Studying of the formation environment and factor controlling of copper mineralization in the NE Narbaghi, Saveh.

Studying of the formation environment and factor controlling of copper mineralization in the NE Narbaghi, Saveh.

Executor of project: Dr. Seyed Mehran Heidari 

Project Associates: Eng. Sars Safavi 


Northeast Narbaghi deposit is located in the central part of the Urmia-Dokhtar magmatic belt. The main rock units in the deposit, is belong to the Cenozoic period which are mainly of Eocene volcanic-sedimentary rocks and Oligomiocene subvolcanic rocks The two main faults are located in the north and south of the deposit, which control the location of subvolcanic and have a north-west-southeast to west-east trend with a right-slip mechanism. Mineralization in terms of the type of hydrothermal alterations and the development of mineralization is related to the shear and sedimentation of sulfide and copper sulfosalts and its most important alterations include siliceous, argillic, propylitic, tourmaline, sericite, carbonate and siliceous-sulfide alterations that can be clearly traced in the deposit. Its main minerals are pyrite, chalcopyrite, malachite, azurite, sphalerite, tenatite-tetrahedrite in the form of veins, veinlet and dissiminate in the deposit. This mineralization is located in a calc-alkaline volcanic complex and is directly related to faults and fractures. Mineralization in this deposit is formed under average temperature conditions of 187.5 ° C and salinity of 23 to 31% NaCl. The deposit is located in a volcanic environment (volcanic arc) which is a confirmation of its formation at depths and low temperatures. Therefore, the Northeast Narbaghi deposit can be considered in the group of epithermal deposits associated with subvolcanic in the magmatic arc.

tags: mineralization Narbaghi Saveh