دکتر مجید پورکرمان
Dr. Majid Pourkerman
Assistant professor, Research Institute for Earth Sciences, Geological Survey of Iran
Contacts Details
Tel: +9866070511
Email: pourkerman@yahoo.com , pourkerman@gis.ir
Address: Research Institute for Earth Sciences, Geological Survey of Iran, Azadi Sq., Meraj-street, Tehran-Iran. Post box: 13185-1494
Postdoctoral research fellow in Coastal Hazards: Makran zone coast vulnerability. The Vice-Presidency for Science, Technology and Knowledge Based Economy Affairs with collaboration INIO-AS (2021-2023), Iran.
PhD in Geomorphology: Geoarchaeological studies of the Persian Gulf ancient harbours. Aix-Marseille University (2017-2020), France.
M.Sc in sedimentology: Study and evaluation of marl lithology erodibility in southern Alborz, Case Study: Sorkhe watershed Marls, Iran Msc Thesis Kharazmi University (2008-2010).
B.S in applied geology: Department of geology, Urmia University (2003-2007).
Research interest
Coastal hazards, Paleo-environment, Geoarchaeology and human environment interaction, Sea-level changes, water front archeological sites risk assessment, climate changes and natural Hazrds, GIS, RS
Work experiences
Assistant professor, Research Institute for Earth Sciences (2024-present).
Researcher assistances, INIO-AS (2012-2017).
Winner of the Shahid Shahriari Award of the National Elite Foundation (2022).
Postdoc scholarship from. The Vice-Presidency for Science, Technology and Knowledge Based Economy Affairs (2021-2023)
PhD full scholarship from Aix-Marseille University (2017-2020).
Lectures and conference directory
Exclusive director. 8 Jun 2022. Iranian National Institute for Oceanography and Atmospheric Sciences (INIO-AS). “Sea and Oceans knowledge workshop (Persian Gulf and Gulf of Oman)”.
Preserving Heritage: Immediate action required to Combat Climate Change and Human impact on the Persian Gulf Coastal Archaeological sites. Coastal heritage vulnerability and risk assessment 20-21 February, 2025. University of Cyprus.
The triple threats: Urbanization, Flooding and Erosion endangering the Persian Gulf coastal archaeology. From vulnerability to valorization: interdisciplinary approaches to coastal heritage conservation in the face of global changes, 31 May 2024. Venice, Italy.
Geological studies of the Persian Gulf and the Mediterranean. 15 Jun 2021. Institute of geography University of Tehran.
Evaluation of natural and anthropogenic impacts on the Siraf archaeology site destruction. Society of Iranian archaeology. 15 February 2021 University of Tehran.
Instruction of ocean sampling equipment. 7-8 May 2018. Iranian National Institute for Oceanography and Atmospheric Sciences (INIO-AS).
Selected papers
- Pourkerman M., et al. The impacts of Persian Gulf water and ocean-atmosphere interactions on tropical cyclone intensification in the Arabian Sea. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 2023, 188, 114553. (Q1, IF: 7.001).
- Marriner, N., Kaniewski, D., Pourkerman, M., et al. Forecasted weakening of Atlantic overturning circulation could amplify future relative sea-level rise in the Mediterranean: A review of climate and ride-gauge data links. Earth-Science Reviews, 2023, 104456. (Q1, IF: 12.413).
- -Kaniewski, D., Marriner, N., Morhange, C., Khater, C., Terral, J.F., Besnard, G., Otto, T., Luce, F., Couillebault, Q., Tsitsou, L. and Pourkerman, M., et al. Climate change threatens olive oil production in the Levant. Nature plants, 2023, 1-9. (Q1, IF: 15.793).
- -Pourkerman M., et al. Socioeconomic impacts of environmental risks in the western Makran zone (Chabahar, Iran). Natural hazards 2022, 1-27. (Q1, IF: 3.518).
- Marriner, N., Kaniewski, D., Garnier, E., Pourkerman, M., et al. Has the Anthropocene affected the frequency and intensity of tropical cyclones? Evidence from Mascarene Islands historical records (southwestern Indian Ocean). Global and Planetary Change, 2022,217, 103933. (Q1, IF: 5.114).
- Marriner, N., Kaniewski, D., Pourkerman, M., & et al. Anthropocene tipping point reverses long-term Holocene cooling of the Mediterranean Sea: A meta-analysis of the basin's Sea Surface Temperature records. Earth-Science Reviews, 2022, 227, 103986. (Q1, IF: 12.413).
- -Kaniewski, D., Marriner, N., Sarti, G., Bertoni, D., Marchesini, M., Rossi, V., Lena, A., Bivolaru, A., Pourkerman, M., et al. Northern Adriatic environmental changes since 500 AD reconstructed at Aquileia (Italy). Quaternary Science Reviews, 2022, 287, 107565. (Q1, IF: 4.456).
- Pourkerman M., et al. Late Holocene relative sea‐level fluctuations and crustal mobility at Bataneh (Najirum) archaeological site, Persian Gulf, Iran. Geoarchaeology an International Journal, 2021, 1-18. (Q1, IF: 1.664).
- Pourkerman M., et al. Geoarchaeology as a tool to understand ancient navigation in the northern Persian Gulf and the harbour history of Siraf. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, 2020, 33, 102539.
- Lahijani, H. A., Beni, A. N., Tudryn, A., Hosseindoust, M., Habibi, P., & Pourkerman M., Unraveling extreme events from deep water cores of the south Caspian Sea. Quaternary International, 2020, 111-119. (Q1, IF: 2.199).
- Alizadeh Ketek Lahijani, H., Amjadi, S., Pourkerman M., et al. Makran continental margin sedimentation during Late Holocene. Canadian Journal of Earth Science, 2019, 56 (6), 629-636. (Q1, IF: 1.643).
- Pourkerman M., et al. Tracking shoreline erosion of “at risk” coastal archaeology: The example of ancient Siraf (Iran, Persian Gulf). Applied Geography, 2018, 101, 45-55. (Q1, IF: 4.732)
- Pourkerman M., et al. Evaluation of metal contamination in the Mand River delta, Persian Gulf. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 2017, 119(2), 261-267. (Q1, IF: 7.001).
- Gerivani H., Beni, A.N., Pourkerman M., et al., Effect of Organic and Carbonate Content on Liquid and Plastic Limits of Seabed Soils in the Northern Persian Gulf. Journal of oceanography (8), 2017, 9-15 [Farsi].
- Beni, A. N., Lahijani, H., Pourkerman M., et al. Caspian Sea-level changes at the end of Little Ice Age and its impacts on the avulsion of the Gorgan River: a multidisciplinary case study from the southeastern flank of the Caspian Sea. Méditerranée, 2014, 145-155.
- Beni, A. N., Lahijani, H., Pourkerman M., et al., Late Holocene Caspian Sea Level Changes and its Impacts on Low Lying Coastal Evolution: a Multidisciplinary Case Study from South Southeastern Flank of the Caspian Sea. The journal of Persian Gulf, 2014, 27-48.
- Pourkerman M., et al., Identification of Effective Chemical Factors on Soil Resistance with Discriminant Analysis to Stepwise Method (Case Study Marls of Sorkheh basin). Iranian Journal of Watershed Management Science and Engineering (16), 2013, 1-23 [Farsi].
- Ghasemzade, F. Moussavi Harami, R. Pourkerman M., et al., The study of pollution and environmental impact of heavy metals and chemical and physical variables associated with the distribution of these elements in continental shelf sediments of the Oman Sea, Chabahar area. Journal of oceanography (3), 2012, 35-37 [Farsi].
- Pourkerman M., et al., Study of physical characteristics effects of marl deposit on various erosional features in Sorkhe basin. Journal of Iranian Association of Engineering Geology (4), 2011, 79-88 [Farsi].
- Pourkerman M., et al. The impacts of Persian Gulf water and ocean-atmosphere interactions on tropical cyclone intensification in the Arabian Sea. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 2023, 188, 114553. (Q1, IF: 7.001).
- Marriner, N., Kaniewski, D., Pourkerman, M., et al. Forecasted weakening of Atlantic overturning circulation could amplify future relative sea-level rise in the Mediterranean: A review of climate and ride-gauge data links. Earth-Science Reviews, 2023, 104456. (Q1, IF: 12.413).
- -Kaniewski, D., Marriner, N., Morhange, C., Khater, C., Terral, J.F., Besnard, G., Otto, T., Luce, F., Couillebault, Q., Tsitsou, L. and Pourkerman, M., et al. Climate change threatens olive oil production in the Levant. Nature plants, 2023, 1-9. (Q1, IF: 15.793).
- -Pourkerman M., et al. Socioeconomic impacts of environmental risks in the western Makran zone (Chabahar, Iran). Natural hazards 2022, 1-27. (Q1, IF: 3.518).
- Marriner, N., Kaniewski, D., Garnier, E., Pourkerman, M., et al. Has the Anthropocene affected the frequency and intensity of tropical cyclones? Evidence from Mascarene Islands historical records (southwestern Indian Ocean). Global and Planetary Change, 2022,217, 103933. (Q1, IF: 5.114).
- Marriner, N., Kaniewski, D., Pourkerman, M., & et al. Anthropocene tipping point reverses long-term Holocene cooling of the Mediterranean Sea: A meta-analysis of the basin's Sea Surface Temperature records. Earth-Science Reviews, 2022, 227, 103986. (Q1, IF: 12.413).
- -Kaniewski, D., Marriner, N., Sarti, G., Bertoni, D., Marchesini, M., Rossi, V., Lena, A., Bivolaru, A., Pourkerman, M., et al. Northern Adriatic environmental changes since 500 AD reconstructed at Aquileia (Italy). Quaternary Science Reviews, 2022, 287, 107565. (Q1, IF: 4.456).
- Pourkerman M., et al. Late Holocene relative sea‐level fluctuations and crustal mobility at Bataneh (Najirum) archaeological site, Persian Gulf, Iran. Geoarchaeology an International Journal, 2021, 1-18. (Q1, IF: 1.664).
- Pourkerman M., et al. Geoarchaeology as a tool to understand ancient navigation in the northern Persian Gulf and the harbour history of Siraf. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, 2020, 33, 102539.
- Lahijani, H. A., Beni, A. N., Tudryn, A., Hosseindoust, M., Habibi, P., & Pourkerman M., Unraveling extreme events from deep water cores of the south Caspian Sea. Quaternary International, 2020, 111-119. (Q1, IF: 2.199).
- Alizadeh Ketek Lahijani, H., Amjadi, S., Pourkerman M., et al. Makran continental margin sedimentation during Late Holocene. Canadian Journal of Earth Science, 2019, 56 (6), 629-636. (Q1, IF: 1.643).
- Pourkerman M., et al. Tracking shoreline erosion of “at risk” coastal archaeology: The example of ancient Siraf (Iran, Persian Gulf). Applied Geography, 2018, 101, 45-55. (Q1, IF: 4.732)
- Pourkerman M., et al. Evaluation of metal contamination in the Mand River delta, Persian Gulf. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 2017, 119(2), 261-267. (Q1, IF: 7.001).
- Gerivani H., Beni, A.N., Pourkerman M., et al., Effect of Organic and Carbonate Content on Liquid and Plastic Limits of Seabed Soils in the Northern Persian Gulf. Journal of oceanography (8), 2017, 9-15 [Farsi].
- Beni, A. N., Lahijani, H., Pourkerman M., et al. Caspian Sea-level changes at the end of Little Ice Age and its impacts on the avulsion of the Gorgan River: a multidisciplinary case study from the southeastern flank of the Caspian Sea. Méditerranée, 2014, 145-155.
- Beni, A. N., Lahijani, H., Pourkerman M., et al., Late Holocene Caspian Sea Level Changes and its Impacts on Low Lying Coastal Evolution: a Multidisciplinary Case Study from South Southeastern Flank of the Caspian Sea. The journal of Persian Gulf, 2014, 27-48.
- Pourkerman M., et al., Identification of Effective Chemical Factors on Soil Resistance with Discriminant Analysis to Stepwise Method (Case Study Marls of Sorkheh basin). Iranian Journal of Watershed Management Science and Engineering (16), 2013, 1-23 [Farsi].
- Ghasemzade, F. Moussavi Harami, R. Pourkerman M., et al., The study of pollution and environmental impact of heavy metals and chemical and physical variables associated with the distribution of these elements in continental shelf sediments of the Oman Sea, Chabahar area. Journal of oceanography (3), 2012, 35-37 [Farsi].
- Pourkerman M., et al., Study of physical characteristics effects of marl deposit on various erosional features in Sorkhe basin. Journal of Iranian Association of Engineering Geology (4), 2011, 79-88 [Farsi].
Research monograph
Pourkerman M., 2021, Makran zone coast vulnerability. Postdoctoral research fellow.
Pourkerman M., 2017, Geoarchaeological studies of the Persian Gulf ancient harbours. PhD thesis Aix-Marseille University. 80 p.
Pourkerman M., 2008 Study and evaluation of marl lithology erodibility in southern Alborz, Case Study: Sorkhe watershed Marls, Iran Msc Thesis Kharazmi University, 190 p.
Presentation in well-established (inter)national meeting upon peer review submission by the scientific committee
- 2nd International Conference on Oceanography for West Asia, 17-19 September 2020, Tehran Iran.
- Pourkerman, M., et al., Impacts of salt tectonic on late Holocene relative sea-level changes in the Persian Gulf.
• Final conference- what kind of environmental transition for the Mediterranean region?, 14-16 October 2019 Marseille, Aix-Marseille University, France.
- Pourkerman, M., et al., Tracking shoreline erosion of “at risk” coastal archaeology (Persian Gulf: Sassanid-Islamic heritage relics in southern east of Bataneh, Iran).
• 2nd international conference on the Persian Gulf Oceanography, 10-13 February 2019, Tehran, Iranian National Institute of Oceanography and Atmospheric Science, Iran,
- Pourkerman, M., et al., Preliminary results of surficial sedimentology of the Persian Gulf in the framework of the PG-GOOS research cruise.
• 4nd annual conference of The Persian Gulf. 29-30 April 2015, Bandar-e Bushehr, University of Persian Gulf, Iran
-Pourkerman, M., et al., The historical shoreline changes monitoring in Banda-e Bushehr: A remote sensing and statistics based approach.
• The first national conference on phytoremediation, 16 February 2012, International Center for Science, High Technology and Environmental Sciences.
-Ghasemzadeh,Z., Pourkerman, M., et al., Evaluation of strontium contamination and its impacts on Sorkhe watershed (Semnan, Iran).
Webinar lecture and director
- Coastal heritage vulnerability and risk assessment 20-21 February, University of Cyprus.
Pourkerman M. Preserving heritage: Immediate action required to combat climate change and human impact on the Persian Gulf.
- From vulnerability to valorization: interdisciplinary approaches to coastal heritage conservation in the face of global changes, 31 May 2024. Venice, Italy.
Pourkerman, M. The triple threats: Urbanization, Flooding and Erosion endangering the Persian Gulf coastal archaeology.
- Exclusive director of Sea and Oceans knowledge workshop. 8 Jun 2022. Iranian National Institute for Oceanography and Atmospheric Sciences (INIO-AS).
- Institute of geography.15 Jun 2021. University of Tehran.
- Pourkerman, M., Marinner N., Geological studies of the Persian Gulf and the Mediterranean.
- Society of Iranian archaeology. 15 February 2021. University of Tehran.
-Pourkerman, M., Evaluation of natural and anthropogenic impacts on the Siraf archaeology site destruction.