Dr. Morteza Khalatbari Jafari

Dr. Morteza Khalatbari Jafari

Research Institute for Earth Sciences, Geological Survey of Iran, Tehran, Iran



Tel: + 98-21-64592474                               

Fax: +98-21-66070511

E-mail: khalat1965@live.com ; Khalat1965@gmail.com; Khalat1965@ries.ac.ir

Address: P.O. Box 13185-1494, Tehran, Azadi, Meraj, Research Institute for Earth Sciences, Geological Survey and Mining Exploration of Iran, Tehran, Iran.  



2016-actuel: Associated professor of the Research Institute for Earth Sciences, Geological Survey of Iran, Tehran, Iran.

2008-2016: Assistant professor of the Research Institute for Earth Sciences, Geological Survey of Iran, Tehran, Iran.

1999-2008: Senior geologist, petrography-petrology group, geology department, Geological Survey of Iran, Tehran, Iran.

Teaching: magmatic and metamorphic petrology, Ophiolitic rocks in Iran, magmatism and metamorphism of Iran for Ph. D., and master of Degree’s students, in Research Institute and University of Tehran.

1999-2002, Ph.D., Petrology-Geochemistry-Geochronology, Institut Universitaire Européan de la Mer (IUEM), Unité Mixte de Research, Domaines Oceaniques. IUEM, Brest, France

1989-1992, Master of Degree. Geology-Petrology, University of Shahid Beheshti, Tehran, Iran.

1984-1988, B.S., Geology, Faculty of Sciences, University of Tehran, Tehran. Iran.

Research Interests: Geology of Iran, ophiolitic rocks, metamorphic complexes, magmatic rocks.

Positions & Employment:

  • Manager of Applied Mineralogy and Mineral Exploration Group.
  • Manager of education


Selected Publications:

  • Radfar, J., Amini, B., Behrudi, A., Khalatbari jafari. M. (1991). Geological map of the Khoy Quadrangle, Scale /100,000, Published by Geological Survey of Iran. 
  • Amini, B., Khalatbari jafari, M. (1991). Geological map of the Damavand Quadrangle, Scale /100,000, Published by Geological Survey of Iran.
  • Amini, B., Radfar, J., Khalatbari jafari. M., B., Behrudi, A. (1991). Geological map of the Dizaj Quadrangle, Scale /100,000, Published by Geological Survey of Iran.
  • Khalatbari Jafari, M. (1992). The Tertiary Plutonism of Ardestan region, Central Iran. MS Theise. Shahid Beheshti Univercity. Tehran, Iran. In Farsi with an English abstract.
  • Emami, M.H., Khalatbari Jafari, M., Vossoughi Abdini, M. (1992). The Tertiary Plutonism of Ardestan region, Central Iran. Scientific Quaterly Journal Geosciences, No 4, in Farsi with an English abstract.
  • Emami, M.H., Khalatbari Jafari., M. (1995). Study the evidences of magma mixing in the Tertiary rocks of Nobaran- Natanz. Geological Society of Iran. in Farsi.
  • Khalatbari jafari. M., Alaie Mahabadi, S. (1995). Geological map of the Natanz Quadrangle, Scale /100,000, Published by Geological Survey of Iran.  
  • Emami, M.H., and Khalatbari Jafari, M. (1996). “Magma mixing as an important process in the genesis” of Cenozoic magmatic rocks of Urumieh-Dokhtar Belt. 30th international Geological congress, Abstracts, Volume 2 of 3 (6-4-24), 407, Beijing, China, 4-14 Augest 1996.
  • Mobasher, M. Khalatbari Jafari, M. Pormafiie. (1997).Contamination, magma mingling and magma mixing of the Eocene- Oligocene volcanic rocks, NW Saveh. . 12 th Symposium of the Geological Society of Iran, Tehran,1997. in Farsi.
  • Khalatbari jafari. M., Alaie Mahabadi, S., 1998. Geological map of the Nobaran Quadrangle, Scale /100,000, Published by Geological Survey of Iran.
  • Khalatbari jafari. M. (2001). Geological map of the Abbas Abad Quadrangle, Scale /100,000, Published by Geological Survey of Iran. 
  • Khalatbari jafari. M. (2001). Geological map of the Robat-e Khoshab Quadrangle, Lut Block, Scale /100,000, Published by Geological Survey of Iran.
  • Khalatbari-Jafari, M., Juteau, T., Bellon, H., Whitechurch, H., Emami, H. (2002). Nouvelle données géologiques ; géochronologiques et pétrologiques sur le complex ophiolitique de Khoy ( Iran septentrional). 19 éme Réunion des Sciences de la Terre, Nante, 9) 12 avril 2002, France: published.
  • Mobasher, K., Khalatbari-Jafari, M., Hassanzadeh, J., Ghazi, M. (2002). Tertiary volcanism in northwest of Saveh, Iran, and its geotectonic significance, T122. Tectonic Evolution of the Middle East and Adjacent Regions: The Confluence of the Alpine and Himalayan Orogenic Systems and a Window into Processes of Continental Dynamics.Session No. 149 Tuesday, October 29, 2002.
  • Khalatbari-Jafari, M. (2002). Etude géologique, pétro-géochimique et géochronologique des ophiolites de la région de Khoy  (IRAN). Thèse de doctorat de l’Université de Bretagne Occidentale, Brest, France, soutenue le 18 décembre 2002, devant le jury , Directeur de thèse: Professeur Thierry JUTEAU.
  • Whitechurch H., Juteau T., Jannessary  M.R., Khalatbari M., Bellon H., Ricou L.E., Emami H., Sabzehi. (2003). Les ophiolites A l’ouest et au sud du bloc de l’Iran central (Khoy, Neyriz, Esfandagheh, Kahnuj). colloque "Océans et Ophiolites" de Brest. Institute universitaire Européén de la Mer. Brest, France. 3-4 mars, 2003.
  • Khalatbari-Jafari, M.,  Juteau T. (2003). La séquence extrusive de l'ophiolite crétacée de Khoy (Iran): dynamisme éruptif d'une série basaltique sous-marine. colloque "Océans et Ophiolites" de Brest. Institute universitaire Européén de la Mer. Brest, France. 3-4 mars, 2003.
  • Khalatbari-Jafari, M., Juteau, T., Bellon, H., Emami, H. (2003). Discovery of two ophiolite complexes of different ages in the Khoy area (NW Iran). C.R. Geosciences, 335, Académie des Sciences, Paris, 917-929.
  • Khalatbari-Jafari, M., Juteau, T., Bellon, H., Whitechurch, H., Cotten, J., Emami, H. (2004). New geological, geochronological and geochemical investigations on the Khoy ophiolites and related formations, NW Iran. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences . Volume: 23, Issue: 4, 507-535.
  • Khalatbari-Jafari, M., Juteau, T.,  Bellon, H. (2005). Interpretaion of  40K/40Ar datings of the Eastern metamorphic rocks and ophiolitic complexs of the region of Khoy.
  • Faridi, M., Khalatbari-Jafari, M. (2005). Geological map of the Zenogan Quadrangle, Scale /100,000, Published by Geological Survey of Iran, (as supervisor).
  • Khabaznia, A, R., Khalatbari-Jafari, M. (2005). Geological map of the Birk2 Quadrangle, Scale /100,000, published by Geological Survey of Iran, (as supervisor).
  • Faridi, M., Khalatbari jafari. M. (2005). Geological map of the Zenogan Quadrangle, Scale /100,000, Published by Geological Survey of Iran, (as supervisor).
  • Khabaznia, A, R., Khalatbari jafari. M. (2005). Geological map of the Birk2 Quadrangle, Scale /100,000, Published by Geological Survey of Iran, (as advisor).
  • Khalatbari jafari. M., Juteau, T., Cotton, J. (20060. Petrological and geochemical study of the Upper Cretaceous ophiolite of Khoy (NW Iran), and related geological formations. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 27, 465-502.
  • Abbasi, S., Khalatbari jafari. M. (2006). Geological map of the Razi Quadrangle, Scale /100,000, Published by Geological Survey of Iran, (as supervisor). 
  • Khalatbari Jafari, M., Mobasher, K., Davarpanah, A., Babaie, H. A.;  and La Tour, T. (2008). A Backarc Basin Origin for the Eocene Volcanic Rocks North of Abbas Abad, East of Shahrud, Northeast Iran. Published by AGU communication, december 2008.
  • Davarpanah, A., Khalatbari Jafari, M., Babaie, H.A., Krogstad, E.J., Deocampo, E.J., Mobasher, K., and La Tour, E.T .(2008). Tectonic Setting and Bimodal Magmatic Evolution of Eocene volcanic Rocks of the Bijgerd-Kuh-e Kharchin area, Uromieh-Dokhtar Zone, Iran. Published by AGU communication, december 2008.
  • Mobasher, K., Khalatbari Jafari, M., Babaie, H.A., M. Pormafiie, M., La Tour, T.E., Davarpanah, A. (2008). New Geological, Petrological, and Geochemical Investigations of Alishar Volcanic rocks, NW of Saveh, Iran. Published by AGU communication, december 2008.
  • Khalatbari Jafari, M., Hatami, H. (2008). Supra subduction Origin for Nari ophiolite in southwestern section of Fariman, NE of Iran. AGu communication, may 2009, Toronto, Canada.
  • Hatami, H., Khalatbari Jafari, M. H. Emami, M.H., Jannesari, M.R. (2009). Petrological and geochemical study of cumulate gabbros of Kuh-e-Sonba, Southwestern  Fariman. 12 th Symposium of the Geological Society of Iran, Ahvaz, 18 to 20 Feb 2009.
  • Khalatbari Jafari, M. H., Mobasher, K., Babaie, H.A., Davarpana, A., La Tour, T. (2009). The role of the Paleotethys Sediments in the Genesis of the Eocene Volcanism in the Abbas Abad area, E Shahrud, NE Iran. 12 th Symposium of the Geological Society of Iran, Ahvaz, 18 to 20 Feb 2009.
  • Soltanmohamadi, A., Rahgoshai, M., Khalatbari Jafari, M. (2009). Petrogenesis of the Khabr-Marvast Tectonized Ophiolite in the middle part of Nain-Baft Ophiolite belt, NW Shahrebabak, Iran. AGU communication, Los Angeles, USA.
  • Soltanmohamadi, A., Rahgoshai, M., Khalatbari Jafari, M. (2009).Petrogenesis of volcanic rocks in the Khabr-Marvast tectonized ophiolite: evidence for subduction processes in the south-western margin of centeral Iranian microcontinent. Acta Geologica Sinca. Journal of the geological society of China. Vol 83. N 5.
  • Khalatbari Jafari, M., Sepehr, H. (2010). A preliminary geological and geochemical study of the Sharebabak-Baft ophiloites, south of Kahduiyeh, central Iran, EGU general assembly: EGU2010-1215.
  • Moslempour, M.E., Khalatbari Jafari, M., Dabiri, R., Shahdadi, S. (2012). Constrains on the petrogenesis of Nosrat-Abad ophiolite extrusives, SE Iran. Iranin journal of Earth Sci. 4, 125-133. 
  • Khalatbari Jafari, M. (2012). Ophiolites in Iran, The second CGMW meeting on the Geosciences of Middle East.
  • Khalatbari Jafari, M., Babaie, H.A., Moslempour, M.E. (2013). Geochemical characteristics of major ophiolite massifs in Iran: tectonic implications, 125th Anniversary earth sciences symposium, Denver-Colorado.
  • Khalatbari Jafari, M., Babaie, H.A., Mirzaie. (2013). Geology, petrology, and tectonomagmatic evolution of the plutonic, crustal rocks of the Sabzevar ophiolite, northeast Iran. Geological, Magazine. Doi: 10.10117/S0016756812000933.
  • Khalatbari Jafari, M., Babaie, H.A., Gani. (2013). Geochemical evidence for Late Cretaceous marginal arc-to-backarc transition in the Sabzevar ophiolitic extrusive sequence, northeast Iran. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 70-71, 209-230.
  • Soltani Dehlavi, A., Rahbari, H., Khalatbari Jafari, M. (2014). Geochemistry and geodynamic setting of granitic gneisses in Belqeis Mountain, NW Iran, Goldschmite 2014.
  • Khalatbari Jafari, M., Babaie, H.A., Moslempour, M.E. (2014). MORB to supra-subduction geochemical transition in the extrusive sequences of major upper Cretaceous ophiolites of Iran, AGU communication, Los Angeles, USA. 12/2014.
  • Khalatbari Jafari, M., Babaie, H.A. (2015). Correlation of the Upper Cretaceous ophiolite massifs in northwest Iran and southeast Turkey, World multidisciplinary Earth Sciences Symposium, Prague.
  • Salehi Siavashani, N., Khalatbari Jafari, M., Faridi, M. (2015). Significance of the Plio-Quaternary volcanic activity in the east of Mahabad, north western of Iran, World multidisciplinary Earth Sciences Symposium, Prague.
  • Khalatbari Jafari., M., Sepehr, H., Mobasher, K. (2015). Tectonomagmatic evolution of the South Dehshir Ophiolite, Central Iran, Geological Magazine,  doi:10.1017/S0016756815000618, 1-21.  
  • Ao, S, Xiao, W., Khalatbari Jafari, M., Talebian, M., Chen, L., Wan, B., Ji, W., Zhang, Z. (2015). U–Pb zircon ages, field geology and geochemistry of the Kermanshah ophiolite (Iran): From continental rifting at 79 Ma to oceanic core complex at ca. 36 Ma in the southern Neo-Tethy. Gondwana Research, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.gr.2015.01.014. In press.
  • Moslempour, M.E., Khalatbari Jafari, M., Ghaderi, M., Yousefi, H., and Shadadi, S. (2015). Petrology, Geochemistry and Tectonics of the Extrusive Sequence of Fannuj-Maskutan Ophiolite, Southeastern Iran. Journal of geological Society of India, 85, 604-618.
  • Khalatbari Jafari., M., Babaie, H.A., Moslempour, M.E. (2016). Mid-ocean-ridge to suprasubduction geochemical transition in the hypabyssal and extrusive sequences of major Upper Cretaceous ophiolites of Iran. The Geological Society of America Special Paper 525. doi:10.1130/2016.2525(07).
  • Khalatbari Jafari., M., Babaie, H.A. (2016). The geodynamic signifi cance of the correlation of the Khoy ophiolites in northwest Iran with ophiolites in southeast Turkey. The Geological Society of America Special Paper 525. doi:10.1130/2016.2525(08).
  • Songjian Ao, Quigui Mao, Morteza Khalatbari Jafari, et al., 2020. U–Pb age, Hf–O isotopes, and geochemistry of the Sardasht ophiolite in the NW Zagros orogen: Implications for the tectonic evolution of Neo-Tethys. Geological Journal, D OI: 10.1002/gj.4011.
  • Morteza Khalatbari Jafari, Nafiseh Salehi Siavashani, Hassan A. Babaie, Wenjiao Xiao, Mohammad Faridi, Songjian Ao. 2020. Late Cenozoic volcanism in the Almaludag region, Azerbaijan province, northwest Iran: Evidence for post-collisional extension. Journal of Geodynamics, 141-142, 101779; https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jog.2020.101779.