Preparation of paleoclimate data base across Iran (PPDI)

Category : Applied projects
Preparation of paleoclimate data base across Iran (PPDI)

Manager: Dr. Razyeh Lak
Researcher: Dr. Zahra Hosseini
Colleagues: Dr. Reza Shahbazi, Dr. Hamid Nazari, Dr. Ghassem Azizi, Eng. Farhad Ansari
 Financial support:  Geohazards  and engineering and environmental Geology department, Geological Survey & Mineral Explorations of Iran (GSI)


In Iran, paleoclimate studies have been started sins 1963 on Zaribar lake cores northwest of Iran and continued today. During 60 years have been produced a few disordered studies across Iran while those are very poor but they represent a vague picture from climate during the Late Pleistocene to Holocene in Iran. This project started to goal arrange, classify, and usable the data that has been produced during the last 60 years. We intent on this work and then reconstruct the Bioclimax and paleoenvironment of Iran during the late Pleistocene to Holocene based on Modeling. We performed the one phase and now we are working on modeling Paleobioclimax. 

tags: paleoclimate Zaribar Dr. Zahra Hosseini Dr. Razyeh Lak