organization on Nov 22, 2022 09:40 am
WHO is launching a global scientific process to update the list of priority pathogens—agents that can cause outbreaks or pandemics—to guide global investment, research and development (R&D), especially in vaccines, tests and treatments.

Monitoring “frothy” magma gases could help evade disaster

By University of Tokyo on Nov 22, 2022 09:28 am
Researchers have found that the composition of specific gases released from volcanic fumaroles (gaps in the Earth’s surface) can provide an indicator of what is happening to the magma deep below, and could forewarn of increased volcanic activity.

Will climate change lead to more drug-resistant infections?

By Wellcome Trust on Nov 22, 2022 06:24 am
Climate change and antimicrobial resistance – when drugs designed to kill microbes become ineffective – are two major global health crises. The evidence shows that the two challenges are connected.

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tags: UNESCO Chair on Coastal Geo-Hazard Analysis ries