Ocean Science and Knowledge for Sustainable Development Towards a Global UNITWIN Network of UNESCO Chairs and Category 2 Centres under the Auspices of UNESCO in Ocean and Climate Sciences, Technology and Governance.

Ocean Science and Knowledge for Sustainable Development

Towards a Global UNITWIN Network of UNESCO Chairs and Category 2 Centres under the Auspices of UNESCO in

 Ocean and Climate Sciences, Technology and Governance.

IOC-UNESCO Parallel Thematic Sessions (Hybrid)

UNESCO Headquarters, 7 Place de Fontenoy, 75352 Paris France

3 November 2022 (16:30-18:00) and 4 November 2022  (11:-12:30)

By Justin Ahanhanzo

IOC-UNESCO Focal point for UNESCO Chairs and Category 2 Centres under the auspices of UNESCO.

  1. Background and rationale

The International Conference to mark the 30th Anniversary of the UNITWIN/UNESCO Chairs Programme entitled: transforming knowledge for just and sustainable futures” provides a unique opportunity to the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of UNESCO (IOC-UNESCO) to bring together for the first time the UNESCO Chairs and the Category 2 Centres under the Auspices of UNESCO in the related fields with the aim to establish the first UNESCO UNITWIN Chairs Network in Ocean and Climate Sciences,  Technology and Governance.

Surprisingly, with a total number of 850 university Chairs and UNITWIN research networks from over 110 countries, there are only 18 UNESCO Chairs related to the ocean sciences, technology governance and coastal hazards from over 15 countries (Group I/Europe and North America: 8; Group II/Eastern Europe: 2; Group III/GRULAC: 3; Group IV/ASPAC: 4; Group V/Africa: 1). Some of which has expired the duration of life period.

One could expect a higher number of UNESCO Chairs in ocean related sciences and knowledge, since global ocean, covering 70 percent of the Earth’s surface, is the planet's largest biosphere, and is home to up to 80 percent of all life in the world. It generates 50 percent of the oxygen that living resources including humankind need, absorbs 25 percent of all carbon dioxide emissions and captures 90 percent of the additional heat generated from those emissions. It is not just ‘the lungs of the planet’,  but also its largest carbon sink - a vital buffer against the impacts of climate change. The ocean nurtures unimaginable biodiversity and produces food, jobs, mineral, and energy resources needed for life on the planet to survive and thrive. There is a great deal that humankind still does not know much about the ocean, but there are many reasons why humankind needs to manage it sustainably - as set out in the targets of Sustainable Development Goal 14: Life Below Water. Today’s  science is clear – the ocean is facing unprecedented threats as a result of human activities. Its health and ability to sustain life will only get worse as the world population grows and human activities increase. Thus, if Governments, nations, societies, and citizens at large want to address some of the most crucial issues of the time such as climate change, food insecurity, diseases, and pandemics, diminishing biodiversity, economic inequality, environmental justice, and equity; and even conflicts and strife linked to the scramble for natural resources, bold actions are required now to protect the state of the ocean.

Based on the above, it is a paradox that humankind invests more resources for the exploration of far-reaching space planets than for the neighbor space of our common global living ocean.

Subsequently, it is evident like a crystal water that the 30th Anniversary of the UNITWIN/UNESCO Chairs Programme entitled: transforming knowledge for just and sustainable futures” provides a unique opportunity to the IOC-UNESCO to gather together with the relevant Chairs and Category 2 Centres under the auspices of UNESCO with the view to take stock of accomplishments looking back to see ahead, shaping the future of ocean science and knowledge for sustainable development as a key contribution to the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

  1. Objectives

The IOC-UNESCO parallel thematic sessions will help to enhance international cooperation and networking among relevant UNESCO Chairs, Category 2 Centres under the auspices of UNESCO, partner universities and higher education institutions to foster increased development of ocean science and knowledge for sustainable development, generate ideas to address complex multi-faceted interdependent developmental marine and coastal challenges.

The sessions also provide an opportunity for the Chair holders, stakeholders, and participants to meet and network with UNESCO and IOC-UNESCO sectors programmes specialists with the view develop innovative ideas towards co-design of further joint projects and activities.

A key objective is indeed to enhance institutional capacities through knowledge sharing and collaborative platforms globally, across hemispheres.

The ultimate objective of the IOC-UNESCO parallel thematic sessions is to pave the way for establishing the first Global UNITWIN Network of UNESCO Chairs and Category 2 Centres under the Auspices of UNESCO in Ocean and Climate Sciences, Technology and Governance which should be rooted in the core values of UNESCO Constitution promoting international scientific, moral, intellectual, and academic solidarity for a peaceful world. In fact, this intellectual solidarity should not be seen as a mark of generosity or favor based on racial or discriminatory theories of historical superiority among human civilizations. This intellectual solidarity is simply the very essence of and consubstantial to the humanity.

Establishing such a global network at a time of dramatic extreme events due to climate change including ocean acidification and loss of marine and coastal biodiversity is timely for several reasons of which the following:

- The Global UNITWIN Network of UNESCO Chairs and Category 2 Centres under the Auspices of UNESCO in Ocean and Climate Sciences, Technology and Governance is timely in the wave of global mobilisation to reverse the trends of degradation of ocean and coastal environment and resources towards sustainable development for the desirable future.

- It is also timely as the United Nations based on the initiative and groundwork of UNESCO, its IOC-UNESCO, and Member States, have declared on 5 December 2017, that a Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development would be held from 2021 to 2030.

- It is timely as the UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development (2021-2030) was formally launched on the 1st January 2021 following its adoption by the General Assembly of the United Nations. In fact, the Ocean Decade provides a common framework to ensure that ocean science can fully support countries to achieve the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. The Ocean Decade provides a ‘once in a lifetime’ opportunity for nations to work together to generate the global ocean science as a common public good with the view to create a new foundation across the science-policy interface to strengthen the management of world oceans and coasts to ultimately support sustainable development for the benefit of humanity in harmony with mother nature.  

- It is indeed timely in the continuation of the UN Ocean Conferences  (5-9 June 2017, United Nations Headquarters, New York, USA) and (Lisbon, Portugal, 27 Jun - 1 July 2022).

Finally, the sessions will explore which evolving roles, relevant UNESCO Chairs, UNITWIN networks, associated institutions, researchers, and scientists can and should play in responding to the multi-dimensional crises, as well as the associated power asymmetries and social, economic, and environmental degradation. To achieve the above objectives, the Sessions will examine the following existential questions:

  1. Pre-conference questionnaire: Existential questions for UNESCO Chairs and Category 2 Centres under the auspices of UNESCO.

1. From the perspective of Member States, UNESCO Chairs and UNITWIN Network holders and Category 2 Centres under the auspices of UNESCO: (i) What does the label of UNESCO Chair brings to the higher education institutions and related Member State? (ii) What is the added value for the host institutions and Member State?

2. How do Member States, UNESCO Chairs, UNITWIN Network holders and Category 2 Centres under the auspices of UNESCO explain: (i) the contributions of the Chairs and C2C to UNESCO and IOC-UNESCO programmes, strategic priorities taking into account the UNESCO C/4, C/5 and the IOC Midterm Strategy and quadrennial programme and budget? (ii) What is the added value for UNESCO and the IOC-UNESCO?

3. Provide examples of projects results with evidence of quantifiable impacts showing that the knowledge generated mattered, strengthened capacities, enriched international and inter-cultural cooperation, and promoted intellectual solidarity, invigorated greater interdisciplinary cooperation, and catalyzed new research collaborations.

4. What are the knowledge gaps and how to identify and harness opportunities for transforming ocean science and knowledge for the full implementation of the SDG#13 and SDG#14. 

5. (i) What are the local, national, regional, and international constraints/barriers/obstacles which hampered the smooth development and growth of the UNESCO Chairs, UNITWIN Networks and Category 2 Centres under the auspices of UNESCO? (ii) What are the possible envisioned solutions?

6. How the UNESCO Chairs, UNITWIN Networks and Category 2 Centres under the auspices of UNESCO see by 2030, their position and roles (if any) in responding to the simultaneous crises of a multi-dimensional nature of the 21st Century including: (i) environmental damage, (ii) the growing effects of climate change; (iii) ocean and coastal degradation; (iv)  power asymmetries including economic, environmental and social inequalities; (v) conflicts due to sectoral usages of coastal and marine environment and resources; (vi) partnerships with local and endogenous communities; (vii)  theoretical models for environmental justice and equity?

7. What are the potential mechanisms/platforms needed to ensure the smooth operations and to help invigorate greater interdisciplinary cooperation and catalyze new research collaborations among UNESCO Chairs, UNITWIN Networks and Category 2 Centres under the auspices of UNESCO in Ocean and Climate Sciences, Technology and Governance as a platform for generating foresight in UNESCO and IOC-UNESCO priority thematic areas and to envision the further evolution of the UNITWIN/UNESCO Chairs Programme and the C2Cs within and across UNESCO’s priority programmes and provide opportunities for networking? (Dedicated thematic homepages? Network Coordinating office? Network Coordinators?  What means for exchanges on challenges, success stories, best practices? Regular virtual or in-person seminars? Network Newsletters, joint projects, and activities? Sharing partner’s scientific research infrastructures? Joint funding raising? Joint scientific publication? Science mobility including visiting professorship and studentship among the Chairs, the C2C including students and staff?

8. What mechanisms to ensure the leadership of UNESCO Chairs, UNITWIN Networks and Category 2 Centres under the auspices of UNESCO in Ocean and Climate Sciences,  Technology and Governance at national, regional, and international levels? 

9. What are the costs implications to ensure the smooth operations and leadership of the UNESCO Chairs, UNITWIN Networks and Category 2 Centres under the auspices of UNESCO in Ocean and Climate Sciences, Technology and Governance to envisage its future potential for strengthening inter-university cooperation, international partnerships, research, teaching and community engagement and intellectual solidarity and to serve as a global think tank and an observatory of emerging issues and trends related to global ocean and coasts?

10. What are the potential sources for funding the activities of the UNESCO Chairs, UNITWIN Networks and Category 2 Centres under the auspices of UNESCO in Ocean and Climate Sciences, Technology and Governance?

IV. Reinforcement of national, regional, and international partnerships

- National Commissions

- UNESCO Fields networks including Regional and National Offices.

- National Permanent Delegations @ UNESCO

- Funding partners.

Working documents

C/4 and C/5 as well as international agenda including the UN Decade.

UNITWIN/UNESCO Chairs revised Strategy

Information documents

Available reports

Agenda of the IOC-UNESCO Parallel Thematic Sessions (Hybrid)

Ocean Science and Knowledge for Sustainable Development

Towards a Global UNITWIN Network of UNESCO Chairs and Category 2 Centres under the Auspices of UNESCO in

 Ocean and Climate Sciences, Technology and Governance.

UNESCO Headquarters, 7, Place de Fontenoy, 75352 Paris France

3 November 2022 (16:30-18:00) and 4 November 2022  (11:-12:30)

Day 1: 3 November 2022 (16:30-18:00)

16:30-16:32: Welcome by the IOC-UNESCO focal point for the UNESCO Chairs and                              C2C, Justin Ahanhanzo.

16:32-16:40: Self-introduction of participants and designation of 2 rapporteurs.

16:40-16:45: Setting the scene by the IOC-UNESCO focal point for the UNESCO

Chairs and C2C , Justin Ahanhanzo.

16:45-16:55: Overview of IOC-UNESCO Programmes and the UN Decade of

Ocean Science for Sustainable Development (2021-2030) with a call to the UNESCO Chairs and C2Cs for a reinforced involvement in, commitments to and cooperation with UNESCO Sectors programmes and the IOC-UNESCO towards co-design and joint implementation of programmes and activities by the Executive Secretary of IOC and Assistant Director General of UNESCO, Dr. Vladimir Ryabinin.

16:55-17:30: Round table exchanges on national experiences by Chairs holders and

Directors of the C2Cs.

17:30-18:00: Initial reflections on the way towards establishing the Global UNITWIN

Network of UNESCO Chairs and Category 2 Centres under the Auspices of UNESCO in Ocean and Climate Sciences, Technology and Governance by global brainstorming by all


Agenda of the  IOC-UNESCO Parallel Thematic Sessions (Hybrid)

Ocean Science and Knowledge for Sustainable Development

Towards a Global UNITWIN Network of UNESCO Chairs and Category 2 Centres under the Auspices of UNESCO in

 Ocean and Climate Sciences, Technology and Governance.

UNESCO Headquarters, 7, Place de Fontenoy, 75352 Paris France

3 November 2022 (16:30-18:00) and 4 November 2022  (11:-12:30)

Day 2: 4 November 2022  (11:-12:30)

11:00-12:00:  Modalities for and launch of the Global UNITWIN Network of

UNESCO Chairs and Category 2 Centres under the Auspices of UNESCO in Ocean and Climate Sciences, Technology and Governance.

12:00-13:00: Report and Declaration on the Global UNITWIN Network of

UNESCO Chairs and Category 2 Centres under the Auspices of UNESCO in Ocean and Climate Sciences, Technology and Governance.

13:00-14:30: Lunch break & Networking

14:30-16:30: Concluding Plenary Session for the 30 years

Celebration and Way Forward (Room II)

Potential participants: All relevant Chairs and C2C are Invited!

(List in progress as notifications by the Chairs and C2Cs are received)

Profile of participants: recent photo + short bio (8 line

tags: UNESCO Chair on Coastal Geo-Hazard Analysis ries