Dr.Mehdi Mohammadivizheh
Dr. Mehdi Mohammadi Vizheh
Assistant professor of geophysics
Contact Information
Tell: +98-21-64592331
Fax: +98-21-66070511
Email: mmvizheh@gmail.com
Address: RIES, Azadi sq., Maraj Blvd., Geological Survey of Iran, Tehran, Iran.
Ph.D.: University of Tehran, Institute of Geophysics (2013-2019)
M.Sc.: Shahrood University of Technology, School of Mining, Petroleum and Geophysics (2005-2008)
B.Sc.: University of Kurdistan, Faculty of Science (2000-2005)
Selected Papers
- Mohammadi Vizheh, M., M. Bastani, T. Kalscheuer, B. Oskooi, G. Schwarz, and C. Juhlin, 2023, Constrained 2D inversion of radio-magnetotelluric and controlled-source audio-magnetotelluric data using high-resolution reflection seismic data: An example in groundwater surveying from Heby, Sweden: Geophysics, 88, no. 2, B79-B90. http://dx.doi.org/10.1190/geo2021-0835.1.
- Varfinezhad, R., Parnow, S., Florio, G., Fedi, M., Mohammdi Vizheh, M., 2022, DC resistivity inversion constrained by the magnetic method through sequential inversion, Acta Geophysica, https://doi.org/10.1007/s11600-022-00909-1
- Mohammdi Vizheh, M., Oskooi, B., Bastani, M., Kalscheuer, T., 2020, Using GPR data as constraints in RMT data inversion for water content estimation: a case study in Heby, Sweden, Pure Appl. Geophys. 177, 2903–2929. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00024-019-02391-1.
- Mohammdi Vizheh, M., Oskooi, B., Bastani, M., Kalscheuer, T., 2019, Constrained inversion of RMT data using GPR sections versus joint interpretation of their result in an aquifer investigation, Journal of Research and Applied Geophysics, 5 (2), 253-267. https://doi.org/10.22044/jrag.2018.6877.1188.
- Mohammadi-Vizheh, M., Kamkar Rouhani, A. Gh., 2014, Detection of subsurface installations and analysis of GPR pulse characteristics, Iranian Journal of Geophysics, 7 (4). 117-133. http://www.ijgeophysics.ir/article_39551.html?lang=en