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In the 05/09/2023 edition:
By UNDRR Bonn Office on May 08, 2023 04:39 pm
Experts gather to shape a new global system to record and manage data about hazardous events and the damages they cause.
By World Weather Attribution on May 08, 2023 04:31 pm
A large area of South Western Europe and Northern Africa experienced extremely high temperatures usually only seen in July and August, at the end of April 2023.
By Conversation Media Group, the on May 08, 2023 04:15 pm
Plants provide almost every calorie of food we eat. For millennia, farmers have bred grains, fruit and vegetable varieties to get larger harvests and plants better able to tolerate different climates.
By Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme on May 08, 2023 04:07 pm
The Pacific Climate Change Centre (PCCC) is working with eight Pacific countries to enhance and integrate knowledge brokerage on climate change into aspects of the work they are doing in their communities.
By East Asia Forum on May 08, 2023 03:57 pm
For several years, Indonesia has been considering issuing catastrophe bonds, a tool promoted by the World Bank to transfer risk to the private capital market.
By ABC News on May 08, 2023 03:36 pm
While COVID-19 ebbs the nation's public health leaders warned senators on Thursday that a return to "normal" should not mean forgetting the hard lessons learned over the last three years.
By Lund University on May 08, 2023 01:44 pm
The Middle East and North African region lose about $13 billion a year because of increasing sand and dust storms. By combining learnings from artificial intelligence and 3000-year-old sustainable methods, researchers might find ways to mitigate damages
By The Third Pole on May 08, 2023 01:14 pm
Despite progressive laws protecting their rights on paper, transgender people in Pakistan are overlooked in disaster responses, and shut out from government relief.
By World Meteorological Organization on May 05, 2023 01:31 pm
WMO has welcomed the release of the first image from Europe’s newest weather satellite, which reveals conditions over Europe, Africa and the Atlantic with an extraordinary level of detail.
By World Bank, the on May 05, 2023 01:01 pm
Faced with increased climate variability, cities are increasingly considering investments in urban flood protection.
By Mongabay on May 05, 2023 12:46 pm
Mongabay Latam spoke with scientists who contributed to the latest Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) report about the effects in Latin America, opportunities for mitigation and adaptation and the contributions of Native cultures.
By University of Portsmouth on May 05, 2023 12:39 pm
Simex is the University's annual international disaster simulation exercise, which allow responders to practice their capabilities to be ready for deployment in emergencies of all types.
By University of Canterbury on May 05, 2023 12:26 pm
University of Canterbury (UC) researchers have discovered a link between the frequency of rain events and the intensity of those rain events.
By ProPublica on May 05, 2023 11:39 am
The reports revealed that some long trains were too big to fit into sidings off of main tracks that were often built to accommodate trains no longer than 1.4 miles, and passing trains were crashing into their rear ends.
By Public Broadcasting Service on May 05, 2023 11:32 am
Three STEM educators share best practices for tackling climate change in the classroom through project-based learning.
By ecoRI News on May 05, 2023 11:21 am
Train accidents, like the one in northeastern Ohio, are happening with striking regularity, according to a recent analysis. Accidental releases are happening consistently across the country.
By ABC News on May 05, 2023 10:59 am
As bushfires become increasingly ferocious in Australia, aggravated by climate change, major fire and research bodies from across the country are turning to a well-known piece of technology that they say could be a "life-saving" tool in fire management.
By ABC News on May 05, 2023 10:54 am
In Samoa, the third and fourth culturally recognised genders of fa'afafine and fa'afatama are widely accepted in local communities — but not being legally recognised has its challenges.
By ABC News on May 05, 2023 10:46 am
Pests and disease are often the next issue to hit food crops in the Pacific after natural disasters — find out the advice on helping crops recover faster and stronger.
By Down To Earth on May 05, 2023 10:37 am
Youths here held several meetings with the villagers and explained climate change as well as methods to mitigate forest fires at the community level.
By USA Today - Gannet Co. Inc. on May 04, 2023 06:06 pm
Dust storms are created by high winds that lift large amounts of dust and sand from dry soil into the atmosphere. The airborne particles can be blown for miles.
By Independent, the (UK) on May 04, 2023 05:56 pm
Searing heat has forever changed Dhaka, Bangladesh’s largest city, Bushra Afreen tells senior climate correspondent Louise Boyle. Now, she’s leading an effort to tackle the crisis and save lives
By Global Center on Adaptation on May 04, 2023 05:50 pm
Bleaglee Waste Management helps communities mitigate the risk of floods by first using drones to identify waste in waterways and drainage channels.
By Thomson Reuters on May 04, 2023 05:13 pm
India will spend an estimated 85.6 trillion rupees ($1.05 trillion) by 2030 to adapt its various industries to be compliant with climate change norms, a report by the country's central bank said on Wednesday.
By World Health Organization on May 04, 2023 04:57 pm
The Government of Sierra Leone is this week holding a three-day Universal Health and Preparedness Review high-level meeting in the country’s capital, Freetown.
By World Meteorological Organization on May 04, 2023 04:42 pm
The likelihood of El Niño developing later this year is increasing, according to a new update from the World Meteorological Organization (WMO). This would have the opposite impacts on weather and climate patterns in many regions of the to world.
By University of California, San Diego on May 04, 2023 04:33 pm
UC San Diego’s ALERTCalifornia public safety program leverages novel technology and cutting-edge research to understand the causes, behavior and aftereffects of wildfires and other natural disasters in the Golden Stat
By Japan Times Ltd., the on May 04, 2023 09:44 am
From heatstroke insurance to plans that reimburse dairy farmers when cows are too hot to produce milk, this new wave of products may help communities build financial resilience to the impact from warmer temperatures.
By London School of Economics and Political Science, the on May 04, 2023 09:23 am
The health and productivity of the workforce in Bangladesh is under increasing threat in a warming world. In this commentary, the writers consider how policymakers can ensure workers are protected from extreme heat
By Context on May 03, 2023 04:37 pm
As Pakistan tries to rebuild better after devastating floods, cheap, natural and easy-to-construct homes may be one answer
By University of California, Berkeley on May 03, 2023 04:25 pm
As rising seas threaten to flood hundreds of toxic sites along the California coast, the risk of flood-related contamination will fall disproportionately on the state’s most marginalized communities, finds a new study.
By Conversation Media Group, the on May 03, 2023 03:38 pm
The bushfire outlook for many parts of Australia has changed drastically over the past decade. Environmental conditions have transformed, producing larger and more destructive bushfires.
By National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration on May 03, 2023 02:24 pm
Upgrade will enhance forecasts of storm surge during tropical cyclones.
By Eos - AGU on May 03, 2023 02:20 pm
From sediment cores to speleothems, environmental archives are helping us to understand the history of wildfires.
By International Institute for Environment and Development on May 03, 2023 02:10 pm
Pooled funds from World Bank and International Monetary Fund could pay premiums for low-income countries.
By World Bank, the on May 03, 2023 12:52 pm
Digital public goods can play a key role in climate change adaptation. Digital public goods are open-source software, open data, open models, open standards, or any other digital assets that anyone can freely access, use, modify, and share.
By World Bank, the on May 03, 2023 12:32 pm
New policy brief evaluates the current state of the knowledge of and plans to manage urban heat in South Asia. Heat in South Asian cities is analyzed through the different layers of the urban environment: buildings, communities, and cities.
By Médecins du Monde/Doctors of the World International Network on May 03, 2023 12:14 pm
The small nation is facing two extremes on the opposing ends of its country. The northern and eastern regions of the country have faced devastating cyclones, flooding and heavy rains, while the south has been experiencing the worst drought in 40 years.
By Observer Research Foundation on May 03, 2023 12:04 pm
The recent climate resilience loan packages that has been introduced by the IMF fall short.
By University of Edinburgh on May 03, 2023 11:53 am
The discovery of the driving force behind the world’s deadliest volcanic events could help improve forecasting of their devastating effects, new research suggests.
By Union of Concerned Scientists on May 03, 2023 11:40 am
After several years of drought and tinder-box conditions, abundant rains over the past winter have those of us who live in the western United States hoping for a year with less wildfire activity this summer and fall than we’ve had in recent years.
By United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction – Regional Office for the Americas and the Caribbean on May 02, 2023 08:49 pm
The application of the tool was conducted through a workshop facilitated by UNDRR under the Making Cities Resilient 2030 (MCR2030) initiative.
By Live-Mint/Hindustan Times, HT Media Limited on May 02, 2023 04:03 pm
The model colony for the displaced villagers of Satabhaya would be built at Bagapatia in Kendrapara district at a cost of Rs. 22.5 crore in the first phase.
By United Nations Economic Commission for Europe on May 02, 2023 03:45 pm
Uzbekistan is one of the world's largest producers of gold and uranium. In the last 40 years, Uzbekistan has built a strong mining industry, which is expected to grow, given that only 20 % of the country’s territory has yet been explored.
By Water Science Policy on May 02, 2023 12:07 pm
As cities move to secure their water supplies in the backdrop of extreme droughts, two cities in two continents provide blueprints for solutions.
By World Bank, the on May 02, 2023 11:50 am
As COVID-19 abates, the question everyone is asking is: how ready is my country for the next pandemic? The speed with which the virus spread exposed the many weaknesses in the world’s health systems.No country was immune.
By UNDRR Private Sector Alliance for Disaster Resilient Societies (ARISE) on May 02, 2023 10:37 am
A coalition of Mexican businesses has launched the virtual platform “Unidos por Ellxs” to better foster collaboration between the private sector, government, the United Nations, and humanitarian partners before, during and after disasters.
By Conversation Media Group, the on May 02, 2023 10:03 am
At any given time, 20 to 50 of these active volcanoes are erupting. The proximity of people and buildings makes it important to study volcanoes and understand the hazards.
By Temblor on May 02, 2023 09:20 am
Like climate change, earthquake hazards disproportionately impact poor and developing nations, which makes it imperative for a global organization such as the United Nations to create a parallel treaty for earthquake hazards. |