دکتر احسان جلیلوند

 Dr. Ehsan Jalilvand

Assistant professor, Research Institute for Earth Science (RIES)

Geological Survey of Iran (GSI)



Google Scholar

personal website: https://www.ehsanjalilvand.ir

  1. Education

Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran

Ph.D. in Civil Engineering - Water Resources Engineering (2013-2019)

M.Sc. in Civil Engineering - Water Resources Engineering (2010-2012)

     University of Qom, Qom, Iran

B.Sc. in Civil Engineering, (2005-2010)

  1. Appointments

  • Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Biosystem and Agricultural Engineering Department, Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan, United States (2021-2022)
  • Assistant Professor, Geological Survey of Iran, Research Institute for Earth Science (RIES), Tehran, Iran (2021- present)
  • Adjunct Lecturer, Amirkabir University of Technology, Civil and Environmental Engineering Faculty, Tehran, Iran (2020 –present), Teaching Remote Sensing of Environment to graduate Water Resources and Environmental engineering students
  • Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Environmental and Water Resources Research Center (EWRC), Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran (2019-2020)
  • Adjunct Lecturer, Sharif University of Technology, Civil Engineering Faculty (Tehran International Campus), Tehran, Iran (2019), Teaching Engineering Hydrology for undergraduate civil engineering students
  • Research Assistant, Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran (2013-2019)

Ph.D. researcher, Dissertation: "Estimation of total water enter into Soil (rainfall + irrigation) from satellite soil moisture data" (Advisor: Professor Tajrishy, Co-advisor: Dr. Luca Brocca)

  • Visiting Researcher, Italian National research council, hydrology research group (CNR-IRPI), Perugia, Italy (December 2016 – May 2017), Supervisors: Dr. Luca Brocca, Dr. Christian Massari
  • Executive Vice-President and Co-Founder, Sepehr-Door-Kav Consulting Engineers, Tehran, Iran (2015-2019)

The company is mainly engaged in interdisciplinary projects involving the application of remote sensing in water resources management and environmental monitoring

  • Research Scientist, Remote Sensing Research Center (RSRC), Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran (2014-2017).
  • Research Scientist, Water Research Institute (2014-2016).

Responsible for validation of different satellite soil moisture product (AMSR2, ASCAT, SMOS, and SMAP) in Iran and applying downscaling methods (e.g., DisPATCh and UCLA) to them as a part of the national satellite-based monitoring of Iran's watershed project

  • Research Assistant, Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran (2010-2012), M.Sc. researcher, Dissertation: "Experimental study of pressure fluctuation in two-phase slug flow in a tunnel with an expansion transition," (Advisor: Professor Borghei)
  1. Relevant Publications


  • Jalilvand, E., Abolafia-Rosenzweig, R., Tajrishy, M. and Das, N. N., 2021 Evaluation of SMAP/Sentinel 1 High-Resolution Soil Moisture Data to Detect Irrigation Over Agricultural Domain. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, vol. 14, pp. 10733-10747, 2021, doi: 10.1109/JSTARS.2021.3119228.
  • Rabiei, S., Jalilvand, E., Tajrishy, M., 2022, A Method to Estimate Surface Soil Moisture and Map the Irrigated Cropland Area Using Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 Data. Sustainability. 2021; 13(20):11355. https://doi.org/10.3390/su132011355
  • Ghazi Zadeh Hashemi, M.S., Tajrishy, M. & Jalilvand, E., 2020. The Impact of Pavement Permeability on Time of Concentration in a Small Urban Watershed with a Semi-Arid Climate. Water Resour Manage. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11269-020-02596-3
  • Jalilvand, E., Tajrishy, M., Ghazi Zadeh Hashemi, S.A., Brocca, L., 2019. Quantification of irrigation water using remote sensing of soil moisture in a semi-arid region. Remote Sensing of Environment. 231, 111226. doi:10.1016/j.rse.2019.111226
  • Jalilvand, E., Tajrishy, M., Brocca, L., Massari, C., Hashemi, S.G.Z., Ciabatta, L., 2018. "Estimating the drainage rate from surface soil moisture drydowns: application of DfD model to in situ soil moisture data". Journal of Hydrology. doi:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jhydrol.2018.08.035

In Preparation

  • Jalilvand, E., Abolafia-Rosenweig, R., Das, N.N., Kumar, S.V., Livneh, B., , Tajrishy, M. 2021, Assimilating high resolution SMAP-Sentinel 1 soil moisture data to estimate irrigation water use, (to be submitted to Water Resources Research)
  • Jalilvand, E., Kermanshah, A.H., Sotoodian, S., Asghar Poor, S., Mohammadi, M.R. and Poorzahedi, H. 2021, Iran climate change hotspots in the CMIP5 global climate
    model ensemble,
    (to be submitted to climatic change)


  • Jalilvand, E., Abolafia-Rosenzweig, R., Tajrishy, M. and Das, N.N, Assimilating SMAP-Sentinel1 High-Resolution Soil Moisture Data in Numerical Modeling to Quantify the Irrigation Water Use, in: American Geophysical Union Abstracts. pp. AGU2021, H31F-05 (oral presntation)
  • Jalilvand, E., Tajrishy, M., Brocca, L., Massari, C., Hashmi, S.G.Z., 2018. Estimating drainage rate using satellite soil moisture drydowns, in: Geophysical Research Abstracts. pp. EGU2018-692. doi:10.1002/hyp.9766 (Oral presentation)
  • Ghazi Zadeh Hashemi, S., Brocca, L., Jalilvand, E., and Tajrishy, M., 2018 "Estimation of Irrigation Water Using Satellite Soil Moisture Data in a Semi-Arid Area", in: Geophysical Research Abstracts. pp. EGU2018-706.
  • Jalilvand, E., Brocca, L., Massari, C., Ghazi Zadeh Hashemi, S.S., Ciabatta, L., and Tajrishy, M., 2017 "Toward creating a global map of drainage rate using satellite soil moisture data as the only input", in: Geophysical Research Abstracts. pp. EGU2017- 14156. (Poster presentation)
  • Feridooni, M., Jalilvand, E.,  Brocca, L., Massari, C, Tajrishy, M., "Using satellite soil moisture data to estimate rainfall in Urmia lake basin; Assessment of SM2RAIN Model performance",  10th National Congress on Civil Engineering, Sharif University of Technology, Iran, April 2017 (in Persian)
  • Fazel, F., Saravani, S., Jalilvand, E., Sima, S., Tajrishy, M., " Estimating the rate of evaporation from Lake Urmia in the year 1995 with highest water level records using satellite and gauge data", 10th International Congress on Civil Engineering, Tabriz, Iran, May 2015 (in Persian)
  • Jalilvand, E., Mahmoudi, A., Hashemi, S.S., Daneshkar Arasteh, P., "Evaluating the Efficiency of Apparent Thermal Inertia Method in Estimation of Surface Soil Moisture Using MODIS LST and Albedo Products (Case Study: North East of Iran)," 10th International Congress on Civil Engineering, Tabriz, Iran, May 2014 (in Persian)
  1. Teaching Experiences

Scientific Talk, University of Tehran





Quantification of the Irrigation Water use, using Satellite soil moisture data, is it Feasible? (Video Link)



Research institute for earth Science





Satellite image processing with Matlab (Online course)




Google Earth Engine Quick Start (Online Course)



Amir Kabir University of Technology





Application of remote sensing in hydrology and environmental monitoring (graduate course)




Application of remote sensing in hydrology and environmental monitoring (graduate course)



Sharif University of Technology (international campus)





Engineering Hydrology (under-grad course)



Sharif University of Technology





GIS and RS application in Hydrology




GIS and RS application in Hydrology




Wastewater Engineering




Environmental Geotechnics



  1. Leadership
  • Supervising Four M.Sc.Theses during my Ph.D. and post-doc as follow:
    • Assimilating SMAP 9km soil moisture product with the VIC model to improve the estimates of soil moisture and run-off simulation, case study: Urmia Lake Basin (2019-now)
    • Downscaling microwave satellite soil moisture data using optical and radar imagery from sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 (2018-2020)
    • Estimating the evaporation rate from bare soil and rangelands adopting a physically based energy balance model and satellite data (2016-2018), co-supervised with Dr. Erfan Haghighi (Scientist, Swiss Federal Institute of Aquatic Science and Technology)
    • Evaluation of SM2RAIN method in determining rainfall from satellite soil moisture data, the case study of Urmia lake basin, co-supervised with Dr. Luca Brocca (Director of Research at the research institute for geo-Hydrological protection CNR-IRPI, Italy) (2014-2016)
  • Project manager and team leader for designing and developing national dust monitoring system, the first satellite-based dust monitoring system, (2017)
  • Project manager and Responsible for designing the Iranian National wetland database at Sepehr Door Kav (SDK) consulting engineering in a contract with Iran's environmental protection organization which contribute to the Iranian Wetlands conservation Project powered by UNDP and GEF (additional information regarding UNDP project) - Spring and Summer 2016
  • Project manager and Responsible for coordinating and implementing of several research projects at RSRC including:
    • Terrestrial water storage variation in Urmia lake basin using MODIS, GRACE and gauge data (2015)
    • The impact of lake shorelines retreat on surface energy balance (2013-2014)
    • Determination of the lake evaporation rate using SEBAL and number of empirical methods (2014-2015)
  • Project Manager and Responsible for coordinating the technical aspect of the Lake Zarivar Restoration Project, supervising a group of 8 engineers across various disciplines (2014).

  1. Honors and Awards

  • The only admitted Ph.D. student in Water resources PhD program at Civil Engineering faculty, Sharif university of technology, fall 2013
  • Co-founder of an environmental remote sensing startup company that produced the first national satellite dust monitoring system and first National online Wetlands geodatabase (Web-GIS) for the department of environmental protection.

  1. Editing and Reviewing


  • Journal of Advances in Water Resources (ADWR- Elsevier)
  • Journal of Hydrology
  • Water Resources Research (WRR)
  • Remote Sensing Applications: Society and Environment
  • Precision Agriculture
  • Hydrology and Earth System Sciences (HESS)

  1. Language skills

  • Persian: mother tongue
  • English: Fluent
  • Italian: Basic

  1. Computer Skills



GIS and RS software/platform


QGIS, Google Earth Engine

LSMs/Hydrological Models

VIC, Hec HMS, Hec RAS,

 Hec Geo HMS, Hec Geo RAS


Matlab, Python, JavaScript, Perl

Data Processing

Processing data in a variety of formats (GRIB, HDF, Net-CDF, ASCII, GeoTiff)

Machine Learning libraries



MS Office, AutoCAD, Photoshop, MS project

کلیدواژه‌ها: دکتر احسان جلیلوند