- The presence of Dr. Hamid Nazari in Xinjiang Institute Of Ecology And Geography, Chinese Academy Of Sciences...
- Workshop The server based integrated geological mapping in Makran area
- 19 th anniversary of the Bam Eartthquake (6.6 Mw), Dec 26 th 2003
- Was held: The ۶۰th anniversary of the ۱۹۶۲ Boin- Zahra earthquke
- SAR Interferometry techniques for the mapping of coastal ground deformation phenomena
- Photogrammetry in coastal environment for Sea level rise quantification in the framwork of the SAVEMEDCOASTS EU project
- The 60th anniversary of the 1962 Boin- Zahra earthquke
- Relative Sea Level Rise scenarios for 2100 along the Mediterranean coasts: new insights from the SAVEMEDCO ASTS -2 EU project
- The series of webinars for the month of November
- Earthquake risk analysis
- Geodiversity Workshop 5 Celebrating the International Geodiversity Day Geodiversity of The Middle East
- The Natural Geo Crisis webinar held
- The Natural Geo- Crisis
- Webinar: Geology of Iran on the occasion of World Earth Day
- Geodynamic and Recent kinematics in south Caspian Basin, Alborz Biennial Kohzad Conference was held
- Water panel, artificial intelligence satellite images
- Specialized meeting: "Past, present and future of the Caspian Sea, future research"
- Land Deformation Monitoring Using Satellite SAR Interferometry
- The first Internatinal Conference on Archaeology and History of the Halilroud Cultural Basin