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The Natural Geo Crisis webinar held

The Natural Geo Crisis webinar held on June 15, at 11:30 . . In this webinar, Dr. John Lambert, Dr. Peter Wigand, Dr. Ali Mohammadi, and Dr, Razyeh Lak,  spoke in various fields such as subsidence, the effects of global ...

The Decipherment of Linear Elamite Writing

François Desset, Kambiz Tabibzadeh, Matthieu Kervran, Gian Pietro Basello, and Gianni Marchesi  Abstract: Linear Elamite writing was used in southern Iran in the late 3rd/early 2nd millennium BCE (ca. 2300–1880 BCE). First discovered during the French excavations at Susa from 1903 onwards, ...

Scholarship database

Scholarship database Here you can find information on various kinds of DAAD funding for students, graduates and postdocs as well as on funding offered by other selected organisations. link

Bioenergy and Hydrogen a Solution to Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions

By: Dr. Alireza Vaezi Research Institute for Eart Sciences,Geological Survey of Iran Ammar Ghasenian Azizi Energy Expert Dr. Hmid Nazari UNESCO Chairon Coastal Geo-Hazarh Analysis Although the inhabitants of the earth played no part in the occurrence of the previous five global ...

Bioenergy and Hydrogen a Solution to Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions

By: Dr. Alireza Vaezi Research Institute for Eart Sciences,Geological Survey of Iran Ammar Ghasenian Azizi Energy Expert Dr. Hmid Nazari UNESCO Chairon Coastal Geo-Hazarh Analysis Although the inhabitants of the earth played no part in the occurrence of the previous five global ...

Transforming knowledge for just and sustainable futures

Link  UNESCO is convening a 30th anniversary celebration of the UNITWIN/UNESCO Chairs Programme at its headquarters in Paris from 3-4 November 2022. This anniversary conference will celebrate the accomplishments over the last three decades and advance authentic interdisciplinary dialogues and the ...

The series of webinars for the month of November

    Communication Link:   Dear Dr. Ryo Annma In the attached file, the calendar of events related to geological hazards and the activities of the UNESCO chair has been sent. You can specify the webinars and workshops you want to hold according ...


January  2022 Sun. Mon. Tue. Wed. Thu. Fri. Sat. 1 2 3 4 1 New Year's Day 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 111 1122 11233 112344 1123455 11234566 112345677 1123456788 19 200 2011 20122 Martin Luther King Day 3 44 5 66 7 88 29 Astronauts Day 30 31 Notes January 4: seminar/webinar and expert panel entitled:……………………….…..…. February  2022 Sun. Mon. Tue. Wed. Thu. Fri. Sat. 1 12 213 3214 4 5 Wetlands day Cancer Day 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Day of Women and Girls in Science Lincoln's Birthday 13 144 1455 14566 145677 1456788 14567899 Valentine’s Day Human Spirit Day 20 21 22 23 244 2455 24566 Mother Language Day Engineer's Day 7 28 Polar Bear Day 30 31 Notes February 2: seminar/webinar and expert panel ...

Multiple factors make Afghan communities vulnerable to earthquakes

 Multiple factors make Afghan communities vulnerable to earthquakes Link   When a magnitude-6.1 quake struck Afghanistan in June, long-standing vulnerabilities — including a heavily faulted region, traditional adobe-style construction, and lack of enforceable building codes — were again revealed.   By Zakeria Shnizai, Ph.D., ...

The Community updates weekly newsletter introduces the latest community updates published by PreventionWeb on disaster risk reduction, including vacancies, community announcements, events and trainings. In the 08/25/2022 edition:

The Community updates weekly newsletter introduces the latest community updates published by PreventionWeb on disaster risk reduction, including vacancies, community announcements, events and trainings. In the 08/25/2022 edition:      Short Term Consultant (STC) for Knowledge Initiatives By Coalition for Disaster Resilient Infrastructure published on Aug 24, 2022 ...