Investigation of metal pollution at the North region of the Persian Gulf by stable isotope and geochemistry approach

Executor of project: Dr. Raziye Lak
Project Associates: Dr. Mohsen Maghrebi - Dr. Abdolreza Karbassi - Dr. Rohollah Noori - Dr.Masoud Sadrinasab
Signs of the environmental condition on the planet can be identified from ice cores, ocean sediments, corals, insects, fossils and trees. Ocean Sediments as one of the most promising method, providing the ability to reconstruct the environmental conditions (for example rate of sedimentation or climate ) for millions of years ago. Present research aims at analyzing temporal variation of temperature and also variations in metal concentrations (As, Ba, Cd, Li, Mo, Mg, Mn, Na, Pb, Sr, Zn, Fe, Ca, Al) of two long sediment cores (BandareAbbas sediment core depth 10.09 meter and Bushehr sediment core depth14.79 meter) at Persian Gulf shore back to the Holocene. Determination of bulk elemental concentrations were carried out using the ICP-OES (Perkin Elmer elan 9000) device in Iranian Geological Survey and mineral exploration (for 32 sub samples from Bushehr and 37 sub sample from Bandar Abbas cores). C14 AMS experiment was exclusively done at Poznań Radiocarbon Laboratory (for 9 sub samples from Bushehr and 13 sub samples from Bandar Abbas cores). In addition, sediment oxygen isotope is done at Hatch stable isotope laboratory, Ottawa (for 24 sub samples from Bushehr and 21 sub samples from Bandar Abbas cores) with analytical precision of + 0.1 per mil with Delta XP and a Gas Bench II, instrument. This research output shows that, age of BandareAbbas core back to 9660 and Bushehr core to 15600 years ago. Moreover different pollution index investigation represent that except Ca, the rest of the metal elements do not show pollution. Temperature analysis also show that, maximum increase in temperature was 0.4° C per 100 years in Bushehr and 0.01° C per 100 years in Bandar Abbas sedimentary cores. The minimum temperature reaches to -0.8 ° C per 100 years in Bushehr to -0.02 ° C per 100 years in Bandar Abbas sediment cores. Comparison of ancient temperature obtained in this research with temperatures changes (last 40 years) in the Persian Gulf indicates that recent rate in temperature of sea water changes has been unpercendet.