مقالات علمی سال ۱۳۹۲
- Javadi, H.; Ghassemi, M.R.; Shahpasandzadeh, M.; Guest, B,; Esterabi Ashtiani, M.; Yassaghi, A.; Kohpeyma, M. (2013). "history of faulting on the Doruneh Fault System: implications for the kinematic changes of the Central Iranian Microlate" Geology, doi: 10.1017/S0016756812000751., P. 1-22.
- Khalatbari Jafari, M.; Babaie, H.A.; Mirzaie, M.(2013). "Geology, petrology and tectonomagmatic evolution of the plutonic crustal rocks of the Sabzevar ophiolite, Ne Iran," Geol.Mag, doi: 10.1017/S0016756812000933. P.1-23.
- Ballato, P.; Stockli,D.; Ghassemi, M.R.; Landgraf, A.; Strecker, M.; Hassanzadeh, J.; Friedrich, A.; Tabatabaei, S. (2013). "Accommodation of transpressional strain in the Arabia – Eurasia collision zone: new constraints from (U-TH)/He thermochronology in the Alborz mountains, north Iran," Tectonics, Vol. 32., doi: 10.1029/2012TC003159., P.1-18.
- Wilmsen, M.; Fürsich, F.T; Majidifard, M.R. (2013). "The shah kuh Foyrmation, a latest Barremian-Early Aptian carbonate platform of Centeral Iran," Elsevier, P. 183-194.
- walker, R.T.; Bergman, E.A.; Elliott, J.R.; Fielding, E.J.; Ghods, A-R.; GHorashi, M.; Jackson, J.; Nazari, H.; Nemati, M.; Oveisi, B.; Talebian, M. (2013). "The 2010-2011 South Rigan (Baluchestan) earthquake sequence and its implications for distributed deformation and earthquake hazard in southeast Iran," Geophysical Journal International, doi: 10.1093/gji/ggt109. P.1-26.
- Walker, R.T.; Khatib, M. M.; Bahroudi, A.; Rodés, A.; Schnabel, C.; Fattahi, M.; Talebian, M.; Bergman, E. (2013). "Co-seismic, geomorphic, and geologic fold growth associated with the 1978 Tabas-e-Golshan earthquake fault in eastern Iran," Geomorphology, P.1-21.
- Allen, M. B.; Saville, E.; Blanc, E, J-P.; Talebian, M.; Nissen, E. (2013). " Orogenic plateu growth: Expansion of the Turkish-Iranian Plateau across the Zagros fold-and-thrust belt," Tectonics, doi:
- Rizza, M.; Vernant, P.; Ritz, J.F.; Peyret, M.; Nankali, H.; Nazari, H.; Djamour, Y.; Salamati, R.; Tavakoli, F.; Chéry, J.; Mahan, S.A.; Masson, F. (2013). "Morphotectonic and geodetic evidence for a constant slip-rate over the last 45 kyr along the Tabriz fault (Iran)," Geophysical Journal International, doi: 10.1093/gji/ggt041. P.1083-1094.
- Khalatbari Jafari, M.; Babaie, H.A.; Gani, M.(2013). "Geochemical evidence for Late Cretaceous marginal arc-to-backarc transition in the Sabzevar ophiolithc extrusive sequence, northeast Iran,"Journal of Asian Earth Sciences. P.209-230.
- Cifelli, F.; Mattei, M.; Rashid, H.; Ghalamghash, J. (2013). "Right-Lateral transpressional tectonics along the boundary between Lut and Tabas blocks (central Iran)," Geophysical Journal International, doi: 10.1093/gji/ggt070. P.1-13.
- Allen, M.; Kheirkhah, M.; Neill, I.; Emami, M. H.; Mcleod, C, L. (2013). "Generation of Arc and Within-plate Chemical Signaures in Collision Zone Magmatisim: Quaternary Lavas from Kurdistan Province, Iran,"Journal of petrology, Vol. 54, doi: 10.1093/petrology/egs090., P.887-911.
- Hosseinyar, GH.R.; Behbahani, R.; Chaychizadeh, S.; Lak, R.; Chakeri, M. (2013). "High – Resolution Seismic Stratigraphy and Current Induced Bed Forms in the Khoran Strait, South of Iran," Journal of Coastal Research, doi: 10.2112/JCOASTRES-D-11-00147.1. P.1-13
- Copley, A.; Faridi,M.; Ghorashi, M.; Hollingsworth, J.; Jackson,J.; Nazari, H.; Oveisi, B.; Talebian, M. (2013). "The 2012 August 11 Ahar earthquackes: consequences for tectonics an earthquake hazard in the Turkish-Iranian Plateau," Geophysical Journal International, doi: 10.1093/gji/ggt379. P.1-7.
- Mahmoudpour, M.; Khamehchiyan, M.; Nikudel, M.; Ghassemi, M.R. (2013). "Characterization of regional land subsidence induced by groundwater withdrawals in Tehran, Iran," JGeope, pp.49-62.
- Safari, H.; Ghassemi, M.R.; Razavi- PAsh, R.; (2013). "Determination and Structural Analysis of the Lahijan Transverse Fault in Forestall Region Of Alborz Mountains, Iran: A Geospatial Application," International Journal of Remote Sensing Applications, Vol.3, doi: 10.14355/ijrsa. 2013.0304.06.
- Rezaeian Langeroudi, S.; Lak, R.; Mahdlou Turkamani, S. (2013). "Investigation of Hydrogeochemical Characteristics and Groundwater Quality of Hoz-e- Soltan Lake, Qom, Iran," Journal of Tethys, Vol. 1, P.189-198.
- Bayati, F.; Lak, R.; Modabberi, S.; Saeedi, M.; Shakiba Azad, A. (2013). "Sedimentary and Environmental Geochemistry of metals in the surface Sediments of the North-West of Persian Gulf (Boushehr Province Area)," Journal of Tethys, Vol. 2, P.9-19.
- Nazari, H.; Ritz, J.F.; Walker, R.t.; Salamati, R.; Rizza, M.; Patnaik, R.; Hollingsworth, J.; Alimohammadian, H.; Jalali, A.; Kaveh Firouz, A.; Shahidi, A. (2014). "Palaeoseismic evidence for a medieval earthquake, and preliminary estimate of late Pleistocene slip-rate, on the Firouzkuh Strike-slip fault in the Central Alborz Region Of Iran," Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, No. 82, P.124-135.
- Fattahi, M.; Walker, R.T.; Talebian, M.; Sloan, P.A.; Rasheedi, A. (2014). " Late Quaternary active faulting and landscape evoulution in relation to the Gowk Fault in the South Golbaf Basin, S.E. Iran," Geomorphology, No. 204. P. 334-343.