World Wetlands Day

World Wetlands Day
Coinciding with the World Wetlands Day "February 2", research institute for earth sciences geological survey of iran and the UNESCO Chair on Coastal Geo-Hazard Analysis visited and began applied research in the lagoon area southeast of the Caspian Sea. The aim of this study was to identify the morphotectonic hazards and structure of the Miankaleh Peninsula and its relationship with the Caspian Fault and the correct and incorrect analysis of dredging of Chapaghli and Ashuradeh canals as the most important salvation of Gorgan Bay as well as bottlenecks from west to east. Miankaleh wetland was studied and short cores were prepared. These studies were performed to determine the change in physical, chemical and sedimentological parameters of deposits of the last decade compared to previous decades in order to pathologize the relationship between bird death and geological hazards of sedimentology.
This visit was accompanied by the head of Miankaleh Environment Department, the head of Mazandaran General Directorate of Geology and Exploration and the head of Miankaleh Observatory.
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