Dr. Hamid Nazari



Birthday 18/02/1968                                                                      

Married, 1 Child 


PROFESSIONAL ADDRESS:                                                         

Research Institute for Earth Sciences

Geological Survey of Iran

B.P. 13185-1494

Code Postal : 1387835841


Tel : +98 21 66070518

Fax: +98 21 66070511

Email : hamidnazarii@gmail.com; h.nazari@riec.ac.ir; uccgha.ries@gmail.com



2015                  HDR in the Sciences of the Universe

“Analyse de la tectonique active en Iran : Approches   morphotectonique et paleoseismologique. Implication en termes d’alea sismique.            Université de Montpellier, Montpellier-France

2006                       PhD in Geology

"Analyzing the recent and active tectonics in Central Alborz and Tehran region using morphotectonics and paleoseismology"

               University of Montpellier II, Montpellier-France

1996                       MSc in Structural geology

"A new insight to structural geology of Harsin area, east of Kermanshah (west of Iran)"

               Azad Islamic university, Tehran-Iran

1991                       BS in Geology

                            University of Esfahan, Esfahan-Iran


Persian, French, English


Birthday on February 18th 1968 in Tehran-Iran; Languages: Persian, French and English; UNESCO Chairholder of Coastal Geo-Hazard Analysis since 2021, former Vice-Director and Deputy in Research (2009- 2021) in Research Institute for earth Sciences (RIES), and current Head of the Innovation department in RIES; Bachelors and Masters in Iranian universities in Geology and then 2002-2006 educated as PhD student in Paleoseismology from Université Montpellier II in Montpellier- France; Post Doctorate in Active Tectonics from Cambridge University, Cambridge-UK between 2007-2011 and the HDR (Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches) in Science of Universe from Université de Montpellier in Montpellier- France at 2015. 

A Geologist with more than three decades of professional experience at the Geological Survey of Iran (GSI) and the Research Institute of Earth Sciences (RIES) as well as a social activist and a critical socio-political analyst in the Iranian media, who has extensive formal experience in many international scientific collaborations in the field of geohazards, geo-archaeology, paleoclimatology and recently machine learning and AI in geological mapping and working closely with the Organization of the United Nations for Education, Science and Culture as UNESCO Chairholder, with numerous WOS publications.


Research Institute for Earth Sciences (RIES, Academic affiliated)

From 2021           UNESCO Chairholder

2009-2021            Deputy in Research in RIES, GSI

since 2013            Associated Professor in RIES, GSI

2008- 2012           Assistant professor in RIES, GSI

Geological Survey of Iran (GSI)

Since 2019        Senior advisor in international affairs of Director General of GSI

2018-2019         Head of International affairs in GSI

2011-2012            Head of dept. of Marine geophysics

2011-2013            Head of Geo-hazard advisory council in GSI

1999- 2008           Senior geologist in Seismotectonic Dept., GSI

1997-1999            Senior geologist in stratigraphy Dept., GSI

1995-1997            Head of the Stratigraphy Dept., GSI

1992-1995            Field geologist in Stratigraphy Dept., GSI

Since 1992            Geologist in Geological Survey of Iran


1- Active member of Geological Society of Iran.

2- Student member of Geological Society of America (1989-1991).

3- Representative of the Geological Survey of Iran in Middle East Basin Evolution project (MEBE), 2001- 2008.

4- Delegate of Geological Survey of Iran in 33th IUGS-IGC 2008.

5- Head of Scientific collaboration in Geosciences since 2007 between Iran and Armenia.

6- Member of editorial board in quarterly Journal of Geosciences, Geological Survey of Iran (Since 2012).

7-Post-doctorate in Active Tectonics University of Cambridge, Cambridge-UK.

2007-2011, Discontinuous for one year.

8- Head of Scientific collaboration in Geosciences since 2015 between Iran and Russia.

9- Head of Scientific collaboration in Geosciences since 2019 between Iran and Belarus.

10- Candidate for IUGS Council member 2020-2024

11- Member of the Advisory Committee on Climate Change, Expediency Council-Iran (2021)

12- Designer and Chairholder of the UNESCO Chair on the Coastal Geo-Hazard Analysis, 2021.




Faridi M., Burg J-P., Nazari H., Haghipour N., Faridi M., (2023). Neotectonics and paleoseismology of the North Tabriz Fault, Azerbaijan Region, Northwest Iran, Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, V. 254, 105727, ISSN 1367-9120, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jseaes.2023.105727.

Kamali Z., Nazari H., Rashidi A., Heyhat MR., Khatib MM., Derakhshani R., (2023). Seismotectonics, Geomorphology and Paleoseismology of the Doroud Fault, a Source of Seismic Hazard in Zagros, Appl. Sci., 13, 3747. https://doi.org/10.3390/app13063747.

Fazeli Nashli H., Theodorakopoulou K., Stamoulis K., Athanassas C., Nazari H., Nokandeh J., Jamshidi Yeganeh S., Shokri M., (2023). Deciphering the chronology of Tepe Sialk (South) “Ziggurat”, North Central Iranian Plateau, through optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dating, Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, 48, 103860, pp12.


Nazari H., Ritz J-F., Burg J-B., Shokri M., Haghipour N., Mohammadi Vizhehd M., Avagyan A., Fazeli Nashli H., Ensani M., (2021). Active tectonics along the Khazar fault (Alborz, Iran), Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, V. 219, 104893, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jseaes.2021.104893.

Fathian A., Atzori S., Nazari H., Reicherter K., Salvi S., Svigkas N., Tatar M., Tolomei C., Yaminifard F., (2021). Complex co- and postseismic faulting of the 2017–2018 seismic sequence in western Iran revealed by InSAR and seismic data, Remote Sensing of Environment, V. 253, 112224.


Faridi M., Nazari H., Burg J-P., Haghipour N., Talebian M., Ghorashi M., Shokri M A., Ahmadzadeh E., Sahebari S S., (2019). Structural Characteristics, Paleoseismology and Slip Rate of the Qoshadagh Fault, Northwest of Iran, Geotectonics 53 (2), 280-297.


Naimi-Ghassabian N, Khatib MM, Nazari H, Heyhat MR., (2018). Regional variations and earthquake frequency–magnitude distribution and fractal dimension in the North of Central-East Iran Blocks. Arabian Journal of Geosciences 11 (11), 257.


Faridi M, Burg JP, Nazari H, Talebian M, Ghorashi M., (2017). Active faults pattern and interplay in the Azerbaijan region (NW Iran). Geotectonics 51 (4), 428-437.

Barzegari A., Ghorashi M., Nazari H., Fontugne M., Shokri M. A., Pourkermani M. (2017). " Paleoseismological Analysis Along the Astara Fault System (Talesh Mountain, North Iran)". Acta Geologica Sinica, 5(91), 1553-1572.


Talebian M., Copley AC., Fattahi M., Ghorashi M., Jackson JA., Nazari H., Sloan RA., Walker RT., (2016). Active faulting within a megacity: the geometry and slip rate of the Pardisan thrust in central Tehran, Iran, Geophysical Journal International 207 (3), 1688-1699.

Barzegari A., Esmaeili R., Ebrahimi M., Faghih A., Ghorashi M., Nazari H. (2016). Evaluation of slip rate on Astara fault system, North Iran, Journal of Earth Science 27 (6), 971-980.

Nazari H., (2016). North Ghazvin Fault System: Active Faulting in southern edge of the Central Alborz, Известия НАН РА, Науки о Земле, 2016, 69, № 1, p. 12-21.

Farshbaf PS., Khatib MM., Nazari H., (2016). Solid meshing of 3D geological model in finite element analysis: a case study of East Azerbaijan, NW Iran- Modeling Earth Systems and Environment, 2 ,1, P.1-7.

Ritz J.-F., Avagyan A., Mkrtchyan M., Nazari H., Blard P.-H., Karakhanian A., Philip H., Balescu S., Mahan S., Huot S., Münch P., (2016). Active tectonics within the NW and SE extensions of the Pampak-Sevan-Syunik fault: Implications for the present geodynamics of Armenia, submitted in Journal of Quaternary International, 395, P. 61-78.


Naimi-Ghassaban N.,Khatib MM., Nazari H., Heyhat MR.,(2015). Present-day tectonic regime and stress patterns from the formal inversion of focal mechanisem data, in the North of Central-East Iran Blocks, journal of African Earth Sciences,111, P. 113-126.

Sahebari SS., Ghorashi M., Nazari H., Sattarzadeh Y., (2015). Evaluation of active tectonics of" Talkheh Rud" Basin using geomorphological indices,Advances in Environmental Biology,P. 424-434.


Foroutan M., Meyer B., Sébrier M., Nazari H., Murray A. S., Le Dortz K., Shokri M. A., Arnold M., Aumaître G., Bourlès D., Keddadouche K., Solaymani Azad S., Bolourchi M. J., (2014). Late Pleistocene-Holocene right slip rate and paleoseismology of the Nayband fault, western margin of the Lut block, Iran. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 10.1002/2013JB010746.

Nazari H., Ritz J.-F., Walker R.T., Salamati R., Rizza M., Patnaik R., Hollingsworth J., Alimohammadian H., Jalali A., Kaveh Firouz A., Shahidi A., (2014). Palaeoseismic evidence for a medieval earthquake, and preliminary estimate of late Pleistocene slip-rate, on the Firouzkuh Strike-slip fault in the central Alborz Region of Iran. Journal of Asian Earth Science, No.82, P.124-135.

Mkrtchyan M. K., Ritz J.-F., Avagyan A. V., Nazari H., Karakhanian A. S., Blard P. H., Martirosyan M.P., (2014). New paleoseismological insights along the south eastern part of the pambak-sevan-sunik active fault, Electronic Journal of Natural Science, Geology, Vol 2,23, pp: 3-8.

Mkrtchyan Mk., Avagyan A., Ritz J.-F., Nazari H., Blard P.-H., Martirosyyan M-P., (2014). Distributed Deformations along the NW party of the Pambak-Sevan-Sunik active fault, Proceedings of NAS of RA, Journal of Earth Sciences Vol 67 ,1, pp: 54-64, (in Armenian).


Walker R. T., Bergman E. A., Elliott J. R., Fielding E. J., Ghods A.-R., Ghoraishi M.; Jackson J., Nazari H., Nemati M., Oveisi B., Talebian M., Walters R. J., (2013). The 2010–2011 South Rigan (Baluchestan) earthquake sequence and its implications for distributed deformation and earthquake hazard in southeast Iran, Geophysical Journal International (GJI), doi: 10.1093/gji/ggs109.

Copley A., Faridi M., Ghorashi M., Hollingsworth J., Jackson J., Nazari H., Oveisi B., Talebian M., (2013). The 2012 August 11 Ahar earthquackes: sequence for tectonics an earthquacke hazard in the Turkish-Iranian plateau, Geophysical Journal International (GJI), doi: 10.1093/gji/ggs379.PP:1-7.

Rizza M., Vernant P., Ritz J.-F., Peyret M., Nakali H., Nazari H., Djamour Y., Salamati R., Tavakoli F., Chéry J., Mahan S.A., Masson F., (2013). Morphotectonic and geodetic evidence for a constant slip-rate over the last 45 kyr along the Tabriz fault (Iran), Geophysical Journal International (GJI), doi: 10.1093/gji/ggt041.pp:1083-1094.

2012 :

Le Dortz K., Meyer B., Sébrier M., Braucher R., Bourlès D., Benedetti L., Nazari H., Foroutan M., (2012). Interpreting scattered in-situ produced cosmogenic nuclide depth-profile data, Quaternary Geochronology, doi: 10.1016/j.quageo.2012.02.020.

Foroutan M., S´ebrier M., Nazari H., Meyer B., Fattahi M., Rashidi A., Le Dortz K., Bateman M. D., (2012). New evidence for large earthquakes on the Central Iran plateau: palaeoseismology of the Anar fault, Geophys. J. Int., doi: 10.1111/j.1365-246X.2012.05365. x., pp 1-13.

Ritz J.-F., Nazari H., Balescu S., Lamothe M., Salamati R., Ghassemi A., Shafei A., Ghorashi M., Saidi A. (2012), Paleoearthquakes of the past 30000 years along the North Tehran Fault, Iran, Journal of Geophysical Research, Vol 117, doi: 10.1029/2012JB009147, pp 1-15.


Le Dortz K., Meyer B., S´ebrier M., Braucher R., Nazari H., Benedetti L.,Fattahi M., Bourl`es D., Foroutan M., Siame L. , Rashidi A. , Bateman M. D. (2011). “Dating inset terraces and offset fans along the Dehshir Fault (Iran) combining cosmogenic and OSL methods”. Geophys. J. Int., doi: 10.1111/j.1365-246X.2011.05010. x.

Rizza M., Mahan S., Ritz J-F., Nazari H., Hollingsworth J., Salamati R., (2011). Using luminescence dating from coarse matrix material to estimate fault slip-rate in arid domain: Example of the Astaneh Fault (Iran). Quaternary Geochronology, doi: 10.1016/j.quageo.2011.03.001.


Fattahi M., Nazari H., Bateman M.D., Meyer B., Sebrier M., Talebian M., Le Dortz K., Forouttan M., Ahmadi Givi F., Ghoreishi M., (2010). Refining the OSL age of the last earthquake on the Dheshir fault, Central Iran. Quaternary Geochronology, 1–7, doi: 10.1016/j.quageo.2009.04.005.

Hollingsworth J., Nazari H., Ritz J.-F., Salamati R., Talebian M., Bahroudi A., Walker R., Rizza M., Jackson J., (2010). Active tectonics of the East Alborz mountains, NE Iran; rupture of the left-lateral Astaneh fault system during the great 856AD Qumis earthquake. Journal of Geophysical Research, VOL. 115, B12313, doi:10.1029/2009JB007185.

Nazari H., Ritz J.-F., Salamati R., Shahidi A., Habibi H., Ghorashi M., Karimi Bavandpur A., (2010). Distinguishing between fault scarps and shorelines: the question of the nature of the Kahrizak, North Rey and South Rey features in Tehran plain (Iran) Terra Nova, doi: 10.1111/j.1365-3121.2010. 00938.x.


Hollingsworth J., Jackson J., Walker R., Nazari H., (2009). Extrusion tectonics and subduction in the eastern South Caspian region since 10 Ma: Reply. Geology, doi: 10.1130/G30529Y.1, e199–e200.

Le Dortz K. Meyer B., Sébrier M., Nazari H., Braucher R., Fattahi M., Benedetti L., Forouttan M., Siame L., Bourlès D., Talebian M., Bateman M. D., Ghoraishi M. (2009). "Holocene right-slip rate determined by cosmogenic and OSL dating on the Anar fault, Central Iran." Geophysical Journal International (GJI, Tectonic and Geodynamic), doi: 10.1111/j.1365-246X.2009.04309. x.

Nazari H., Ritz J.-F., Salamati R., Shafei A., Ghassemi A., Michelot J-L. , Massault M., Ghorashi   M., (2009), Morphological and Paleoseismological analysis along the Taleghan Fault (Central Alborz, Iran), GJI ,Volume 178 Issue 2, PP. 1028 -1041 , doi: 10.1111/j.1365-246X.2009.04173.x.

Nazari H., Fattahi M., Meyer B., Sebrier M., Talebian M., Forootan M., Le Dortz K., Bateman M. D., Ghorashi M., (2009), First evidence for large earthquakes on the Deshir Fault, Central Iran Plateau. Terra Nova, Vol 21, No. 6, Pages 417-426; doi: 10.1111/j.1365-3121.2009.00892. x.


Hollingworth J., Jackson J., Walker R., Nazari H., (2008)."Extrusion tectonics and subduction in the eastern South Caspian region since 10 Ma." Geology, V. 36; No. 10; PP.763-766.


Jackson J., Bouchon M., Fielding E., Funning G., Ghorashi M., Hatzfeld D., Nazari H., Parsons B., Priestley K., Talebian M., Tatar M., Walker R., Wright T., (2006). "Seismotectonic, rupture process, and earthquake-hazard aspects of the 2003 December 26 Bam, Iran, earthquake." Geophys. J. Int., doi: 10.1111/j.1365-246X.2006.03056. x.

Fattahi M., Walker R., Hollingsworth J., Bahroudi A., Nazari H., Talebian M., Armitage S., Stokes S., (2006). "Holocene slip-rate on the Sabzevar thrust fault, NE Iran, determined using optically stimulated luminescence (OSL)." Earth & Planetary Science Letters, 245(3-4), 673-684.

Ritz J.-F., Nazari H., Ghassemi A., Salamati R., Shafei A., Solaymani S., Vernant P., (2006). "Active transtention inside Central Alborz: A new insight into the Northern Iran-Southern Caspian geodynamics." Geology 34(6): 477-480.


Fielding E. J., Talebian M., Rosen P. A., Nazari H., Jackson J. A., Ghorashi M., Walker R., (2005). "Surface ruptures and building damage of the 2003 Bam, Iran, earthquake mapped by satellite synthetic raperture radar interferometric correlation." Journal of Geophysical Research, 110: B03302 (1-15).

Smith B., Aubourg C.,  Gue´zou J.C.,  Nazari H., Molinaro M., Braud X., Guya N. (2005). "Kinematics of a sigmoidal fold and vertical axis rotation in the east of the Zagros–Makran syntaxis (southern Iran): Paleomagnetic, magnetic fabric and microtectonic approaches." Tectonophysics 411(1-4): 89-109.


Pirazzoli P.A., Reyss J.-L., Fontugne M., Haghipour A., Hilgers A., Kasper H.U., Nazari H., Preusser F., Radtke U., (2004). “Quaternary coral-reef terraces from Kish and Qeshm Islands, Persian Gulf: new radiometric ages and tectonic implications.” Quaternary International 120, 15–27.

Talebian M., Fielding E. J., Funning G. J.,  Ghorashi M., Jackson J., Nazari H., Parsons B.,  Priestley K.,  Rosen P.A., (2004). "The 2003 Bam (Iran) earthquake: Rupture of a blind strike-slip fault." Geophysical Research Letters 31: L11611(2-4).


Preusser F., Radtkea U. ,  Fontugne M.,  Haghipour A.,  Hilgers A.,  Kasper H.U., Nazari H., Pirazzoli P.A  (2003). "ESR dating of raised coral reefs from, Kish Island Persian Gulf." Quaternary Science Reviews 22: 1317–1322.  




Nazari H., (2023). A review to the Desert Kite: State of the Art!, Journal of Pars Arian Territories, Vol. 1, No. 1, pp. 91-106, doi:1061186/jpat.2024.1.7.

Nazari   H., Ritz J-F., Rizza M., Salamati R., Mahan sh., Shokri M., Michelot J-L., Massault M., Foroutan M., Zarei Sh., (2023). The historical earthquake of 856 AD Qumis: A review of paleoseismological studies of the Astaneh Fault System, Central Alborz, Journal of Archaeological Studies, …. pp. -. doi: 10.22059/jarcs.2023.358711.143202.

Nazari H., Karami J., Arefipour S., Aghaali E., (2023). Using artificial intelligence and Machine learning in the mapping of quaternary units Quaternary of Iran, Vol. 8, No. 3-4, pp. 379-403 (In Persian).


Navvar Noveiri M., Nazari H., Shokri M., Mohammadi Vizheh M., Salamati R., Sheikh M., (2022). The scarp of south Eshtehard: fault system or Geomorphologic outcrops? Quaternary of Iran, Vol. 7, No. 1, pp. 798-814.

Nazari H., Najar E., Ritz J –F., Shokri M., Fathian A., Rezaei F., Rahim A., Fazeli Nashli H., Baharfirouzi Kh., Vahdatinasab H., Shahidi A., Borzoii M., Aghaali E., (2021). The Iranian Plateau at the end of the Quaternary: new synthesis of geological, archaeological and historical data, Iranian Journal of Geology, Vol 15, No. 57 (in Persian).

Safari M., Nazari H., Fazeli Neshli H., Rahimi E., Madihi M., Afshari H., Heydari N. (2021). An analysis of environmental evolution in Ghal-e-ben, Mazandaran, Quaternary of Iran, Vol. 7, N0. 3, pp. 936-966, URL: http://journal.iranqua.ir/article-1-524-fa.html.

Koubpeyma M., Talebian M., Nazari H., Chen L., Ghods A., Ghorashi M., (2021). Seismotectonics of the East Alborz and Kopeh- Dagh zones using local seismic, Geosciences, Vol. 31, No. 119, pp. 199-208.

Nazari H., Ritz J-F., Avagyan A., (2021). Morphotectonics and Slip rate of the Khazar fault in Central Alborz, (North of Iran), Geosciences, Vol. 31, No. 120, pp. 83-92.

Navavajary Sh., Maghfouri Moghadam I., Shahidi A. R., Nazari H., (2021). Microbiostratigraphy and paleoenvironment of Oligo-Miocene deposits in the North of Central Iran, Geosciences, Vol. 31, No. 119, pp. 37-50, DOI: 10.22071/GSJ.2020.243135.1833 (In Persian).


Sadeghi-Farshbaf P., Khatib MM., Nazari H., (2020). Detection of fault segments based on P–T dihedra analysis along the North Tabriz fault, NW Iran, Iranian Journal of Earth Sciences, Vol. 12, No. 4, PP. 292-302.

Kamali Z., Nazari H., Fazeli A., Alah vardi migoni F., Shokri M., Jafari F., Iranshahi H., (2020). Detection hidden fault Dorud (Southwestern Iran) region Silakhor plain using by studies geophysical, Geosciences, Vol 29, 115, PP. 269-276, http://dx.doi.org/10.22071/gsj.2019.122536.1439.


Esmaeili C., Khatib MM., Nazari H., Burg J-P., Gholami E., (2019). Deep-seated gravitational slope deformation in the Siahcheshmeh pull-apart basin: along the Gailatu-Siahcheshmeh-Khoy fault, Quantative Geomorphological Research, Vol 8, 1, N29, PP. 199-216.

Pashazadeh B. Jahani D., Lak R., Nazari H., Mohammadi Vizhe M., Berensmeier M., (2019). Quaternary cone forming model using sedimentary and geophysical (geoelectric) data in the  southeast of Yazd city, Central Iran, Vol 05, 2, PP. 221-236,

Pashazadeh B., Jahani D., Lak r., Nazari H., Zamani pedram M., (2019). Identification of an old lake for the first time in quaternary units around Yazd city, Geosciences,  Vol 28, 112,PP. 101-108, 10.22071/GSJ.2018.89241.1155.

Alahverdi Maygooni F., Mohamadi Vizheh M., Farrokhnia A.R., Boostan E., Nazari H., (2019). Investigation of active tectonics and identification of active faults by geophysical methods case study: Gohartapeh- Behshahr, Geosciences, Vol 28, 111 , pp. 227-236, http://dx.doi.org/10.22071/gsj.2019.88499.


Bakhtiarizadeh Z., Nazari H., Shokri M., Mahfroozi A., Kaveh-firooz A., (2018). Archaeoseismological investigation along the Khazar fault system, based on the Paleoseismology (Gohar Tappeh protohistory Site, Behshahr- Mazandaran) Geosciences, Vol 28, 110, PP. 209-220, http://dx.doi.org/10.22071/gsj.2019.84444.

Kamali Z., Hayhat M., Nazari H., Khatib MM., (2018). Kinematic dissimilarity analyses Dourd fault(southwestern Iran), using by Fractal, kernel and Morphotectonic, Geosciences, Vol 28, 109, PP. 7-22, http://dx.doi.org/10.22071/gsj.2017.87288.1125.



 Chizari Sh, Nazari H, Bavandpur Karimi Ar, Fotovat M, Malek Mahmudi M., (2017). Aquifer Geometry of Sahneh-Bisetun Plain Based On orphotectonic And Active Faulting, Kermanshah Province, Iran, Geosciences, 102, 197-206, http://dx.doi.org/10.22071/gsj.2017.44149.


Naimi-Ghassabian N., Khatib MM., Nazari H., Heyhat MR., (2016). Fractal dimension and earthquake frequency-magnitude distribution in the North of CentralEast Iran Blocks (NCEIB), Geopersia 6 (2), 43-264.

Naimi-ghassabian N., Khatib M. M., Ghasemi rozveh T., Nazari H., Heyhat M.R., (2016). Analysis of geometric and kinematic parameters of strain on the open gash veins within the Boushad shear zone (Birjand Ophiolitic Mélange, eastern Iran), Geosciences, Vol 25, 100 , pp. 37-46, http://dx.doi.org/10.22071/gsj.2016.40679.

Sadeghi-Farshbaf P., Khatib M.M., Nazari H., (2016). Linear finite element model of fault slip triggering adjacent to dams, Geosciences, Vol 25, 99, pp. 281-284,


Yazdanpanah H., Khatib M.M., Nazari H., Gholami E., (2016). Analysis of Strike-Slip Kinematics in a Shear Zone with Heterogeneous Slip Rate: Case Study LutArea, Eastern Iran, Geosciences, Vol 25, 97, pp. 279-290, http://dx.doi.org/10.22071/gsj.2015.41512.

Barzegari A., Ghorashi M., Nazari H., Shokri MA., Pourkermani M., (2016). Evaluation of Earthquake Recurence Interval at Astara fault system based on seismic

catalogs (NW of Iran), GEOSCIENCES Vol. 25, No. 98, pp. 83-92.


Yazdanpanah H., Khatib MM., Nazari H., Gholami E., (2015). Aanalysis of  trikeslip kinematics in a shear zone with heterogeneous slip rate: case study Lut area, eastern Iran, GEOSCIENCES Vol. 25, No. 97, pp. 279-290.

Baharfirouzi KH., Khakzad A., Nazari H., Emami MH., (2015). The Role of TransTentional structures on emplacement of Auriferous epithermal silica zones in southwest Sabalan, northwest Iran, GEOSCIENCES Vol. 24, No. 96, pp. 129-140.

Taherkhani B., Nazari H., Pourkermani M., Arian M.,(2015).Geometry and recent Kinematics of the North Qazvin Fault: Morphotectonics approach, GEOSCIENCES Vol. 24, No. 95, PP. 29-38.

Rezaie F., Nazari H., Rahmanian S., Shahidi AR., (2015). Geotechnical behavior of Tehran alluvial deposits against possible seismic events, GEOSCIENCES Vol. 24, No. 94, pp. 35-40.

Nazari H., (2015). Analysis and timing synthesise of the probable earthquake in the Tehran region: A review to Paleoseismological studies, GEOSCIENCES Vol. 24, No.

93, pp. 263-273, http://dx.doi.org/10.22071/gsj.2015.43424.

Aslani A., Alimohammadian H., Ghalamghash J., Nazari H., (2015). Microstructural Investigation of southern Alvand Batholith using Anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility (AMS), GEOSCIENCES, Vol.24, No.94, pp. 137-146.

2014 :

Ghahramani Zakaria A., Nazari H., Pourkermani M., (2014). Morphotectonics, Kinematics and Geometry of the Sufian-Shabestar Fault Zone, Azerbaijan (NW Iran), Geosciences, Vol 23, 92 , pp. 155-164, http://dx.doi.org/10.22071/gsj.2012.43694.

Foroutan, M., Nazari, H., Meyer, B., Sébrier, M., Fattahi, M., Le Dortz, K., Ghorashi, M., Hessami, K., Ghassemi, M. R., Talebian, M., (2014). Late Pliestocene-Holocene Paleoseismicity, Temporal Clustering, Probabilities of Future Large (M>7) Earthquake on the Dehshir Fault, Central Iran, Scientific Quarterly Journal, GEOSCIENCES, Vol. 23, No. 90, pp. 75-90. http://dx.doi.org/10.22071/gsj.2014.43958.


Basiri, M., Nazari, H., Foroutan, M., Solaymani Azad, S., Shokri, M. A., Talebian, M., Ghorashi, M., Oveisi , B., Bolourchi M. J., Rashidi A., (2013). Determination of Clustering Pattern of Paleoearthquakes Occurrences on the Golbaf Fault, SE Kerman, GEOSCIENCES, Vol. 22, No. 87, pp. 171-180, http://dx.doi.org/10.22071/gsj.2013.53848 .

Heravi , A., Nazari, H., Shahidi, A., talebian M., (2013). Geometry and Kinematic of the Garmsar fault since Neogene, Geosciences, Vol. 22, N. 87, pp:175-186, http://dx.doi.org/10.22071/gsj.2013.53691.


Djamour Y., Mashhadi Hossainali M., Chavari Y. H., Vaniccek P., Nazari H., Amighpey M., Arabi, S., (2012). Proposing a New Strategy to Make Precise Re-leveling Observations of Iran in Vertical Geodynamical Studies, GEOSCIENCES, Vol. 22, No. 86, pp. 273-279, http://dx.doi.org/10.22071/gsj.2012.54096.

Fathian Baneh, A., Solaymani Azad, S., Nazari, H., Ghorashi, M., and Talebian, M., (2012). New Paleoseismological Results within the Overlap Zone of NW and SE Segments of North Tabriz Fault (NW Iran), Scientific Quarterly Journal, GEOSCIENCES, Vol. 22, No. 86, pp. 3-10, http://dx.doi.org/10.22071/gsj.2012.54048 .

Kaveh Firooz, A., Nazari, H., Arian, M., Shafei, A., Majidi, T., Shokri, M., (2012). Paleoseismologic activity and Subsidence rate on Tehran alluvium deposits in Chitgar section; using paleoseismological data, Geosciences, Vol. 21, N. 84,pp:169-178, http://dx.doi.org/10.22071/gsj.2012.53978.


Majidi Niri, T., Nazari, H., Ghorashi, M., Talebian, M., Kaveh Firooz, A., (2011). First records of 1348 AD Shahr-e-Rey’s historical earthquake on Pishva Fault based on Paleosiesmology researches, South East of Tehran, Geosciences Vol. 21, N. 81, pp:169-178, http://dx.doi.org/10.22071/gsj.2011.54381.

Foroutan M., Nazari H., Meyer B., Sébrier M., Fattahi M., Le Dortz K., Ghorashi M., Hessami Kh., Ghassemi M. R., Talebian M., (2011). Late Pleistocene-Holocene Right- Slip Rate of The Dehshir Fault, Central Iran Plateau, Geosciences, Vol 21, 82, pp. 195-206, http://dx.doi.org/10.22071/gsj.2011.54458.

Nazari, H., Ritz, J.-F., Ghassemi, A., Bahar-Firouzi, K., Salamati, R., Shafei, A., Fonoudi, M., (2011). Paleoearthquakes Determination of Magnitude~6.5 on the North Tehran Fault, Iran, Vol. 13, N. 1, JSEE.


Nazari, H., Ritz, J-F., Walker, R., Salamati, R., Ghasemi, A., Shafei, A., (2010). "Chronology of last earthquake on Firouzkuh Fault using by C14 ", Geosciences, Vol. 19, N. 76, pp. 95-98, http://dx.doi.org/10.22071/gsj.2010.55665.


Nazari, H., Ritz, J-F., Salamati, R, Talebian, M., Ghorashi, M., Ghasemi, A., Ansari, F., Bolurchi, M., Jamali, F., Javadi pur, S., (2009). " Linear structures in south of Tehran (Reys and Kahrizak "faults"): Fault scarps or Geomorphologic phenomenon?!.", Geosciences, Vol. 18, N. 73, http://dx.doi.org/10.22071/gsj.2010.57206.

Nazari H., Ritz J.-F., (2009(. "Kinematic and geometry of the Taleghan active Fault: approach Morphotectonics studies, (Central Alborz, Iran)". Geosciences, Vol. 18, N. 71, pp:173-177, http://dx.doi.org/10.22071/gsj.2010.57011.

Shokri, M., Ghorashi, M., Nazari, H., Salamati, R., Talebian, M., Ritz, J.-F., Mohammad khani, H., Shahpasand zadeh, M., (2009). Preliminary Results of Paleoseismologic Trenching along the Astaneh Fault, Geosiences, Vol , 18,  N. 70, pp: 84-93, http://dx.doi.org/10.22071/gsj.2009.57378.

2008 :

Nazari, H., Ritz, J.-F., (2008). Neotectonics in Central Alborz, Special issue in English, Geosciences, Vol. 17, N. 1, pp: 74-96.


Nazari, H., Ritz, J.-F., Oghbaee, S., (2007). "New insight to paleogeography and Structural evolution of the Alborz in Tethyside.", Geosciences, Vol. 16, N. 64,pp:38-53, http://dx.doi.org/10.22071/gsj.2008.58213.


Nazari, H., (1998). "Structural geology of Qaleh Sorkh-Nowzad fault east of Birjand (Sarbisheh).", Geosciences, Vol. 7, N. 29-30, pp:74-85, GSI.


sOME International Conference:

Fathian A., Koyi H. A., Back S., Nazari H., Shugar D. H., Shokri M.A., Reicherter K. R., (2023). Active tectonics within the southwestern edge of the Fars Arc, SW Iran, AGU23, 11-15 December, San Francisco, US.

Fathian A., Nazari H., Shokri M. A., Talebian M., Ghorashi M., Reicherter K., (2022). Morphological and paleoseismic evidence of surface faulting in the coastal Zagros, southwestern Iran. EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, EGU22-6407.

Fathian Baneh, A., Solaymani Azad, S., Nazari, H., Ghorashi, M., Talebian, M., (2011). Preliminary results of new paleoseismological investigations along the North Tabriz Fault, International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (IUGG) General Assembly, Melbourne, Australia 28 June-7 July, 2011.

Fattahi, M., Walker, R., Bahroudi, A., Dolati, A. Hollingsworth, J., Jackson, J., Khatib, M., Nazari, H., Talebian, M., Thomas, D., Zarrinkoub, M., (2008). "Optically-stimulated Luminescence dating of alluvial fan deposition in eastern Iran: constraints on rates of faulting and palaeo-environment", SGF,6-7 October, Paris.

Fazeli Nashli H., Theodorakopoulou K., Stamoulis K., Athanassas C., Nazari H., Jamshidi Yeganeh S., Nokandeh J., (2022). An updated chronology of Tepe Sialk in Iran, based on OSL and C14 dating, ICAS-EMME 3, 14 to 18 March, Nicosia, Cyprus.

Foroutan M., Meyer B.,  Sébrier M.,  Murray A.,  Shokri M.,  Solaymani Azad Sh.,  Nazari H., Azhandeh  F.,  Sajedi Far A.,  Bassiri M.,(2023). Irregular recurrence of surface-faulting paleoearthquakes along the Gowk fault, southeast Iran, EGU General assembly, 23-28 April.

Le Dortz, K., Meyer, B., Sébrier, M., Braucher, R., Benedetti, L., Siame, L., Bourlès, D., Nazari, H., Fattahi, M., Talebian, M., Forouttan, M., Ghoraishi, M., (2008)."Holocene right-slip rate determined by cosmogenic and OSL dating on the Anar fault, Central Iran", SGF, 6-7 October, Paris.

Meyer, B., Le Dortz, K., Sébrier, M., Nazari, H., Fattahi, M., Talebian, M., Forouttan, M., Ghoraishi, M., Braucher, R., Benedetti, L., Siame, L., Bourlès, D., (2008)."How estimating fault slip-rates in Central and Eastern Iran?" SGF, 6-7 O ctober, Paris.

Nazari H., Ritz, JF., Fathian, A., Fazeli Nashli, H., Vaezi, A., Avagyan, A., (2023). The myth of Lake Saveh, Central Iranian Plateau: a new synthesis of geological, archaeological and historical data, Int. conference on Cities and Urbanization in West
Asia and Egypt
Shapes, Functions, and Ideology, June 05-08, Tsukuba-Japan.

Nazari H., Karami J., Arefipour S., (2023). The Server based unified thematic Geological mapping in cloud computing, approach: Deep Machin Learning, Regional symposium on Geospatial Information Exchange and Research (GIER), March 07-08, Muscat-Oman.

Nazari H., Karami J., Arefipour S., (2022). The Server based unified thematic Geological mapping in cloud computing, AAPG Europe Regional Conference: Revitalizing Old Fields and Energy Transition in Mature Basins , 3 – 4 May 2022, Budapest, Hungary.

Nazari H., (2020). The roles of UNESCO, IGCP and IUGS in realizing the UN sustainable Development Goals, 36th IGC, Delhi-India.

Nazari H., Hajian Barzi, (2019). Probable tsunami in The South Caspian Sea caused by a large Earthquake! AAPG, Sept. Batumi- Georgia.

Nazari H., Ritz JF., (2019), Iranian Plateau in The Late Quaternary; when it was GREEN! POCASP, October 2019, Tehran-Iran.

Nazari H., Ritz JF., (2019). Iranian Plateau in The Late Quaternary; a new synthesis to the Geological data, Archaeological as well as the Historic! November 2019, TRIGGER III, Zanjan-Iran.

Nazari H., Ritz JF., Burg JP., (2019). Recent kinematics and Archaeoseismological analysis along the Khazar fault zone, SE Caspian, Iran, November 2019, SEE 8, Tehran-Iran.

Nazari, H., (2014). Probable Tsunami in the South Caspian Sea by a large earthquake! ISEMG 2014, 24-26 October, Adryaman -Turkey.

Nazari, H., (2014). Timing Analysis of the eventual earthquake in the Tehran region, Iran, ISEMG 2014 24-26 October, Adryaman-Turkey.

Nazari, H., Ghorashi, M., Kaveh Firouz, A., (2013). Probable Tsunami in the south Caspian Sea by a large earthquake! 11th Swiss Geoscience Meeting, Lausanne, 15th – 16th November.

Nazari H., (2012). Paleoseismological analysis in Tehran region, ICTP Earthquake Tectonics and Hazards on the Continents smr 2464, 16-28 Juin 2013, Trieste-Italy.

Nazari, H., Ritz, J.-F., Walker, R., Salamati, R., Rizza, M., Ghassemi, A., Patnaik, R., Alimohammadian, H., Hollingsworth, J., Jalali, A., Shahidi, A., (2011). Palaeoseismic evidence for a medieval earthquake of magnitude ~ 7 in the Firouzkuh (Central Alborz) region of Iran, Sixth International Conference of Seismology and Earthquake Engineering 16-18 May Tehran, Iran.

Nazari, H., Qorashi, M., Ibrohim, A., Shokri, M., Fathian, A., Juroyov, R., and Oveisi, B., (2011). Paleoseismological analysis in north of Dushanbeh, Tajikistan (June 2010). International Symposium on the 2001 Bhuj Earthquake and Advances in Earthquake Science, Gujarat, India, 22-27 January, 2011.

Nazari, H., Ritz, J-F., Walker, R., Alimohammadian, H., Salamati, R., Shahidi, A., Patnaik, R. and M. Talebian, (2009)." Chronology of last earthquake on Firouzkuh Fault using by C14" Geophysical Research Abstracts,Vol. 11, EGU2009-4906, 2009,EGU General Assembly, Vienna.

Nazari, H., Ritz, J.-F., Balescu, S., Lamothe, M., Salamati, R., Talebian, M., Ghorashi, M., Saidi, A., (2008). Paleoseismological analysis of the North Tehran Fault, Iran: Analysing prehistoric ruptures for the past 30.000 ka., 33IGC, 6-8 August Oslo- Norway.

Nazari H., Ritz, J-F., Salamati, R., Balescu, S., Michelot, J.-L., Massault, M., Ghorashi, M., (2008)."Paleoseismological analysis in Tehran region along the North Tehran and Taleghan faults, and the Rey and Kahrizak scarps" ,SGF,6-7 October , Paris .

 Nazari, H., Ritz, J-F., Salamati R., Solaymani S., Balescu S., Michelot J-L., Ghassemi A., Talebian M., Lamothe M., Massault M. and Ghorashi M., (2007). Paleoseismological analysis in Central Alborz, Iran, the 1957 Gobi-Altay Earthquake Commemorating Conference 25 July-08 August 2007, Ulaanbaatar-Mongolia.

Nazari, H., Ritz, J.-F., (2006). New insight to paleogeography and structural evolution of the Alborz in Tethyside. Middle East Basins Evolution, University of Milan, 4-5 Dec. Milan, Italy.

Nazari, H., Ritz, J.F., Ghorashi, M., Abbasi, M., Saidi, A., Shahidi, A.R., Omrani. J., (2003). Analysing Neotectonic in Central Alborz: Prelimenary results. 4th. Internatinal Conferance on Seismology and Earthquake Engineering (See 4), Tehran,Iran.

Ritz, J.-F., Rizza, M., Vernan, Ph., Pyret, M., Nazari, H., Nankali.,H., Djamour, Y., Mahan, SA., Salamati, R.,Tavakoli, F., (2011), Morphotectonics and geodetic evidences for a constant slip-rate along the Tabriz Fault(Iran) during the past 45 kyr, T44A-07 Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco, Calif., 5-9 Dec.,US.

Ritz J-F., Nazari H., Solaymani S., Salamati R., Rizza M., Vernant P., Chery J.(2008)."Analysing the recent tectonic and geodynamical evolution of Central Alborz: a review", SGF,6-7 October , Paris .

Ritz, J.-F. , Nazari, H., Solaymani, R., Salamati, R., Riza, M., Ghorashi, M., Abbassi, M.R., Balescu, S., Michelot, J.-L., Massault, M., Mahan, S., (2008).  Paleoseismological analysis in Tehran region (Central Alborz, Iran). AGU assembly, USA.

Ritz , J.-F., Nazari, H., Soleymani, S.,  Ghassemi, A.,  Salamati, R.,  Shafeii, A.,  Abbassi, M., Tabassi, ,H.,  Feghhi, K.,  Shabanian, E.,  Farbod, Y.,  Chéry, J.,  Vernant, P., Michelot, J.-L.,  Massault, M.,  Balescu, S.,   Lamothe, M., (2004). Morphological and Paleoseismological analysis of recent and active tectonics in Tehran region and Central Alborz. 2nd  Franco-Iranian conference, Grenoble,France.

Ritz, J.-F., Balescu, S., Soleymani, S., Abbassi, M., Nazari, H., Feghhi, K., Shabanian, E., Tabassi, H.,Farbod, Y.,Lamothe, M.,Michelot, J.L., Massault, M., Chery, J. , Vernant, P., (2003). Determining the long-term slip rate along the Mosha Fault,Central Alborz,Iran. 4th. International Conference on Seismology and Earthquake Engineering, (See 4), Tehran,Iran.

Ritz, J.-F., Balescu, S., Soleymani, S., Abbassi, M., Nazari, H., Feghhi, K., Shabanian, E., Tabassi, H., Farbod, Y., Lamothe, M., Michelot, J.-L., Massault, M., Chery, J., Vernant, P., (2003). “Geometry,Kinematics and SlipRate Along the Mosha Active fault,CentralAlborz”. EGU-AGU-EUG Joint Assembly, Nice,France, Abstract EAE03-A-06057.

Rizza, M., Ritz, J.-F., Nazari, H., Hollingsworth, J., Mahan, SA., Salamati, R., Massault M., Foroutan, M., (2011). SLIP RATE AND PAST EARTHQUAKES ALONG THE ASTANEH FAULT (IRAN), T51B-2323 Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco, Calif., 5-9 Dec.,US.

Salamati, R., Rizza M., Ritz, J.-F., Nazari, H., Michelot, J-L., Massault, M., Mahan, S., (2008)."Analysing the paleoseismology along the Astaneh fault, eastern Central Alborz (Iran)", SGF,6-7 October, Paris, France.

Sebrier, M., Foroutan, M., Meyer, B., Nazari, H., Murray, A.,Le Dortz, K.,Shokri, M.,Arnold, M.,Aumaitre, G., Bourles, D.,Keddadouche, K., Solaymani Azad, S.,Boulourch, M., (2014). Paleoseismic versus Paleoclimatic records on the Iranian plateau, Interdisciplinary meeting on climate change and seismic hazards during the Holocene in the Mediterranean, , JULY 7 - 8, Cerege, France.

Solaymani Azad, S., Ritz, J.-F., Abbassi, M.R., Nazari,  H., Balescu, S. , Shabanian, E., Tabassi, H., Fegghi, K., Farbod, Y., Vernant, P., Chery, J., Michelot, J-L. , Massault, M., (2008). "Analysing the kinematics and the paleoseismology along the Mosha fault, and its junction with the North Tehran Fault, Central Alborz (Iran)", SGF, 6-7 October, Paris.

Talebian, M., Tabatabaei, S., Fattahi, M., Beitollahi, A., Ghorashi, M., Nazari, H., Riahi, M., Ghalandarzadeh, A., (2008). "Earthquake hazard and growth of faults around Bam in Eastern Iran", 33IGC, 6-8 August Oslo.

Talebian, M., Jackson J., Fielding E., Funning G., Nazari H., Ghorashi M., Saidi A., Parsons B., Priestley K., Wright T. and Walker R., (2004)." The Bam earthquake: The latest in a series of strike-slip faulting and blind thrusting in eastern Iran". 5th ASC General Assembly, Yerevan, Armenia.

Talebian, M., Nazari, H., Jackson, J., Ghorashi, M., Fielding, E., (2004)." Coseismic surface features associated with the Bam earthquake of 26 Dec 2003 in eastern Iran", EGU, Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 6, 07842.

Published Books:

Vaezi A., Ghassemian Azizi A., Nazari H., (2022). Bioenergy and Hydrogen, GSI, RIES and Khazeh publishers, 220 p., ISBN: 978-622-5858-07-7, (in Persian).

Nazari H., Ghorashi M., (2021). Paleoseismology, Elsevier, Hamrah Elm, Avand Danesh, GSI, RIES, 790 p., ISBN: ‫‫978-622-627109-7, Translated from Paleoseismology, second edition, J. Mc Calpin 2009, (Translated from English to Persian).

Nazari H., (2017). Earthquakes and Coseismic Surface Faulting on the Iranian Plateau, Elsevier, Hamrah Elm, Avand danesh, GSI, 680 p., ISBN: 9786009136292 (Translated from English to Persian).

Shahidi A., Nazari H., Ghaemi F., (2013). Tectonic of Iran (Kopeh Dagh), Research Institute for Earth Sciences, 197 p., ISBN: 978-600-93163-4-2 (in Persian).

Nazari H., Shahidi A., (2012). Tectonic of Iran (Alborz), Research Institute for Earth Sciences, 143 p., ISBN: 978-964-7258-37-1 (in Persian).

Nazari H., (2009). Structural discription and mechanisms of active faults surrounding Kashan city, Scale 1:100,000, Ministry interior, Hazard commity, 64 p., ISBN: 978-964-308-114-0 (in Persian).

Geological maps:

Nazari, H., Karami, J., Arefipour, S., (2021). The Server based unified thematic Geological maps, in west Lut area, (Machin learning and Cloud computing), Scale 1:100000, Research Institute for Earth Sciences (RIES).


Nazari, H., Ghorashi, M., Talebian, M., Fathian Baneh, A., (2013). Seismotectonic map of Iran, NW Block. Scale 1:750,000, Research Institute for Earth Sciences (RIES), Published online.

Talebian, M.,Ghorashi, M., Nazari, H., (2008). Seismotectonic map of the Central Alborz. Scale 1:750000, Tehran, GSI.

Nazari, H., Ritz, J.-F., Talebian, M., Moosavi, A., (2005). Seismotectonic map of the Central Alborz, Scale 1:250000, Tehran, GSI.

Omrani, J., Nazari, H., (2005). Geological map of Sarchah, GSI.

Nazari, H., Omrani, J., Shahidi, A., Salamati, R., Moosavi, A., (2004). Geological map of Anzali, GSI.

Nazari, H., (2001). Structural geology of   Hana. Tehran, GSD-GSI.

Nazari, H., (2001). Structural geology of   Jebal e Barez. Tehran, GSD-GSI.

Nazari, H., (2001). Structural geology of   Sabzevaran. Tehran, GSD-GSI.

Nazari, H., (2001). Structural map of Kashan. Tehran, RNC.

Shahidi, A., Nazari, H., (2001). Geological map of Halab. Tehran, GSI.

Fonodi, M., Nazari, H., (2001). Geological map of   Qojor. Tehran, GSI.

Shahidi, A., Nazari, H., (1999). Geological map of   Dehbid. Tehran, GSI.

Shahidi, A., Nazari, H., (1999). Geological map of   Jian. Tehran, GSI.

Shahidi, A., Nazari, H., (1999). Geological map of   Roum. Tehran, GSI.

Nazari, H., Salamati, R.,Shahidi, A.R., (1999). Geological map of Sarbisheh, GSI.

Nazari, H., Salamati, R., (1998). Geological map of Rudbar, GSI.

Nazari, H., Shahidi,A.R. (1997). Geological map of Harsin, GSI.

Nazari, H., (1996). Tectonostratigraphy map of Harsin sheet, Scale 1: 400,000, GSI.

Invited Speaches

2023 Tsukuba University, Tsukuba- Japan

2019 RPCG, Minsk, Belarus

2015 INGV , Rome-Italy

2014 DMA international group, Paris-France

2014 Association  Iranian Geophysics, Tehran-Iran

2013 ICTP smr 2464 , Triest-Italy

2013 Universit of Tehran,Tehran-Iran

2012-2014 Institute of Geology and geophysic of Beijing, Beijing-China

2012 Geological Survey of Tadjikistan, Dushanbeh-Tadjikistan

2011Oxford University, Oxford-UK

2011-2013 University of Esfahan-Iran

2010 University of Mashad, Mashad-Iran

2009 University of Cambridge, Cambridge-UK

2009 University of Kashan-Iran

2008 NGDIR, Tehran-Iran

2007 Academy of Science , Yerevan-Armenia

2007-2009-2011,2012 IIEES, Tehran-Iran

2007 University of Los Andes, Merida-Venezuela

2007 Ingeomine, caracas-Venezuela

Supervision in  PhD  and Master thesis

Iranian university:


25 co-supervisor

16 Supervisor

Europian Universities:

Aachen University, Germany:

  A. Fathian Baneh 2022

University Pierre Marie curry(UPMC), France:

  K. Le Dortz 2010

  M. Foroutan 2013

University Montpellier II, France:

  M. Rizza 2010

Master II

50  from 2006

Teaching for Phd & Master II

2021-2023  Neotectonics , Kharazmi University.

         2023    Petrofabric, Kharazmi University.

2015-2021   Advanced Structural Geology, Research Institute for Earh Sciences.

2008-2020   Paleoseismology  , Reaserch Institute for Earth Sciences.

2009 -2011  Tectonic of Iran   , Research Institute for Earh Sciences.

2011-2014   Active Tectonic & Paleoseismology, University of Birjand.

2014-2016   Tectonic of the Middel East, Research Institute for Earth Sciences.

Participation in Juries (PhD and Master)

3 in French Universities

1 in German University

≥ 60 in Iranian Universities

International Work Shop and Congress orgonization

2022- Organizer, Opening Ceremony, UNESCO Chair on Coastal Geo-Hazard Analysis, Qeshm Island, Iran.

2015- Co-organizer in workshop on Earthquakes in the Zagros-Makran region: from Mechanics to Mitigation (smr 2712), Tehran-Iran.

2014- Co-organizer in 33th GSI congress and first international congress in Geoscience, Tabriz-Iran.

2012- Co-Organizer in Iran-China field Work Shop in Central Iran-Alborz, Iran.

2009- Organizer in International Symposium and Workshop on Active Tectonic and Paleoseismology, Bam-Iran.

2007- Organizer in Iran-Armenia field work Shop in Alborz-Azerbaijan, Iran.

International Journal Revison



Journal of Asian Earth Sciences (JAES)

Quaternary Science Reviews (JQSR)

GeoArabia, Journal of the Middle East Petroleum Geosciences

International Science Review

Quaternary International

International Collaboration

University of Montpellier/CNRS  (UM), Montpellier-France, Dr Jean Froncois Ritz

University of  Pierre Marie Curie (UPMC), Paris-France, Prof. Bertrand Meyer

University of Cergy pontois, paris-France, Dr Jean Cleaud Geuzu

University of Lyon 1, Lyon-France, Dr Cristian Chatenier

University of Cambridge, Cambridge-UK, Prof. James Jackson

University of Oxford, Oxford-UK, Dr Richard Walker

University of ETH, Zurich-Switzerland, Prof. Jean-Pierre Burg

Academy of Science of Armenia, Yerevan-Armenia, Dr Ara Avagyan

Geological Survey of Tadjikistan, Dushanbeh-Tadjikistan, Dr Azim Ibrohim

Institute of Geology and Geophysics of Beijing, Beijing-China, Prof. Zhu

Tailored manpower Service, DMA international group, Copenhagen-Denmark, Dr Aage Christian Hansen

German Archaeological Institute in Tehran (DAI) Tehran Branch of the Eurasia Department, Dr Judith Thomalski

University of Aachen, Aachen-Germany, Prof. Klaus Reicherter

Some of the International Research Projects

-Iranian supervisor and Head in the Active Tectonics and Paleoseismological studies in Central Iran, 2007-2013.

- Head of Paleoseismology project in Tajikistan, scientific collaboration in Active Tectonic studies between Geological Survey of Iran and Geological Survey of Tajikistan (2010-2011).

- Supervisor and Key Member in the Seismic Hazard map project in Iran (2012-2020).

- Supervisor and Head of the GSCC project "Geo-hazard South Caspian Carpet" (2012-2017).

- Iranian supervisor and Head in the Geodynamic project in Azerbaijan (NW Iran), 2013-2017.

- Head of the project the exploration and analyzing Geothermal energy in the South Caspian region, (2015-2017).

- Designer and executer of the TRICLASS project between GSI/RIES/CNRS and Sorbonne University 2018.

- Designer and co- executer of the PERSTECT project between GSI/RIES/ CNRS and Sorbonne University 2019.

- Coastal Geo-Hazard Analysis (UNITWIN/ UNESCO CHAIR), 2021-2024.

- Member of editorial board in quarterly Journal of Archaeology, University of Tehran (Since 2023.

National Research Project

≥ 70

Social critic and article writer in Iranian newspapers AND SOCIAL MEDIA




tags: Dr. Hamid Nazari ries UNESCO Chair on Coastal Geo-Hazard Analysis UNESCO