The News and blogs weekly newsletter introduces the latest news and blogs published by PreventionWeb on disaster risk reduction. Visit us on PreventionWeb to see our other newsletters and subscribe. In the 09/27/2022 edition:

The News and blogs weekly newsletter introduces the latest news and blogs published by PreventionWeb on disaster risk reduction. Visit us on PreventionWeb to see our other newsletters and subscribe.
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In the 09/27/2022 edition:

Call for applications: ICLEI Action Fund

By ICLEI - Local Governments for Sustainability on Sep 26, 2022 06:27 pm
The ICLEI Action Fund is a granting scheme conducted by ICLEI Local Governments for Sustainability with support from to foster data-driven environmental and climate action at the local level.

Why climate-change 'loss and damage' will be a hot topic at COP27

By Thomson Reuters Foundation, on Sep 26, 2022 02:25 pm
With warming-driven disasters hitting the poor harder, pressure is growing for new sources of global funding to repair the harm.

The Corn Belt will get hotter. Farmers will have to adapt

By Grist Magazine on Sep 26, 2022 02:05 pm
The nation's largest corn producing region could soon be known as the Extreme Heat Belt.

The children of Superstorm Sandy a decade later

By City University of New York on Sep 26, 2022 01:17 pm
New research from a longitudinal study shows children who were exposed to the disaster in the womb have higher rates of developmental psychopathology in a sex-specific manner.

Deepest scientific ocean drilling sheds light on Japan’s next great earthquake

By The University of Texas at Austin on Sep 23, 2022 10:00 am
Scientists hope is that by directly measuring the force felt between tectonic plates pushing on each other – tectonic stress – they can learn when a great earthquake is ready to happen.

Common approach to keeping wildfire smoke out of U.S. homes doesn’t work, Stanford study finds. Better policies can help

By Stanford News Service on Sep 23, 2022 09:46 am
Most government policies for mitigating public health risks from wildfire smoke aim to educate citizens to protect themselves by staying indoors, closing windows, and using air filters.

How China’s extreme weather summer is affecting its security

By The Diplomat on Sep 23, 2022 09:08 am
This summer has been China’s driest and hottest since consistent records began being kept in 1961. The severe heatwave resulted in and continues to exacerbate a drought.

As U.S. bakes, mapping shows Black, Latino areas feel more heat

By Thomson Reuters Foundation, on Sep 23, 2022 09:03 am
Locals are tracking temperatures, humidity and other data to help officials protect those living in sweltering 'heat islands'

We can use drones to get inside and learn more about active, gassy volcanoes

By Conversation Media Group, the on Sep 23, 2022 08:45 am
Volcanic eruptions cannot be predicted with 100 per cent certainty. However, details about an upcoming eruption can be estimated using the hot and smelly gases a volcano produces.

China’s extreme weather challenges scientists trying to study it

By Springer Nature on Sep 22, 2022 02:36 pm
A severe heatwave in parts of China exacerbated a drought and fuelled wildfires.

Puerto Rico’s vulnerability to hurricanes is magnified by weak government and bureaucratic roadblocks

By Conversation Media Group, the on Sep 22, 2022 02:34 pm
Five years after Hurricane Maria wreaked havoc on Puerto Rico, Hurricane Fiona has killed at least four people, caused widespread flooding and left hundreds of thousands of residents without water or power.

What does community-led climate work look like?

By Grist Magazine on Sep 22, 2022 02:29 pm
Jacksonville residents and local grassroots organizations are working with city officials to take a markedly different approach to managing flood risks.

EPA’s proposed changes to chemical disaster prevention rule don’t do enough to keep communities safe

By Coming Clean, Inc. on Sep 22, 2022 02:18 pm
Coming Clean and the Environmental Justice Health Alliance for Chemical Policy Reform released a report that profiles three chemical incidents that occurred within two weeks in January, and recommends safety measures to prevent future chemical disasters. 

How we're reshaping global water storage

By Eos - AGU on Sep 22, 2022 02:12 pm
Researchers modeled and mapped how eight key aspects of human societies affect hydrological cycles.

Effective communication of disaster warnings saving lives in Fiji

By Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme on Sep 22, 2022 01:50 pm
Communication is key – especially when you are in the business of saving lives.

Building resilience in Palau through early warning systems

By Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme on Sep 22, 2022 01:44 pm
The residents of Palau have benefitted from effective and low-cost, low-tech early warning systems, installed through the World Meteorological Organisation (WMO) Climate Risk and Early Warning Systems (CREWS) Pilot Project. 

Plants can resist climate change challenges and recover from drought by adjusting lignin 'chemical code'

By PhysOrg, Omicron Technology Ltd on Sep 22, 2022 01:38 pm
A study shows that we can create plants that can better recover from drought without affecting the size of the plant or seed yield by genetically modifying their lignin chemistry. These results can be used in agriculture to tackle climate challenges.

Now you don't have to wait for smoke to know where fires are likely to occur

By United States Department of Agriculture on Sep 22, 2022 01:29 pm
Scientists have developed a way to forecast which of the Great Basin's more than 60 million acres have the highest probability of a large rangeland fire.

Japan and the World Bank: Working together to build resilient infrastructure

By World Bank, the on Sep 22, 2022 01:21 pm
We hear a lot about resilience lately when discussing infrastructure development. In the face of climate change, extreme weather, and geological events, governments increasingly recognize the need to improve risk management.

Climate change is making rain difficult to predict – we trained an AI to help tropical countries adapt

By Conversation Media Group, the on Sep 21, 2022 10:56 am
The forecasting system we developed is essentially an intelligent computer program that can predict whether it will rain, how intense that rain will be and how long it will last at any location with greater than 90% accuracy at least 96 hours in advance.

Pakistan’s floods are a disaster – but they didn’t have to be

By Conversation Media Group, the on Sep 21, 2022 10:31 am
The destruction caused by these so-called “natural disasters” is often accepted as largely unavoidable and unpredictable. Climate change is also blamed for the alleged increased frequency of disasters.

New type of investment could narrow funding gap for climate adaptation projects

By Imperial College London on Sep 21, 2022 10:25 am
Creating a new type of investment could be the key to protecting infrastructure projects from the impact of climate change according to a new report.

India’s urban floods: Why we need to look at nature-based solutions

By Down To Earth on Sep 21, 2022 10:22 am
Solutions to reduce the loss of lives and livelihoods from urban floods can be exercised by individuals and local govts.

Long-term impacts of ‘terrible’ fire season in Pakistan’s mountains

By The Third Pole on Sep 21, 2022 10:17 am
Forests cover just 4.8% of Pakistan, and fire is the biggest driver of forest loss in the country: Global Forest Watch estimates that between 2001 and 2021, Pakistan lost 5,460 hectares of tree cover due to fires and 4,290 hectares from all other drivers.

Lebanese research preserves heat-adapted seeds to feed a warming world

By Mongabay on Sep 21, 2022 10:08 am
In Lebanon, the International Center for Agricultural Research in Dry Areas (ICARDA) is preserving crops’ genetic diversity and helping breed climate-resilient varieties of seeds.

How flood events affect food security in low-income communities

By Flood Resilience Portal on Sep 21, 2022 10:06 am
Floods and other natural hazards affect much more than physical infrastructure. For smallholder farmers, who are often amongst the most food insecure communities in the world, such events can be devastating both in the short and long term.

Esline Garaebiti: “If you understand the risk, then you can understand how to cope with it”

By Anonymous on Sep 21, 2022 09:28 am
“If you understand the risk, then you can understand how to cope with it,” Esline says. “But if you do not understand, it is going to be hard - slowly you see the impact, but you don’t know how to deal with it”.

Pacific geo-hazards expert and Indian researcher of river flood risk awarded top honours for women’s leadership in disaster risk reduction

By United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction on Sep 21, 2022 09:28 am
The winners were selected from the 420 nominations that were received from 24 countries across the Asia-Pacific region. The awards, which come with a cash prize, celebrate women's achievements in reducing disaster risk.

Odisha: Govt action plan to enhance climate resilience of coastal communities

By Times of India, the on Sep 20, 2022 10:17 am
The Odisha government has taken a decision to implement a community-based action plan from the current year as a necessary step towards enhancing climate resilience of coastal communities. It will address the livelihood issues of the people.

Typhoon Merbok, fueled by unusually warm Pacific Ocean, pounded Alaska’s vulnerable coastal communities at a critical time

By Conversation Media Group, the on Sep 20, 2022 10:05 am
The author highlights that this is a stormy part of the world, and state and federal governments need to do a better job of communicating risks and helping communities and tribes ahead of time.

Indonesia's sinking villages look to nature to restore mangroves

By Thomson Reuters Foundation, on Sep 20, 2022 09:58 am
A restoration pilot project on Java island is helping villagers protect their communities as climate change spurs worsening floods

Why the drought isn’t over even though it’s rained all week

By Conversation Media Group, the on Sep 20, 2022 08:59 am
Only a few days into autumn, and the UK has experienced some truly autumnal weather. Heavy bands of rain and thunderstorms have swept over parts of Britain, particularly in southern England, that up until a few weeks ago were looking dry and parched.

Large companies' assets at growing risk of climate impact - S&P Global

By Thomson Reuters on Sep 20, 2022 08:58 am
Over 90% of the world's largest companies will have at least one asset highly exposed to the physical impacts of climate change by the 2050s, data and analysis from index and ratings provider S&P Global showed on Thursday.

New innovative system for early flood warning

By Tamworth regional council on Sep 20, 2022 08:58 am
An innovative system developed through a Tamworth Regional Council-led project will give residents of Nundle and Woolomin earlier flood warning notice.

Getting the message rigth: Why effective communication matters more than ever

By University of Delaware on Sep 20, 2022 08:56 am
It’s a problem almost as old as time, and a frustration that’s familiar to anyone who has tried communicating with a spouse, a child or a friend: You think your words are clear, but they seem to hear something different than you intended.

Climate change from the ground up: Researchers explore sea level rise impact on building foundations

By Colorado State University on Sep 20, 2022 08:54 am
Researchers have considered how flooding from rising sea levels and storm surges will damage the built environment along the coast, but what about climate change’s less noticeable impacts below the surface?

A third of Aussies fear losing their homes to climate change

By PhysOrg, Omicron Technology Ltd on Sep 20, 2022 08:33 am
Six in 10 Australians (62%) expect climate change will have a severe effect in their area over the next 10 years and globally across 34 countries more than 71%, a new study conducted by Ipsos for the World Economic Forum finds.

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