Dr. Morteza Talebian
Dr. Morteza Talebian
Associate Professor, Research Institute for Earth Sciences, Geological Survey of Iran
Research Institute for Earth Sciences Geological Survey of Iran
Tel: (+98-21) 66070518
E-mail: talebian@ries.ac.ir , morteza.talebian@gmail.com
PhD in Seismotectonic, 2000-2003, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK.
Dissertation :Active faulting in the Zagros Mountains of Iran
Post Graduate Diploma in Seismology, 1994- 95, The International Institute of
Seismology and Earthquake Engineering, Tsukuba, Japan.
Dissertation: Earthquake Hazard Analysis in Japan
MSc in Geology (Tectonic), 1990-93, University of Shahid- Beheshti, Tehran, Iran.
Dissertation: Structural evolution of the Zagros fold and thrust belt.
BSc in Geology, 1984-88, University of Kerman, Iran.
Detailed petrographic map of ophiolites around Kerman
Date of birth: 24 AUG 1965
Associate professor, Research Institute for Earth Sciences, Geological Survey of Iran. 2007-present
Director of the Research Institute for Earth Sciences, Geological Survey0f Iran, 2009-2018.
Head of Seismotectonic department, Geological Survey of Iran, 1996-2007
Senior geologist, Geological Survey of Iran,1990-1996.
Senior geologist, Ministry of Industry and Mine, 1989-1990.
Field geologist for mining exploration, Geological Survey of Iran, 1988-1989.
Member of Iranian Building Code advisory committee, 2008-present.
Member of Earthquake and Landslide working group of Tehran province, 2007-present.
Member of Editorial Board, ANAS TRANSACTIONS, Earth Science, 2019 to present.
Study of active faults and earthquake hazard analysis
Preparation of Seismic Hazard Map of Iran, Plan and Budget Organization, 2010-present.
Crustal Structure Study of Iran (Joint project with IGGCAS, China)
- Sun, J., Sheykh, M., Ahmadi, N., Cao, M., Zhang, Z., Tian, S., ha, J., Jian, Z., Windley, B.F. and Talebian, M., 2021. Permanent closure of the Tethyan Seaway in the northwestern Iranian Plateau driven by cyclic sea-level fluctuations in the late Middle Miocene. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 564, p.110172.
- Nankali, H.R., Sobouti, F., Voosoghi, B., Hessami, K., Talebian, M., Walpersdorf, A. and Tavakoli, F., 2020. 3D Mechanical Modeling of the GPS Velocity Field Along the Main Recent Fault and Kazerun Fault (Zagros, Iran). Journal of Seismology and Earthquake Engineering, 10(2), pp.69-80.
- Maheri-Peyrov, M., Ghods, A., Donner, S., Akbarzadeh-Aghdam, M., Sobouti, F., Motaghi, K., Hassanzadeh, M., Mortezanejad, G., Talebian, M. and Chen, L., 2020. Upper crustal structure of NW Iran revealed by regional 3-D Pg velocity tomography. Geophysical Journal International, 222(2), pp.1093-1108.
- Rahmani, M., Motaghi, K., Ghods, A., Sobouti, F., Talebian, M., Ai, Y. and Chen, L., 2019. Deep velocity image of the north Zagros collision zone (Iran) from regional and teleseismic tomography. Geophysical Journal International, 219(3), pp.1729-1740.
- Jamalreyhani, M., Ghods, A., Mottaghi, S.K., Shabanian, E., Talebian, M. and Chen, B., 2019. Basement seismicity in the Lurestan Arc of Zagros. Journal of Geoscience, 29(113), pp.13-24
- Day, C.C., Carolin, S.A., Walker, R.T., Ersek, V., Sloan, R.A., Dee, M.W., Talebian, M. and Henderson, G.M., 2019. Reply to Jaffe et al.: Paleoscience precision in an archeological or historical context. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America.
- Savidge, E., Nissen, E., Nemati, M., Karasözen, E., Hollingsworth, J., Talebian, M., Bergman, E., Ghods, A., Ghorashi, M., Kosari, E. and Rashidi, A., 2019. The December 2017 Hojedk (Iran) earthquake triplet—sequential rupture of shallow reverse faults in a strike-slip restraining bend. Geophysical Journal International, 217(2), pp.909-925.
- Nissen, E., Ghods, E., Karasözen, E., Elliott, J.R., Barnhart , W.D, Bergman, E., Hayes, G., Jamal‐Reyhani, M., Nemati, M., Tan, F., Abdulnaby, W., Benz, H., Shahvar, M., Talebian, M., Chen, L., 2019. The 12 November 2017 M w 7.3 Ezgeleh‐Sarpolzahab (Iran) Earthquake and Active Tectonics of the Lurestan Arc. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth.
- Carolin, S.A., Walker, R.T., Ersek, V., Sloan, R.A., Dee, M.W., Talebian, M. and Henderson, G.M., 2019. Reply to Jaffe et al.: Paleoscience precision in an archeological or historical context. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America.
- Savidge, E., Nissen, E., Nemati, M., Karasözen, E., Hollingsworth, J., Talebian, M., Bergman, E., Ghods, A., Ghorashi, M., Kosari, E. and Rashidi, A., 2019. The December 2017 Hojedk (Iran) earthquake triplet—sequential rupture of shallow reverse faults in a strike-slip restraining bend. Geophysical Journal International, 217(2), pp.909-925.
- Nissen, E., Ghods, E., Karasözen, E., Elliott, J.R., Barnhart , W.D, Bergman, E., Hayes, G., Jamal‐Reyhani, M., Nemati, M., Tan, F., Abdulnaby, W., Benz, H., Shahvar, M., Talebian, M., Chen, L., 2019. The 12 November 2017 M w 7.3 Ezgeleh‐Sarpolzahab (Iran) Earthquake and Active Tectonics of the Lurestan Arc. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth.
- Carolin, Stacy A., Richard T. Walker, Christopher C. Day, Vasile Ersek, R. Alastair Sloan, Michael W. Dee, Morteza Talebian, and Gideon M. Henderson. 2019. Precise timing of abrupt increase in dust activity in the Middle East coincident with 4.2 ka social change. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 116, no. 1: 67-72.
- Faridi, M., Nazari, H., Burg, J.P., Haghipour, N., Talebian, M., Ghorashi, M., Shokri, M.A., Ahmadzadeh, E. and Sahebari, S.S., 2019. Structural Characteristics, Paleoseismology and Slip Rate of the Qoshadagh Fault, Northwest of Iran. Geotectonics, 53(2), pp.280-297.
- Su, Z., Yang, Y.H., Li, Y.S., Xu, X.W., Zhang, J., Zhou, X., Ren, J.J., Wang, E.C., Hu, J.C., Zhang, S.M. and Talebian, M., 2019. Coseismic displacement of the 5 April 2017 Mashhad earthquake (Mw 6.1) in NE Iran through Sentinel-1A TOPS data: New implications for the strain partitioning in the southern Binalud Mountains. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 169, pp.244-256.
- Wan, Bo, Chen Deng, Ali Najafi, Mohammad Reza Hezareh, Morteza Talebian, Leilei Dong, Ling Chen, and Wenjiao Xiao. "Fertilizing porphyry Cu deposits through deep crustal hot zone melting." Gondwana Research 60 (2018): 179-185.
- Deng, Chen, Bo Wan, Leilei Dong, Morteza Talebian, Brian F. Windley, Hooman Dadashzadeh, Behzad Mohammadi, and Behzad Barati. "Miocene porphyry copper deposits in the eastern Tethyan orogenic belt: using Sr, O isotopes and Sr/Y ratios to predict the source of ore-related and ore-barren magmas." Gondwana Research (2018).
- Zhang, Zhiyong, Wenjiao Xiao, Weiqiang Ji, Mahmoud Reza Majidifard, Mahnaz Rezaeian, Morteza Talebian, Dunfeng Xiang et al. "Geochemistry, zircon U-Pb and Hf isotope for granitoids, NW Sanandaj-Sirjan zone, Iran: Implications for Mesozoic-Cenozoic episodic magmatism during Neo-Tethyan lithospheric subduction." Gondwana Research (2018).
- Talebian M., A. C. Copley, M. Fattahi, M. Ghoraishi, J. A. Jackson, H. Nazari, R. A. Sloan, R. T. Walker, Active faulting within a megacity: the geometry and slip rate of the Pardisan thrust in central Tehran, Iran, Geophysical Journal International, 2016.
- Su, Z., Wang, E.C., Hu, J.C., Talebian, M. and Karimzadeh, S., Quantifying the Termination Mechanism Along the North Tabriz-North Mishu Fault Zone of Northwestern Iran via Small Baseline PS-InSAR and GPS Decomposition. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing. DOI:10.1109/JSTARS.2016.2586742, 2016.
- Zhou, Y., Walker, R.T., Hollingsworth, J., Talebian, M., Song, X. and Parsons, B., Coseismic and postseismic displacements from the 1978 Mw 7.3 Tabas-e-Golshan earthquake in eastern Iran. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 452, pp.185-196, 2016.
- Walker, R.T., Khatib, M.M., Bahroudi, A., Rodés, A., Schnabel, C., Fattahi, M., Talebian, M. and Bergman, E.. Co-seismic, geomorphic, and geologic fold growth associated with the 1978 Tabas-e-Golshan earthquake fault in eastern Iran. Geomorphology, 237, pp.98-118, 2015.
- Ao, Songjian, Wenjiao Xiao, Morteza Khalatbari Jafari, Morteza Talebian, Ling Chen, Bo Wan, Weiqiang Ji, and Zhiyong Zhang. "U–Pb zircon ages, field geology and geochemistry of the Kermanshah ophiolite (Iran): From continental rifting at 79 Ma to oceanic core complex at ca. 36 Ma in the southern Neo-Tethys." Gondwana Research 31 (2016): 305-318.
- Fattahi, M., Walker R., Khatib M., Zarrinkoub M., and Talebian M., "Determination of Slip-Rate by Optical Dating of Lake Bed Sediments from the Dasht-E-Bayaz Fault, NE Iran." Geochronometria 42, No.1, 2015.
- Walker, R.T., Khatib, M.M., Bahroudi, A., Rodés, A., Schnabel, C., Fattahi, M., Talebian M. and Bergman, E., Co-seismic, geomorphic, and geologic fold growth associated with the 1978 Tabas-e-Golshan earthquake fault in eastern Iran, Geomorphology , 2015.
- Fattahi, M., Walker, R., Khatib, M.M., Zarrinkoub, M. and Talebian, M., 2015. Determination of slip-rate by optical dating of lake bed sediments from the Dasht-e-Bayaz fault, NE Iran. Geochronometria, 42(1).
- Fattahi, M., Walker R.T., Talebian, M., Sloan, R.A. and Rasheedi, A.. Late Quaternary active faulting and landscape evolution in relation to Gowk Fault in the South Golbaf Basin, S.E. Iran, Geomorphology, 204, 334-343, 2014.
- Copley, A., Faridi, M., Ghorashi, M., Hollingsworth, J., Jackson, J., Nazari, H., Oveisi, B., and Talebian, M..The 2012 August 11 Ahar earthquakes: consequences for tectonics and earthquake hazard in the Turkish–Iranian Plateau, Geophys. J. Int., doi: 10.1093/gji/ggt379, 2014.
- Nemati, M., Hollingworth, J., Zhan, Z., Bolourchi, M., Talebian, M.. Microseismicity and seismotectonics of the South Caspian Lowland, NE Iran, Geophysical J. Int., 193 (3), 1053-1070, 2013.
- Walker, R.T., Khatib, M.M., Bahroudi, A., Rodés, A., Schnabel, C., Fattahi, M., Talebian. M., and Bergman, E., Co-seismic, geomorphic, and geologic fold growth associated with the 1978 Tabas-e-Golshan earthquake fault in eastern Iran, Geomorphology , 2013.
- Walker, R.T., Bergman, E.A., Elliott, J.R., Fielding, E.J., Ghods, A.R., Ghoraishi, M., Jackson, J., Nemati, M., Oveisi, B., Talebian, M. & Walters, R. The 2010-2011 South Rigan (Baluchestan) earthquake sequence and its implications for distributed deformation and earthquake hazard in southeast Iran, Geophysical Journal International, 26 pgs. doi: 10.1093/gji/ggs109 , 2013.
- Nemati, M., Talebian, M., Sadidkhouy, A., Mirzaei, N. and Gheitanchi, M. R., Detailed crustal discontinuities, seismotectonic and seismicity parameters of the east-middle Alborz, Iran, flower structure of subsurface fault geometry, Journal of the Earth & Space Physics. Vol. 38, No. 2, , P. 1-15, 2012.
- Riahi, M. A., Tabatabaei, S. H., Beytollahi, A., Ghalandarzadeh, A., Talebian, M. and Fattahi, M., Seismic refraction and downhole survey for characterization of shallow depth materials of Bam city, southeast of Iran, Journal of the Earth & Space Physics. Vol. 37, No. 4, P. 41-58, 2012.
- Ghods, A., Rezapour, E. Bergman, G. Mortezanejad, and M. Talebian, Relocation of the 2006 Mw 6.1 Silakhour, Iran, Earthquake Sequence: Details of Fault Segmentation on the Main Recent Fault, BSSA, 102, 398-416, 2012.
- Fattahi, M., Aqazadeh, A., Walker, R.T., Talebian, M., Sloan, R.A. and Khatib, M.M., Investigation on the Potential of OSL for Dating Qanat in the Dasht-e Bayaz Region of Northeastern Iran Using the SAR Protocol for Quartz. Journal of Seismology and Earthquake Engineering, 13(2), p.65, 2011.
- Fattahi, M., Walker, R.T., Talebian, M., Sloan, R.A. and Rasheedi, A. The structure and late Quaternary slip rate of the Rafsanjan strike-slip fault, SE Iran. Geosphere, 7: 1159-1174, 2011.
- Allen, M. and Talebian M., Structural variation along the Zagros and the nature of the Dezful Embayment, Geol. Mag. 148 (5–6), 2011, pp. 911–924., Cambridge University Press,doi:10.1017/S0016756811000318, 2011.
- Tabatabaei, S. H., Salamti, A.S., Ghalandarzadeh A., Riahi M.A., Beitollahi A., Talebian M., Preparation of Engineering geological map of Bam using geophysical and geotechnical approach, Journal of Earthquake Engineering , 00:1-19, Doi: 10.1080/13632460903527963, 2010.
- Walker R.T., Talebian M., Saiffori S., Sloan R., Rasheedi A., MacBean N., Ghassemi A.. Active faulting, earthquakes, and restraining bend development near Kerman city in southeastern Iran, Journal of Structural Geology, V. 32, Issue 8, August 2010, P. 1046-1060, 2010.
- Hollingsworth, J. Nazari H., Ritz J-F., Salamati R., Talebian M., Bahrudi A., Walker R., Rizza M., and Jackson J.. Active tectonics of the East Alborz mountains, NE Iran; rupture of the left-lateral Astaneh fault system during the great 856AD Qumis earthquake, Journal of Geophysical Research - Solid Earth., V. 115, B12313, 19 PP., doi:10.1029/2009JB007185, 2010.
- Fattahi, M., Nazari H., M.D. Batemanc, B. Meyere, M. Se´ briere, M. Talebian, K. Le Dortz, M. Foroutan d, F. Ahmadi Givi a, M. Ghorashi. Refining the OSL age of the last earthquake on the Dehshir fault, Central Iran, Quaternary Geochronology, V. 5, P. 286–292, 2010.
- Hollingsworth, J., Fattahi, M., Walker, R., Talebian, M., Bahroudi, A., Bolourchi, M.J., Jackson, J. and Copley, A.. Oroclinal bending, distributed thrust and strike-slip faulting, and the accommodation of Arabia-Eurasia convergence in NE Iran since the Oligocene. Geophysical Journal International, doi:10.1111/j.1365-246X.2010.04591.x. 2010.
- Walker R. T., Talebian M., Sloan R.A. , Rasheedi A., Fattahi M., and Bryant C.. Holocene slip-rate on the Gowk strike-slip fault and implications for the distribution of tectonic strain in eastern Iran, Geophys. J. Int., 181, 221 – 228, 10.1111/j.1365-246X.2010.04538.x, 2010.
- Nazari H., Fattahi M., Meyer B., Sébrier M., Talebian M., Foroutan M., Le Dortz K., Bateman M.D., Ghorashi M. . First evidence for large earthquakes on the Deshir Fault, Central Iran Plateau, Terra Nova, 00, 1-10, 10.1111/j.1365-3121.2009.00892.x, 2009.
- Le Dortz , K. Meyer B., Sébrier M., Nazari ,H.; Braucher, R.; Fattahi, M.;Benedetti, L. ; Forouttan, M.; Siame ,L.; Bourlès, D.; Talebian M.; Bateman,M. D.; and M. Ghoraishi. Holocene right-slip rate determined by cosmogenic and OSL dating on the Anar fault, Central Iran. Geophysical Journal International (GJI Tectonic and Geodynamic), , doi: 10.1111/j.1365-246X.2009.04309.x., 2009.
- Fattahi, M., Nazari, H., Bateman, D., Meyer, B., Se´ brier, M., Talebian, M., Le Dortz K., Foroutan, M., Ahmadi Givi F., and Ghorashi, M.. Refining the OSL age of the Last earthquake on the Deshir Fault, Central Iran, Quaternary Geochronology, doi:10.1016/j.quageo.2009.04.005, 2009.
- Nankali H.R., F. Sobouti, B. Voosoghi, K. Hessami, M. Talebian, A. Walpersdorf and F. Tavakoli, 3D Mechanical Modeling of the GPS Velocity Field Along the Main Recent Fault and Kazerun Fault (Zagros, Iran), Journal of Seismology and Earthquake Engineering, Vol. 10, No. 2, 2008.
- Nissen, E., Ghorashi, M., Jackson, J., Parsons B., and Talebian M., The 2005 Qeshm Island earthquake (Iran)—a link between buried reverse faulting and surface folding in the Zagros Simply Folded Belt?, Geophys. J. Int. , doi: 10.1111/j.1365-246X.2007.03514.x, 2007.
- Fattahi, M., R. Walker, J. Hollingsworth, A. Bahroudi, M. Talebian, S. J. Armitage, and S. Stokes. “Holocene slip-rate on the Sabzevar thrust fault, NE Iran, determined using Optically Stimulated Luminescence (OSL).” Earth and Planetary Science Letters 245: 673-684, 2006.
- Allen, M.B., Blanc, E.J.-P., Walker, R., Jackson, J., Talebian, M., and Ghassemi, M.R., Contrasting styles of convergence in the Arabia-Eurasia collision: why escape tectonics does not occur in Iran, in Dilek, Y., and Pavlides, S., eds., Postcollisional tectonics and magmatism in the Mediterranean region and Asia: Geological Society of America Special Paper 409, p. 579–589, doi: 10.1130/2006.2409(26), 2006.
- Jackson J., Bouchon M., Fielding E., Funning G., Ghorashi M.,Hatzfeld D., Nazari H., Parsons B., Priestley K.,Talebian M., Tatar M., Walker R. and Wright T..Seismotectonic, rupture process, and earthquake-hazard aspects of the 2003 December 26 Bam, Iran, earthquake. Geophys. J . Int., doi: 10.1111/j.1365-246X.2006.03056.x, 2006.
- Parsons B., Wright T., Rowe P., Andrews J., Jackson J., Walker R., Khatib M., and Talebian M. The 1994 Sefidabeh (eastern Iran) earthquakes revisited: new evidence from satellite radar interferometry and carbonate dating about the growth of an active fold above a blind thrust fault, Geophys. J. Int., 164, 202–217, 2006.
- Talebian, M., Bolourchi, M., Copley A., Ghorashi M., Hollingworth J., Jackson J., Nissen E., and Priestley K., The Dahuiyeh (Zarand) earthquake of 22 February 2005 in central Iran: reactivation of an intra-mountain thrust, Geophys. J. Int., 164, 137–148, 2005.
- Fielding E. J., Talebian M., Rosen P. A., Nazari H., Jackson J. A., Ghorashi M., and Walker R., Surface ruptures and building damage of the 2003 Bam, Iran, earthquake mapped by satellite synthetic aperture radar interferometric correlation. Journal of Geophysical Research, Vol. 110, B03302, doi:10.1029/2004JB003299, 2005.
- Walker, T. R., Jackson J., Qorashi, M. and Talebian M., The Jun 2002 Changureh (Avaj) earthquake in Qazvin province, NW Iran: Source parameters, surface deformation and geomorphology, Geophys. J. Int., 160, 707-720, 2005.
- Talebian M., Fielding E. J., Funning G. J., Ghorashi M., Jackson J., Nazari H., Parsons B., Priestley K., Rosen P. R., Walker R. and Wright T. J., The 2003 Bam (Iran) earthquake: rupture of a blind strike-slip Fault, Geophysical Research letter, doi: 10.1029/2004GL020058, 2004.
- Talebian M. and Jackson J.A., A reappraisal of earthquake focal mechanism and active shortening in the Zagros mountains of Iran, Geophys. J. Int., 156, 506-526, 2004.
- Talebian M. and J.A. Jackson, Offset on the main recent fault of NW Iran and implications for the late Cenozoic tectonics of the Arabia-Eurasia collision zone, Geophys. J. Int., 150, 422-439, 2002.
- Berberian M., J.A. Jackson, E.J. Fielding, B.E. Parsons, K. Priestley, M. Qorashi, M. Talebian, R. Walker, T.J. Wright and C. Baker, The 1998 March 14 Fandoqa earthquake (Mw 6.6) in Kerman province, southeast Iran: re-rupture of the 1981 Sirch earthquake fault, triggering of slip on adjacent thrusts and the active tectonics of the Gowk fault zone, Geophys. J. Int., 146, 371-398, 2001.
- Berberian M., J.A. Jackson, M. Qorashi, M. Talebian, M. Khatib, and K. Priestly, The 1994 Sefidabeh earthquakes in eastern Iran: blind thrusting and bedding-plane slip on a growing anticline, and active tectonics of the Sistan suture zone, Geophys. J. Int., 142, 283-299, 2000.
- Berberian M., J.A. Jackson, M. Qorashi, M.M. Khatib, K. Priestley, M. Talebian and M. Ghafuri-Ashtiani, The 1997 May 10 Zirkuh (Qa'enat) earthquake (Mw 7.2): faulting along the Sistan suture zone of eastern Iran. Geophys. J. Int., 136 (3), 671-694, 1999.
- Talebian, M., Seismic Risk Analysis in Japan: Peak ground acceleration and uniform risk response spectra, Rep. of Int. Institute of Seismology and Earthquake Engineering (IISEE-Japan), 31, 59-70, 1995.
Selected international Abstracts:
Chen, L., Wan, B., Talebian, M., Jiang, M., Chu, Y., Ghods, A., Khatib, M.M., Xiao, W. and Zhu, R., 2018, December. Recent research progresses on the deep structure and evolution of the Iranian Plateau. In AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts.
Wu, Z., Chen, L., Talebian, M., Wang, X., Jiang, M., Ai, Y., Khatib, M.M., He, Y., Liang, X. and Zhao, L., 2018, December. Lithospheric Structure Beneath the NE Iranian Plateau Revealed by S-wave Receiver Function Migration. In AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts.
Chen, L., Jiang, M., Talebian, M., Wan, B., Ai, Y., Ghods, A., Sobouti, F., Xiao, W. and Zhu, R., 2017, December. Intracontinental Deformation in the NW Iranian Plateau and Comparisons with the Northern Margin of the Tibetan Plateau. In AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts.
Su, Z., Hu, J.C. and Talebian, M., 2017, December. Coseismic displacement caused by the Mw 6.1 Mashhad earthquake in NE Iran from Sentinel-1A TOPS radar images. In AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts.
Sadeghi-Bagherabadi, A., Sobouti, F., Ghods, A., Chen, L., Talebian, M., Motaghi, K., Jiang, M., He, Y. and Ai, Y., 2017, April. Seismic anisotropy and mantle deformation in western Iran inferred from shear-wave splitting analysis. In EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts (Vol. 19, p. 797).
Zhou, Y., Walker, R., Hollingsworth, J., Song, X., Talebian, M. and Parsons, B., 2016, April. Characteristic slip behaviour of the Tabas fold system in eastern Iran: evidence from the 1978 Mw 7.3 Tabas-e-Golshan earthquake. In EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts (Vol. 18).
Carolin, S., Morgan, J., Peckover, E., Walker, R., Henderson, G., Rowe, P., Andrews, J., Ersek, V., Sloan, A., Talebian, M. and Fattahi, M., 2016, April. Iranian speleothems: Investigating Quaternary climate variability in semi-arid Western Asia. In EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts (Vol. 18).
Jiang, M., Chen, L., Talebian, M., Ghods, A., Ai, Y., Sobouti, F., He, Y., Motaghi, K., Chen, Q.F., Lyv, Y. and Xiao, W., 2016, April. Fine crustal structure in the northwestern Iranian plateau revealed by ambient noise tomography. In EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts (Vol. 18).
Hsieh, H.C., Chung, S.L., Talebian, M., Chen, L., Zarrinkoub, M.H. and Lee, H.Y., 2016, April. Detrital zircon study of the Dezful Embayment in the central Zagros, southern Iran. In EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts (Vol. 18).
Chen, L., Jiang, M., Talebian, M., Ghods, A., Chung, S.L., Ai, Y., Sobouti, F., He, Y., Motaghi, K., Zheng, T. and Faridi, M., 2016, April. New seismic array observation in the Northwestern Iranian Plateau. In EGU general assembly conference abstracts (Vol. 18).
Jiang, M., Chen, L., Ai, Y., Talebian, M., Ghods, A. and Sobouti, F., 2015, December. Crustal structure of the Northwestern Iranian Plateau revealed by ambient noise tomography. In AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts.
Chu, Y., Wan, B., Chen, L. and Talebian, M., 2016, April. Cenozoic intracontinental deformation of the Kopeh Dagh Belt, Northeastern Iran. In EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts (Vol. 18).
Carolin, S., Walker, R.T., Henderson, G.M., Maxfield, L., Ersek, V., Sloan, A., Talebian, M., Fattahi, M. and Nezamdoust, J., 2015, December. Decadal-scale Climate Variability on the Central Iranian Plateau Spanning the So-called 4.2 ka BP Drought Event. In AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts.
Walker, R.T., Fattahi, M., Mousavi, Z., Pathier, E., Sloan, R.A., Talebian, M., Thomas, A.L. and Walpersdorf, A., 2014, December. Late Pleistocene, Holocene, and decadal constancy of slip-rate of the Doruneh strike-slip fault, Iran. In AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts.
Ao, S., Xiao, W., Talebian, M., Khalatbari-Jafari, M., Chen, L., Wan, B., Ji, W. and Zhang, Z., 2014. The Neo-Tethys formed by oceanic detachment fault at late Eocene in Zagros, Iran. 2014, pp.2398-2398.
Su, Z., Hu, J.C., Talebian, M. and Karimzadeh, S., 2014, May. A joint analysis of GPS and PS-InSAR to infer the fault segmentation and interseismic strain accumulation for the North Tabriz fault, NW Iran. In EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts (Vol. 16).
Allen M., Saville, C., Blanc E., Talebian M. and Nissen E., Orogenic plateau growth: Expansion of the Turkish-Iranian plateau across the Zagros Fold-and-Thrust belt, Evolution of the Zagros-Makran Fold Belts, Darius Workshop, Bercelona, Spain, 14-15 May, 2012.
Talebian M., Lessons from recent earthquakes in Iran, “What Works and Does not Work in the Science and Social Science of Earthquake Vulnerability”, Department of Earth Sciences, University of Oxford, 28th and 29th Jan, 2011.
Talebian M., Tabatabaei S., Fattahi M., Active tectonic and slip rate of the Bam earthquake fault, Central Iran, Tectonic Crossroads: Evolving Orogens of Eurasia-Africa-Arabia, 2010.
Ghods A., Rezapour M., Bergman E., Mortezanejad Gh., Talebian M., Fault segmentation and stress trigerring in the 2006/03/31 Silakhor earthquake, Tectonic Crossroads: Evolving Orogens of Eurasia-Africa-Arabia, 2010.
Le Dortz, K., Meyer, B., Sébrier, M., Braucher, R., Benedetti, L., Siame, L., Bourlès, D., Nazari, H., Fattahi, M., Talebian, M., Forouttan, M., Ghoraishi, M.. Holocene right-slip rate determined by Cosmogenic and OSL dating on the Anar fault, Central Iran, SGF,6-7, Paris October 2008.
Meyer, B., Le Dortz, K., Sébrier, M., Nazari, H., Fattahi, M., Talebian, M., Forouttan, M., Ghoraishi, M., Braucher, R., Benedetti, L., Siame, L., Bourlès, D.,"How estimating fault slip-rates in Central and Eastern Iran?" SGF, 6-7 October 2008, Paris.
Fattahi, M., Walker R., Bahroudi A., Dolati A., Hollingsworth J., Jackson J., Khatib M., Nazari H., Talebian M., Thomas D., Zarrinkoub M.. Optically-stimulated Luminescence dating of alluvial fan deposition in eastern Iran: constraints on rates of faulting and palaeo-environment, Paris, Oct 2008.
Talebian, M., Tabatabaei, S.H., Fattahi, M., Ghorashi, M., Nazari, H., Beitollahi, A..Earthquake hazard and growth of faults around Bam in Eastern Iran, 33rd IGC Congress, Oslo, August 6-14, 2008.
Nazari, H., Ritz J-F, Balescu S., Lamothe M., Salamati R., Talebian M., Ghorashi M., Saidi A., Paleoseismological analysis of the North Tehran Fault, Iran: Analysing prehistoric ruptures for the past 30.000 ka, , 33rd IGC Congress, Oslo, August 6-14, 2008.
Nazari, H., Ritz, J-F., Salamati, R., Solaymani, S., Balescu, S., Michelot, J-L., Ghassemi, A., Talebian, M., Lamothe M., and Massault, M., Paleoseismological Analysis in Central Alborz, Iran. 50th anniversary earthquake conference commemorating the 1957 Gobi-Altay earthquake, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia, 25July-8 August, 2007.
Talebian M., Qorashi M., Parsons B., Jackson J., Khatib M., and Walker R.. New evidence from satellite radar interferometry and carbonate dating about the growth of the Sefidabeh blind earthquake fault, 24rd Symposium on Geosciences, Tehran, Iran, 27 Feb- 1 Mar. 2006.
Ghorashi M. and Talebian M.. The Zarand earthquake: reactivation of an intra-mountain reverse fault, Regional conference of geophysics, Azad Univ., Tehran, Iran, 6 Mar. 2006.
Nemati M., Gheitanchi M. R. and Talebian M.. Aftershock pattern of the 2005 Zarand destructive earthquake in Kerman province, South-East Iran. The Sixth General Assembly ASC and Symposium on Earthquake and Tsunami Disaster Preparedness and Mitigation, Bangkok, Thailand, 7-10 Nov 2006.
Active reverse faulting and anticlinal folding in Iran. R.T. Walker, M. Allen, M. Berberian, E. Blanc, E. Fielding, M. Ghorashi, J. Hollingsworth, M.M. Khatib, J. Jackson, B. Parsons, M. Talebian. International Conference on Theory and Application of Fault-Related Folding in Foreland Basins, Beijing, China. 2005.
Fielding E., Funning G., Talebian M., Lundgren P., Li Z., Bürgman R., and Wright T.. Ground deformation in the two years since the 2003 Bam, Iran Advances in SAR Interferometry from ENVISAT and ERS missions (The European Space Agency), Frascati, Italy , 28 November - 2 December 2005.
Walker, R., Allen, M. Ghorashi, M., Jackson, J., Parsons B., Talebian, M.. Earthquakes, faulting and active tectonics in Iran. International Symposium on Active faulting, Hokudan, Japan. 2005.
Talebian, M, Ghorashi M., Nazari H., Jackson J., Fielding E., Funning G.. Surface rupture, source parameters and building damage of the Bam 2003 earthquake constrained by radar interferometry, 23rd Symposium on Geosciences, Tehran, Iran, 14-16 Feb. 2005.
Niasari M.,Qorashi M. and Talebian M.. New insight to the evidence of activity on the Piranshahr fault, 23rd Symposium on Geosciences, Tehran, Iran, 14-16 Feb. 2005.
Talebian, M., Jackson J., Fielding E., Funning G., Nazari H., Ghorashi M., Saidi A., Parsons B., Priestley K., Wright T. and Walker R., The Bam earthquake: The latest in a series of strike-slip faulting and blind thrusting in eastern Iran. 5th ASC General Assembly, Yerevan, Armenia, 2004.
Ghorashi, M., Walker R., Jackson J., Talebian M., Javadian F., The June 2002 Changureh (Avaj) earthquake in NW Iran. 5th ASC General Assembly, Yerevan, Armenia, 2004.
Talebian, M.; Nazari, H.; Jackson, J.; Ghorashi, M.; Fielding, E. Coseismic surface features associated with the Bam earthquake of 26 Dec 2003 in eastern Iran, EGU, Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 6, 07842, 2004
Funning, G J; Parsons, B E; Wright, T J; Fielding, E J; Jackson, J A; Talebian, M.. Source parameters of the 2003 Bam, Iran earthquake from ENVISAT ASAR interferometry, EGU, Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 6, 05265, 2004
Talebian, M., Jackson J. , Fielding E. , Funning G. , Nazari H., Ghorashi M., Saidi A., Parsons B., Priestley K., Wright T. and Walker R., The Bam earthquake: The latest in a series of strike-slip faulting and blind thrusting in eastern Iran, ASC, 5th General Assembly, Erevan, Armenia, 2004.
Walker, R., Bergman, E., Jackson, J., Ghorashi, M. Talebian, M. .The 22 June 2002 Changureh (Avaj) earthquake in Qazvin province, NW Iran: Epicentral re-location, source parameters, surface deformation and geomorphology. AGU fall meeting. 2004
Talebian, M., Jackson J., Fielding E., Funning G., Ghorashi M., Nazari H., Coseismic surface ruptures and surce parameters of the 2003 Bam earthquake. Earthquake research meeting, Univ. of Mashad, 13-14 Dec 2004.
Priestley K., Jackson A., Maggi A., Talebian M. and Walker R., Active tectonics of the Iran Plateau and South Caspian Basin. AGU fall meeting, San Francisco, California, 6-10 Dec, 2002.
Allen, M. B., Inger, S., Blanc, E.J.P. Ghassemi, M., Jackson, J. Talebian, M. Walker R.. Neotectonic Orogeny and Basin Development in Iran. AAPG annual convention. 2001
Talebian M. and Jackson J.A., Offset on the main recent fault of NW Iran and implications for the late Cenozoic tectonics of the Arabia-Eurasia collision zone, AGU fall meeting, San Francisco, California, 10-14 Dec, 2001.
Inger S., Allen M., Blanc E., Hassani H., Talebian M., and Jackson J.. Regional- to reservoir-scale Tectonic Evolution of the Zagros Orogenic Belt, 2001 AAPG Annual Convention, Houston, Texas, March 10-13, 2002.
Mark B. Allen, Simon Inger, Eric J-P. Blanc, Mohammad Ghassemi, James Jackson, Morteza Talebian and Richard Walker, Neotectonic Orogeny and Basin Development in Iran, 2001 AAPG Annual Convention, Denver Colorado, June 3-6, 2001.
Talebian M., The Zagros anticlines: a source for shallow earthquakes, The Ninth Iranian Geophysical Seminar, Tehran, Oct 28-30, 1996.