The News and blogs weekly newsletter introduces the latest news and blogs published by PreventionWeb on disaster risk reduction. Visit us on PreventionWeb to see our other newsletters and subscribe. In the 09/13/2022 edition:

The News and blogs weekly newsletter introduces the latest news and blogs published by PreventionWeb on disaster risk reduction. Visit us on PreventionWeb to see our other newsletters and subscribe.
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In the 09/13/2022 edition:

Gender and Climate Awards: Promoting the inclusion and leadership of women in climate action

By International Union for the Conservation of Nature on Sep 12, 2022 02:48 pm
The awards aim to highlight the central contribution of women in the fight for the climate and the need to integrate gender equality in all policies resulting from the Paris Agreement.

GAIINS: Making agricultural, climate risk insurance gender-inclusive

By Climatelinks on Sep 12, 2022 02:22 pm
GAIINS aims to empower and increase the capacity of women farmers in the five counties to be resilient to climate shocks through uptake of index-based insurance.

New AI system predicts how to prevent wildfires

By Aalto University on Sep 12, 2022 01:34 pm
A machine learning model can evaluate the effectiveness of different management strategies.

Greater Bay Area real estate sector cannot ignore climate change threats, must act to head off disaster, report warns

By South China Morning Post on Sep 12, 2022 01:13 pm
The region is one of the world’s most vulnerable to extreme weather events, but short-sighted goals leave stakeholders unprepared.

How Hong Kong can survive rising seas – see CWR’s New 8-Factsheet Survival Guide

By China Water Risk on Sep 12, 2022 12:30 pm
CWR releases a new 8-Factsheet Survival Guide to help Hong Kong navigate and survive rising seas, which pose multiple existential threats to the region.

WHO South-East Asia region roadmap to strengthen emergency preparedness and response

By World Health Organization - Regional Office for South-East Asia on Sep 12, 2022 12:13 pm
To strengthen preparedness and response capacities for public health emergencies with multidimensional impact, a regional roadmap built on the lessons learnt from the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic is set to be rolled out in the WHO South-East Asia Region.

New MTG-I1 weather satellite to aid in severe weather event prediction

By European Space Agency on Sep 12, 2022 12:03 pm
Before Europe’s first Meteosat Third Generation Imager leaves the south of France aboard a ship bound for French Guiana, this remarkable new weather satellite has been taking centre stage at Thales Alenia Space’s facilities in Cannes.

Disaster preparedness: the EU and UNDRR mark 10 years of partnership in Latin America and the Caribbean

By United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction – Regional Office for the Americas and the Caribbean on Sep 09, 2022 07:52 pm
The European Union, through its Disaster Preparedness Programme (DP) under the Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid department (ECHO), has invested more than 321 million euros in 34 countries.

Europe has hottest summer on record: EU Copernicus

By World Meteorological Organization on Sep 09, 2022 04:34 pm
Europe just had its hottest summer and hottest August on record, according to the EU’s Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S), implemented by the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts.

Major investment in air-conditioning needed to address future heat waves

By Eos - AGU on Sep 09, 2022 04:26 pm
More than 80% of urban residents will need air-conditioning by the 2050s, but many of the world’s poorer countries may struggle to meet that demand.

How Europe’s drought is making Britain’s energy crisis worse

By Conversation Media Group, the on Sep 09, 2022 04:19 pm
What may be Europe's worst drought in 500 years has arrived amid an energy crisis, and the lack of water threatens to make the energy shortage worse.

Fact sheet: Biden-⁠Harris administration launches new climate portal to help communities navigate climate change impacts

By White House, the on Sep 09, 2022 03:52 pm
Ινteractive mapping features will provide communities with location-based information on extreme heat, drought, wildfires, and other climate impacts.

Longer, hotter and more frequent heat waves in Swiss cities

By University of Zurich on Sep 09, 2022 03:45 pm
Researchers from the University of Zurich have analyzed the frequency, intensity and length of such extreme events for five Swiss cities. Lugano and Geneva would be most affected.

Global warming raised chance of extreme heat during Japan summer by 240 times: study

By Mainichi Newspapers Co., Ltd., the - Mainichi Daily news, the on Sep 09, 2022 03:33 pm
Global warming caused by human activities raised the probability of record high temperatures across Japan this summer by 240 times compared to the expected chances in the absence of global warming, a Japanese research team announced.

Flood-hit Pakistan faces spread of infectious diseases

By Science and Development Network on Sep 09, 2022 02:36 pm
Around 33 million people affected by floods that engulfed a third of Pakistan and millions need immediate assistance as floods damaged health facilities. Pakistan faces outbreaks of several diseases like diarrhoea, dengue and COVID-19.

Global warming above 1.5C could trigger ‘multiple’ tipping points

By Carbon Brief on Sep 09, 2022 01:57 pm
There is a “significant likelihood” that multiple “tipping points” will be crossed if global temperatures exceed 1.5C above pre-industrial levels, new research suggests.

The International Day for Disaster Risk Reduction 2022: sing for resilience contest

By United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction - Regional Office for Europe & Central Asia on Sep 09, 2022 01:56 pm
UNDRR with the financial support from the European Union, announces the “Sing for Resilience” musical contest for countries based in Central Asia to mark this year’s International Day for Disaster Risk Reduction.

What the world can learn from the devastating floods in Pakistan

By Northeastern University on Sep 09, 2022 01:00 pm
Some people sometimes call such disasters “acts of God,” Ganguly says, but they are not. They are connected to the exacerbation of climate change, and people around the world should be aware of it. 

How can practitioners leverage their networks to maximize wildfire risk reduction?

By Fire Adapted Communities Learning Network on Sep 09, 2022 11:38 am
Communities of fire adaptation and mitigation practitioners are attempting to improve fire outcomes by using their power as a system of connected entities – as networks – to influence each other, those who they serve, and the systems they work in.

Neighborhood strategies inform Boston’s first urban forest plan

By Eos - AGU on Sep 09, 2022 10:54 am
The city prioritizes equity and inclusion as it incorporates tree coverage into climate resiliency efforts.

Climate change: colonial diaries in South Africa are helping scientists reconstruct weather patterns of the past to protect against future events

By Conversation Media Group, the on Sep 09, 2022 10:27 am
Weather records are being filled by what seems at first glance an unlikely source: a massive project to photograph and transcribe daily registers kept by the Vereenigde Oost Indische Compagnie (VOC), or Dutch East India Company, between 1651 and 1795.

Flood-protection measures: Pakistan is in for a long haul

By Down To Earth on Sep 09, 2022 09:53 am
Punjab needs to employ 871 years of flood-protection, while other flood-prone provinces like Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and Sindh would require around 708 years and 585 years respectively.

Pakistan needs a national development program to combat future floods and droughts

By Conversation Media Group, the on Sep 09, 2022 09:32 am
Pakistan needs a proactive approach to enhancing the country’s infrastructure, as opposed to exclusively focusing on disaster risk reduction activities. A national strategy is required.

Record-breaking heatwave will be an average summer by 2035, latest Met Office Hadley Centre data shows

By Climate Crisis Advisory Group on Sep 08, 2022 05:19 pm
The record-breaking heatwave experienced across Europe this summer will be considered an “average” summer by 2035, even if countries meet their current climate commitments so far agreed in negotiations under the 2015 Paris Agreement.

Can this portable dam help Africa counter rising waters?

By United Nations Environment Programme on Sep 08, 2022 05:17 pm
Slamdam is part of a wave of cutting-edge technologies that experts hope will help the developing world adapt to the fallout from climate change, which includes floods, rising seas, scorching temperatures and more severe storms.

Cabinet approves MoU on cooperation in the field of Disaster Management between the National Disaster Management Authority of the Republic of India and the National Disaster management Authority of the Republic of Maldives

By India - government on Sep 08, 2022 05:15 pm
A memorandum of understanding (MoU) has been approved between the National Disaster Management Authority of the Republic of India and the National Disaster Management Authority of the Republic of Maldives on cooperation in the field of Disaster Management

A text alert may have saved California from power blackouts

By Bloomberg LP on Sep 08, 2022 04:16 pm
A timely mobile alert may have prevented hundreds of thousands of Californians from being plunged into darkness in the middle of a heat wave Tuesday night.

State of Climate in Africa highlights water stress and hazards

By World Meteorological Organization on Sep 08, 2022 03:46 pm
Climate Action in Africa gains momentum, but more is needed.

Pakistan floods: will rich nations ever pay for climate loss and damage?

By Conversation Media Group, the on Sep 08, 2022 01:18 pm
Rich countries show very little enthusiasm for paying for loss and damage caused in part by their emissions. But as climate impacts worsen, can this last?

Intense heat waves and flooding are battering electricity and water systems, as America’s aging infrastructure sags under the pressure of climate change

By Conversation Media Group, the on Sep 08, 2022 01:07 pm
The United States is consistently falling short on funding infrastructure maintenance. A report by former Federal Reserve Board Chairman Paul Volcker’s Volcker Alliance in 2019 estimated the U.S. has a US$1 trillion backlog of needed repairs.

Climate scientists explain Pakistan’s ‘unprecedented’ floods

By The Third Pole on Sep 08, 2022 12:38 pm
This year’s disaster is a result of rain-triggered floods amplified by the La Niña weather pattern. As the link with climate change becomes clearer, Pakistan’s government is preparing to demand reparations at this year’s UN climate summit.

Africa Regional Resilience Hub: Governments and development financiers should boost their capacity to meet local needs

By Climate and Development Knowledge Network on Sep 08, 2022 12:11 pm
The inaugural event of this year’s Africa Regional Resilience Hub was held on 31 August 2022 at Africa Climate Week in Libreville, Gabon and online.

Government adopts shock responsive social protection

By Saint Lucia - government on Sep 08, 2022 11:51 am
Adapting to socio-economic shocks is part of Saint Lucia's new national social protection policy.

Soil temperature can predict pest spread in crops

By North Carolina State University on Sep 08, 2022 11:38 am
A new study from North Carolina State University shows soil temperature can be used to effectively monitor and predict the spread of the corn earworm (Helicoverpa zea), a pest that ravages corn, cotton, soybeans, peppers, tomatoes and other crops.

Extreme flash droughts will continue into the future

By Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters (ScienceDirect) on Sep 08, 2022 11:38 am
In the summer of 2020, an extreme flash drought event broke out over the southeastern coastal region of China, which had serious impacts on local agriculture and the environment.

As seas rise, U.S. coastal landowners urged to let the water in

By Thomson Reuters Foundation, on Sep 08, 2022 11:21 am
Led by Maryland, governments and green groups are offering incentives to allow threatened saltwater marshes to 'migrate' inland.

Bosnia and Herzegovina joins EU Civil Protection Mechanism

By European Union on Sep 08, 2022 10:49 am
Today Bosnia and Herzegovina becomes a full member of the EU Civil Protection Mechanism – the European solidarity framework that helps countries overwhelmed by a disaster.

Extreme temperatures fuel online hate speech

By EurekAlert on Sep 08, 2022 09:09 am
Detecting hate tweets in more than four billion tweets from U.S. users with an AI-algorithm and combining them with weather data, researchers found that both the absolute number and the share of hate tweets rise outside a climate comfort zone.

Available now: New PhD in Risk and Disaster Reduction – warning efficacy in the UCL Institute for Risk and Disaster Reduction

By University College London on Sep 07, 2022 02:23 pm
A new PhD Studentship has been announced by the UCL Institute for Risk and Disaster Reduction (IRDR). Available for UK and EU students, the studentship is worth £18,062 per annum for full-time study within the IRDR over three and a half years.

Exploiting the potential of social media and crowdsourcing for better disaster resilience in Europe

By European Commission on Sep 07, 2022 01:50 pm
An EU-backed project is developing a suite of learning materials on the use of social media and crowdsourcing (SMCS) in disasters. The resources will improve European resilience.

Some early lessons from Pakistan floods

By Daily Star, the - Bangladesh on Sep 07, 2022 01:35 pm
The ongoing devastating floods in Pakistan is not just another flood event. They are, in fact, a manifestation of the undoubted fact that the world is already suffering the impacts of climate change and the consequent losses and damages.

Flooding in Pakistan shows that climate adaptation requires international support and regional co-operation

By Conversation Media Group, the on Sep 07, 2022 01:13 pm
While Pakistan contributes a small fraction of the global greenhouse emissions, it is disproportionately impacted by climate change. The onus of helping Pakistan recover from the recent tragedy, therefore, rests on the international community.

New IAEA safety guide on emergency preparedness and response for the transport of radioactive material

By International Atomic Energy Agency on Sep 07, 2022 12:44 pm
This publication provides recommendations on preparedness and response for a nuclear or radiological emergency involving the transport of radioactive material.

Overall warming of up to 5°C in this century projected for the Eastern Mediterranean and Middle East

By Max Planck Institute for Chemistry (Otto-Hahn-Institut) on Sep 07, 2022 12:21 pm
Unprecedented and societally disruptive extreme weather events will soon become a reality unless immediate, ambitious, and transboundary climate action is taken, warns latest scientific assessment of state-of-climate in the region.

Five AI solutions could help Bengaluru avoid flooding

By India - government on Sep 07, 2022 12:14 pm
AI-based flood warning systems are widely used and in high demand. Several previous studies have investigated such systems and their development, which are also closely monitored by governments, industries, and academics.

In 2021, a deadly volcano erupted with no warning. Here’s why

By ScienceNews - Society for Science & the Public 2000 on Sep 07, 2022 10:18 am
New data suggest a region in Congo came close to an even deadlier catastrophe.

Barcelona city, a successful case in flood risk management

By University of Barcelona, the on Sep 07, 2022 09:48 am
Risk management has reduced the vulnerability to floods and droughts around the world, but their impact is still increasing worldwide, according to a study published in the journal Nature.

WMO Air Quality and Climate Bulletin released for Clean Air Day

By World Meteorological Organization on Sep 07, 2022 09:02 am
The Air Quality and Climate Bulletin highlights the main factors that influence air quality patterns in 2020, in comparison to other years. It shows how there were episodes of both improvement and deterioration of air quality.

Ireland wants to protect historic rail line from climate change

By TheMayor.EU on Sep 06, 2022 04:25 pm
Last week Iarnród Éireann, Ireland’s national rail operator announced it needs 230 million euros to protect the Dublin-Rosslare line from the effects of climate change.

In the face of climate change, migration offers an adaptation strategy in Africa

By International Organization for Migration on Sep 06, 2022 04:20 pm
In Africa, migration induced by slow onset events such as droughts, desertification, deforestation, water scarcity, rising sea levels, and coastal erosion has increased in occurrence and severity over the last few decades due to climate change. 

Three south Java villages getting tsunami ready

By United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Office - Jakarta on Sep 06, 2022 04:19 pm
Three villages in South Java Indonesia, Tambakrejo Village (East Java), Kemadang and Glagah (Yogyakarta) are implementing the UNESCO-IOC Tsunami Ready Recognition Programme (TRRP).

Egypt scales up climate adaptation actions of its agriculture, water and agrifood sectors

By United Nations Development Programme - Headquarters on Sep 06, 2022 01:57 pm
The SCALA programme sat down with her Excellency Dr. Yasmine Fouad, Minister of Environment of Egypt, to learn more about the national priorities and opportunities to enhance the country’s climate ambition and to highlight the programme’s plans.

Residential green spaces protect growing cities against climate change

By Conversation Media Group, the on Sep 06, 2022 11:37 am
The loss of urban green space leads to increases in urban heat and flooding, which are amplified by climate change, and can threaten human health and well-being, and property. They also degrade natural ecosystems and the biodiversity they support.

Layering interventions is necessary to address loss and damage effectively

By International Institute for Environment and Development on Sep 06, 2022 11:04 am
Loss and damage due to climate change is happening now and will increase as temperatures rise. Layering interventions offers a valuable way of taking action in a comprehensive way.

Pakistan floods pose urgent questions over preparedness and climate reparations

By The New Humanitarian on Sep 06, 2022 10:30 am
As Pakistan reels from some of its worst flooding ever, survivors are asking why more wasn't done to prepare communities long known to be at risk. The vast scale of the disaster is also adding to pressure on rich nations over reparations.

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tags: UNESCO Chair on Coastal Geo-Hazard Analysis ries