Dr. Afshin Akbarpour

Dr. Afshin Akbarpour 

Assistant professor, Research Institute for Earth Sciences, Geological Survey of Iran


PROFESSIONAL ADDRESS:                                                         

Research Institute for Earth Sciences

Geological Survey of Iran 

Tel: 00982164592351

Fax: 00982164592237

E-Mail: afshinakbarpour@gmail.com

Address: Research Institute in Earth Sciences 


  • Ph.D. in Economic Geology (1997-2003) Azad University (Tehran Science and Research School).

  • M.Sc. in Economic Geology (1992-1995) Azad University – Tehran north graduate school.

  • B.Sc. in Geology (1988-1992) Isfahan University.

Academic Achievements:

  • Ph.D. thesis with theme exploration geochemistry, alteration, ore genesis in Cu and Au mineralization in Masjeddaghi area (NW Iran).

  • M.Sc. thesis with theme exploration, ore genesis Bauxite in Kurdistan area.


  • Advisor Engineer; the ministry and metal Kurdistan province; 1995-1997

  • Head of exploration department; the ministry and metal Kurdistan province; 1997-2000

  • Advisor Engineer; G.S.I (geochemical exploration department); 2000-2004.

  • Deputy head of GED in G.S.I; 2004-2006.

  • Head of GED; G.S.I); 2006-2014

  • Deputy manager; G.S.I(regional exploration department); 2014-2016

  • Assistant Professor; Research institute in earth sciences); 2016-03-01 until now. 

  • Head of exploration and economic geology group: Research institute in earth sciences) 2019 until now.



Exploration Geochemistry and economic geology

Research Interests:

  •  Exploration geochemistry and isotop geochemistry.

  •  Mineralization in metal mines.

  • Copper porphyry with epithermal veins.

  •  Rare earth elements relation with magnetite mines.

Recent Projects

  • The study and comparison REE in Fe-Apatite deposits in southeast of Zanja city and NE Kurdistan.

  • The study rare earth elements with use geochemical and heavy mineral exploration in east Hajiabad. (Zavieh 1/100000 sheet)

  • The study copper and magnetite mineralization in kashan area. (Darreh rahim village)

  •  The study structural geology in Aliabad chromite mine. (Foroumad 1/1000000 sheet)

  •  The Environmental geochemistry study in Zanjan city.

  •  The Copper mineralization study in Hallab 1/100000 sheet.


  • Akbarpour, A., Rasa, A., Mehrpartou, M., (2007), Gold mineralization with special refer to Masjeddaghi eastern Azarbaijan, in scientific Quarterly Journal GEOCCIENCES, Vol 16 No 62.

  • Akbarpour.A, Rasa, A., Mehrpartou, M., (2007), Alteration haloes on Masjeddaghi eastern Azarbaijan by in scientific Quarterly Journal GEOCCIENCES, Vol 16 No 63.

  • Akbarpour, A., Gholami, N., Saidi, A., (2008), Geochemical exploration and study on combined halos of elements in soil samples of Masjeddaghi jolfa area, scientific Quarterly Journal GEOCCIENCES, Vol 16 No 67.   

  • Azizi, H., Akbarpour, A., (2009), Petrology of Eocene volcanic rocks in the East of Sanandaj, scientific Quarterly Journal GEOCCIENCES, Vol 16 No 74, (national journal)     

  • Azizi. A., Mehrabi, B., Akbarpour, A., (2009), Tertiary magnetite-apatite deposits genesis, southeast of Zanjan, Iran. Resource Geology. Vol 59 pp. 330-341.

  • Azizi, H., Tarverdi, AM., Akbarpour, A., (2010), Extraction of hydrothermal alterations from ASTER SWIR data from east Zanjan, northern Iran, Advances in Space Research, Vol 46, pp.99-109.

  • Akbarpour, A., Gholami, N., Azizi, H., Torab, F.M., (2012), Cluster and R-mode factor analyses on soil geochemical data of Masjed-Daghi exploration area, northwestern Iran and R-mode factor analyses on soil data of Masjed-Daghi exploration area, northwestern Iran, Arabian journal, Published on line:3 June 2012.

  • Farjandi, F., Bastani, H., Akbarpour, A., (2013), Biogeochemistry exploration for searching Cu,Pb and Zn minerakization in Masjeddaghi jolfa (NW Iran), scientific Quarterly Journal GEOCCIENCES. Vol 22, No87, spring 2013

  • Moinevaziri, H., Akbarpour, A., Azizi, H., (2014), Mesozoic magmatism in the northwestern Sanandaj-Sirjan zone as an evidence for active continental margin, Arabian journal, Published on line:24 April 2014.

  • Barati, M., Akbarpour, A., Tale Fazel, E., Talaei, B., Moslehi, M., (2015) The Flourite mineralization with base REE, SE Saqez, Kurdistan, Iran, scientific Quarterly Journal GEOCCIENCES, Vol 20 No 100, summer 2015.

  • Barati,M., Tale Fazel, E.,  Akbarpour, A., Talaei, B., Moslehi, M., (2017) Study of genesis in Qahr-Abad flurite deposit using fluid inclusion, southeast of Saqqez, the Kurdistan province, Journal of Economic Geology (Ferdousi Mashhad university) Vol.9,No.1.

  • Bahrampour, M., Lotfi, M., Akbarpour, A., Bahrampour, M., (2017) Petrogenesis, geochemistry, fluid inclusions and the role of the sub volcanic intrusive in genesis of copper at Chahmora deposit, North of Toroud, Semnan, scientific Quarterly Journal GEOCCIENCES, Vol 26 No 102, winter 2017.

  • Shojaian, I., Akbarpour, A., Baharfirouzi, K., Vanaei, M., (2019) Genesis and evoloution of Iron-Copper mineralization in Dareh Rahim, south of Kashan, Iran,scientific Quarterly Journal GEOCCIENCES ,Vol 29 No 114, winter 2019.

  • Akbarpour, A., (2021) Geochemistry and mineralization magnetite in Mimoun Abad (SW Dehgolan Kurdistan), Quarterly Journal Researches in Earth Sciences, (Shahid Beheshti university) Vol 44, winter 2021(87-108).

  • Akbarpour, A., Moslehi, M., (2021) Geochemistry and mineralization origin of magnetite in Yapal, northwest of Divandareh, Kurdistan province, Quarterly Journal GEOCCIENCES, (in press).

  • Akbarpour, A., Kalatbari, M., (2021) Petrography and geochemistry of Ebrahim-Abad iron ore deposit, northwest Divandere, Kurdistan Province, Quarterly Journal Petrology (Isfahan university), (in press)


  • Short course on use of ore minerals 1999.

  • Short course on ore sampling design 1999.

  • Short course on ore processing 1999.

  • Mineralogy and related software in CZ Republic one month (2002).

  • ICDL1 and two (2005).

  • Short course on BLEG sampling design (2008).

  • The measurement isotope Rb/Sr and Sm/Nd in Nagoya university Japan 3 month (2012)  


  • Intermediate knowledge of English.