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The Community updates weekly newsletter introduces the latest community updates published by PreventionWeb on disaster risk reduction, including vacancies, community announcements, events and trainings. Visit us on PreventionWeb to see our other newsletters and subscribe.
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In the 10/20/2022 edition:

Work on Societal Resilience Webinar Series (2) – Cumbria, United Kingdom

By National Consortium for Societal Resilience [UK+] published on Oct 19, 2022 04:06 pm
The second webinar of this series will present the societal resilience work being carried out in Cumbria, UK, sharing insights from their ongoing work and lessons that others may find useful.

FGG Continuing Education Seminar: Adaptation and Green Recovery in Guatemala: Lessons learned - Adaptación y recuperación verde en Guatemala: lecciones aprendidas

By World Wide Fund For Nature published on Oct 18, 2022 01:20 pm
This seminar will focus on efforts to reduce disaster risk through capacity building in Guatemala, a Central American country facing multiple hazards including earthquakes, volcano eruptions and hurricanes.

Our Warming Planet: Adaptation to Climate Change

By Columbia University published on Oct 18, 2022 01:13 pm
To celebrate the unique set of authoritative lectures on climate change impacts and adaptation by world-recognized leading scientists, we will host an informative Book Launch and Bi-Weekly Webinar Series.

Our Warming Planet: Documenting the Uptake of Adaptation Knowledge at the Global Level

By Columbia University published on Oct 18, 2022 01:00 pm
To celebrate the unique set of authoritative lectures on climate change impacts and adaptation by world-recognized leading scientists, we will host an informative Book Launch and Bi-Weekly Webinar Series.

Cutting edge of sustainable capital markets: Catastrophe bonds and outcome bonds

By World Bank, the published on Oct 18, 2022 08:24 am
The World Bank is organizing an in-person event, “The Cutting Edge of Sustainable Capital Markets: Catastrophe Bonds and Outcome Bonds” in Singapore on Monday, October 31, 2022, from 10:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.

WTAD 2022: Early Warning and Early Action Before Every Tsunami: Building partnerships and leveraging data to ensure no one is left behind

By Permanent Mission of Chile to the United Nations, New York published on Oct 17, 2022 04:27 pm
This event aims to propose solutions to ensure policy and investment decisions made today do not create risk for young and future generations.

ANU Disaster Solutions Update: From Fires to Floods

By Australian National University published on Oct 17, 2022 11:41 am
Showcasing innovative approaches to disaster-risk research that connect academia with technology, disaster-risk practitioners and community.

Mitigating risks and disasters of heavy downpour and flooding: a panacea to climate change in line with IDDRR 2022

By The Nigerian Society of Engineers published on Oct 13, 2022 08:23 pm
Join this webinar on mitigating risks and disasters of heavy downpours and flooding for the International Day for Disaster Risk Reduction 2022.

The Sendai Framework Mid-term Review for disaster risk reduction in Bosnia and Herzegovina

By Ministry of Security published on Oct 13, 2022 03:06 pm
On the occasion of IDDRR, the Joint Programme of the United Nations and the Government of Switzerland, organized a round table in Sarajevo, to present the “Mid-term review of the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction” of the country.

Kenya hold Disaster Risk Reduction symposium in Kakamega

By Country Government of Kakamega published on Oct 13, 2022 02:38 pm
Kenya is holding a Disaster Risk Management symposium in Kakamega town aimed at mitigating disasters.

IV Congreso Internacional de Gestión Integral de Riesgos y Resiliencia

By Sistema Nacional de Protección Civil (Mexico) published on Oct 13, 2022 02:04 pm
Promover un espacio de discusión e intercambio de experiencias sobre el presente y futuro de los Sistemas de Alerta Temprana (SAT), reflexionando sobre las oportunidades y barreras para incluir activamente a las comunidade.

KU commemorates International Day for Disaster Risk Reduction

By University of Kashmir published on Oct 13, 2022 12:11 pm
Kashmir University’s Department of Geography and Disaster Management on Thursday is organising several activities to commemorate the International Day for Disaster Risk Reduction (IDDRR).

Jakarta BPBD educates students on disaster prevention, mitigation

By National Agency for Disaster Management (Badan Nasional Penanggulangan Bencana) published on Oct 13, 2022 12:11 pm
On the International Day for Disaster Risk Reduction, the Jakarta Regional Disaster Mitigation Agency (BPBD) has disseminated information on disaster prevention efforts at several schools in the province.

Tsunami Warning and Alert System in the estuary of the Tagus River

By Lisbon Municipality published on Oct 13, 2022 12:11 pm
For IDDRR 2022, the Municipal Civil Protection Service of Lisbon presented to the students of the Patrício Prazeres School the “Tsunami Warning and Alert System in the estuary of the Tagus River” and self-protection measures.




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tags: UNESCO Chair on Coastal Geo-Hazard Analysis ries