Investigation of in situ stress using visual diagrams and geological data

Executor of project: Dr. Hamid Nazari
Detection, Quantity and Quality of fracture system is mentionedas a one of the first step in tectonic evaluation, stress analysis Geometry and in fluied imegration as well as hydrocarbor trapping and production.
Acheave these goals in scale of the single hydrocarbor feild is related to pluriel sources as well as direct and indirect Geological well logginsg. In this study by using Geological well logging of 6 hydrocarbors wells Jofeir, Bidzard, Balarud, Norgessi, Mansouri and pronch which trends SE-NW studied in central Zagros.
On based on this study:
The wells: Belarud 1 and nargessi classified in A and the wells to Jofeir 4, peranch2, Bidzard 1 and mansour 4 cllasified in class B, when A Shows high quality regards to B.
So we can conclude that concerning to the results of this research which is well cohesent with other studies maximum average of stress tensor value seems variable from N015 to No 40 with eastward increasing