دکتر حمید نظری رئیس هیئت کرسی یونسکو در مخاطرات زمین شناختی سواحل ساحلی، پژوهشکده علوم زمین، سازمان زمین شناسی، ایران، ایران

Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,
This is Hamid Nazari who speaks, UNESCO Chairholder on Coastal Geo-Hazard Analysis from Iran.
For answer on the proposed question:
What has been your most important contribution to the UNITWIN/UNESCO Chairs Programme?
Regarding to one- year activity of the UNESCO Chair on Coastal Geo-Hazard Analysis, it can be summarized as follow:
First of all, the UNESCO Chair on CGHA with the aim of global convergence, equality, outside of gender and beliefs segregation, which seeks transparency and access to unlimited information, it managed well to conclude many MOUs and agreements with medias, universities, Research institutions, NGOs, knowledge-based companies and the private sector in design and education by using an extensive international network of students, researchers and scientists.
As the fifth generation of universities, the CGHA UNESCO Chair has largely succeeded in global scientific cooperation with the benefit of an international scientific council. This interdisciplinary scientific synergy in international scale has led to implementation of several scientific co-projects in the form of Ph.D thesis as well as joint international research.
Thanks for your attention, have a nice continuation
Hamid Nazari
04 October 2022
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